Everyone's reactions naturally fell into Maitreya's eyes clearly, and the smiles on his face immediately became brighter. The people's defense against him was an affirmation of his strength and a compliment from the side. Among the people present, his strength is the highest, and the extent of his surpassing is enough for him to subdue everyone with his own strength. This feeling of controlling everything from above makes him enjoy it very much!

But even though it was a secret smile, he would never show mercy. The round face that always smiled slowly swept across his eyes, and even the monster soldiers from Hanging Mountain and Jilei Mountain were within his calculations. It's just that even such people may not be enough for his race!

Just when Maitreya was about to pull the rope on the human race bag, there was a sharp piercing sound in the void, as if something extremely sharp was piercing through the void and Come!

How could such a huge movement not attract everyone's attention, especially Maitreya who was about to make a move. As the person with the highest cultivation level present, his aura stimulated him the most powerfully, that sharp aura coming from the sky , even if it hasn't touched him yet, the sharp power on it still makes him feel cold all over!

hide!Can't be hardwired!At this moment, Maitreya only had this thought in his mind, because he hesitated at the moment, and immediately flew back in a hurry.

And while retreating after taking off, a black shadow like a wheel, in the rotation, with a sharp breath and a sharp and piercing howling sound when it scratched the space, quickly moved from the place where Maitreya was standing. across!

He narrowly escaped, but at such a sudden, even Maitreya couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat, but after seeing the black shadow roaring past in front of him, there was a strange and sudden reversal. Flew back!

Looking in the direction of the black shadow, everyone realized that at some point, there were two more figures, and the one on the left was a mountain-like man, thick and strong, but taller than the Bull Demon King With one head out, the naked upper body is densely covered with muscular muscles like the roots of a horned dragon!

And beside him stood a petite girl, who was already petite, but now stood beside the tower-like man, but she looked even smaller, holding a short white jade stick in her hand, a pair of The big smart eyes are now looking around curiously!

However, seeing the black shadow flying back quickly, it finally fell into the hands of the giant man. Only then did everyone see clearly that the black shadow turned out to be an ax as huge as a wheel. However, it can be easily seen from Cai Cai's voice just now that this thing is absolutely unusually heavy and extremely sharp!

"Brother Wu Gang, why are you here!" Just when everyone was wondering who the two of them were, Lin Sen shouted in astonishment, and the shouting in this life naturally made everyone understand immediately. who is the person.

But Wu Gang laughed loudly and said, "Eldest sister is afraid that something will happen to you, let us take a look. We should have arrived early, but we haven't been walking in the wild for a long time, and I don't know the way, but it happened to be on the way to help you first." Solved two!" Wu Gang laughed like this and stretched out his claws from the void, grabbed the two figures from the void, and threw them towards Maitreya!

At the same time, he laughed loudly and said, "Fat monk, these two people should be from the west, you dare to disrespect my Guanghan Palace, I have already cleaned them up for you!"

However, the two figures thrown by Wu Gang made Maitreya's complexion suddenly turn cold.

But I saw those two, a man and a woman, both dressed in monk's clothes, the Buddha's light behind their heads was shining like a great sun, and their bodies were covered with rays of light, as clear as moonlight. , I am afraid that the cultivation base of the whole body will definitely not be lower than that of Guanshiyin and others!

"With such little strength, he dares to be named as the sun and the moon. I really don't know how he has survived until now!" Although Maitreya and the Buddhist disciples looked dark when they saw this, Wu Gang didn't care at all. Said, but it is a posture that does not see everyone in the eyes at all!

But this sentence made everyone understand who these two Bodhisattvas who were covered in injuries and languid on the ground were extraordinary!

But it was the Sunlight Bodhisattva who talked about these two Bodhisattvas to the Moonlight Bodhisattva, but he wanted to talk about the Buddhist system, which is the Buddha of the third time horizontally and vertically. The so-called three Buddhas horizontally are the Eastern Medicine Buddha, the central Shakyamuni Buddha, The Western Amitabha, and the vertical three Buddhas are the ancient lamp-burning Buddha in the past, the current Sakyamuni Buddha, and the future Maitreya Buddha!

But these two Bodhisattvas, the sun and the moon, are the serving Bodhisattvas beside the Oriental Medicine Master Buddha, and they are also the chief Bodhisattvas in the Oriental Medicine Master Liuli Buddha Kingdom. Avalokitesvara, the general trend is coming!

With such a status, his strength is self-evident. Presumably, he was also sent to this Hanging Mountain to help him punch, but he didn't expect to meet the evil star Wu Gang on the way!

Wu Gang and Yutu are both influenced by Chang'e every day, so they are naturally unscrupulous and lawless people. Since they bumped into each other, how could they be soft-handed, and naturally they took them down neatly. It's over here!

Seeing Wu Gang coming to help, Lin Sen immediately smiled to himself. Now that he lacks high-end strength, no one can resist Maitreya. Now Wu Gang is here, not to mention that his strength is comparable to Maitreya. How, as long as Maitreya is held back, Lin Sen and the others will have enough time to take down the rest!

When the time comes, once the trend of decadence appears, I'm not afraid that this Buddhist sect will not stop and go back to the mountain!

Seeing the two bodhisattvas limp in front of him, even Maitreya, who is known as the one who always smiles, couldn't help showing a trace of anger on his face, and then a flash of Buddha's light was hurriedly waved out in his hand, and the soft golden brilliance slowly spread in front of him. The two bodhisattvas sprinkled it!

After being healed by Maitreya, the two bodhisattvas who were limp on the ground woke up faintly, and Maitreya who was waiting to see in front of him suddenly had a frightened look in his eyes, and hurriedly lowered his head. He shouted "Buddha..." He wanted to say something in panic, but he couldn't say anything due to his injuries!

"Stop talking!! I already know!!" Maitreya's comforting voice was gentle, and at the same time, streams of Buddha's light shone on the two Bodhisattvas, but the injuries of these two were too severe. Seriously, I can't get excited now! (To be continued.)

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