Maitreya sprinkled the Buddha's light one after another, and the two Bodhisattvas calmed down, and then sat cross-legged with the Buddha seal in their hands, and the chaotic breath on their bodies slowly stabilized!

Seeing Maitreya's smiling face, this was the one with a cold light. He looked at Wu Gang and said with a sneer, "I need an explanation from Wu Gang's benefactor for hurting my disciples today!" In response to the challenge, a golden bergamot slammed at Wu Gang.

Since Wu Gang dared to fight, he was naturally not afraid of other people's revenge. Not only was he not afraid, but his face was filled with excited and impatient smiles.

But think about it, the Wu Gang is warlike. Although Wu Gang is only a human witch, he has perfectly inherited the warlike factor of the Wu Clan. However, in the Guanghan Palace, there have been only a few people for thousands of years. Chang'e hit?But he didn't have the guts to seek death!

But Yu Yutu is not at the same level at all. Now that he has finally come out, and there is such a good opponent as Maitreya, how can Wu Gang not be excited? The back of the ax was stretching out its hand, and shouted excitedly, "Good time..."

With a loud shout, he threw his fist at the bergamot, but he was a leftist of the witch clan, and he resisted Maitreya's blow with pure force!

The confrontation between the two of them undoubtedly sounded the horns to start the confrontation. Guanshiyin, who had been ridiculed just now, was already on fire, and immediately scolded the Tu Shan clan, "Fox family!" Tu Shan, dare to fight!!!"

"How could I be afraid of you?" Since everyone else has already invited the battle, how could this Tu Shan family be afraid? The veil dancing around him is slowly changing, and the pieces of white in the haze are as light as the moonlight Yarn, like countless tails, flew all over the sky to hit Avalokitesvara!

And that Avalokitesvara naturally made preparations in advance, the whole body was radiant, and the boundless Buddha light was born behind his head. Among them, countless figures of different shapes and different men and women were looming in it. Although they had different faces, their expressions were all solemn and solemn But thousands of mouths chanted "Amitabha..."

And following the sound of the Buddha's name, golden light rose from the countless dharmakayas, gathering the Buddha's light of Avalokitesvara itself, and condensed into a phantom of a golden Buddha statue in the sky above it, with ears reaching shoulders and a peaceful complexion, but it was Avalokitesvara's appearance.

"Zhen..." Following Guanshiyin's yelling, the golden Buddha statue suddenly opened its eyes, and the ten thousand-character handprint that was originally standing in front of it slowly opened, covering the sky and covering the sky with the flying Buddha statue. The gauze, as well as the Tu Shan clan surrounded by the gauze, are all shrouded in it!

Seeing that the two of them had already started, Puxian also smiled at the moment, and then looked at Lin Sen and said, "I don't know who gave the advice?" Although his face was kind, but with detached self-confidence, the other party The only Wu Gang who can put pressure on him has been resisted by Maitreya, and the slightly troublesome ones have been picked up by Guanyin.

"I'll meet you!!" Elder Liu immediately shouted loudly, but the short figure appeared beside Pu Xian like a flickering figure, and the man in his hand was as tall as two generations. The wooden stick, the first one is to hit that Puxian.

It's just that although the blow was very powerful, not to mention the current Lin Sen, even the Bull Demon King and the Wansheng Dragon King may not be able to match it, but Puxian just smiled slightly, even the white elephant did not come down, and the Buddha in the back of his head In the dizziness, a piece of golden Buddha's light suddenly rose, but it was like a Qingyun, about half an acre in size, although it was a vain thing, it blocked the attack of Liu Lao!

Samantabhadra and the others were originally pure and profound in Taoism. Even if they specialize in Buddhism, they all follow the path of unity of Buddhism and Taoism. Therefore, they are a little more Taoist than ordinary Buddhist disciples. The breath of the Dharma naturally made the power of the Dharma in his hands even more thick for no reason!

"The tone is not small, but the strength is mediocre!" Seeing that the attack was so easily blocked, Pu Xian immediately sneered, although the strength is good, but compared to his own, it is still far behind!

It's just that his voice just fell, but he saw that in the void, where Puxian was unprepared, a rattan weaving suddenly grew and whipped him away!

It's just that Puxian is profound in Buddhism after all, even if something happened suddenly, he would suddenly hit a Buddha seal, open the rattan weaving, and barely dodge by him, although he dodged it, he was almost killed Liu Lao plotted, and immediately he let out a cold snort, just about to say something!

But it was suddenly seen that in the void around it, strips of rattan were continuously growing, and the roots were like pythons and dragons, shaking their heads and tails and hitting Puxian on the white elephant seat!

That Liu Lao's body is a willow tree soaring into the sky, but the rattan weaving of each root is its countless root system. Puxian is completely buried!

But Puxian Bodhisattva is also extraordinary, he practiced both Buddhism and Taoism, and his magic power is profound. At that moment, the lotus seal in his hand suddenly changed, and on it suddenly appeared a sharp sword amidst burning and flames. This sword was suspended in the air, But it has a front but no handle, and it turns into thousands with a slight flicker!

Although the roots of the roots are as hard as iron, they are broken in an instant under the sword, but seeing Pu Xian waved it casually, the sword turned into a sun wheel around him. An ordinary ring, guarding it, saw the broken roots, Puxian immediately said coldly, "I want to see how many roots you have, but today I will break your roots!"

Puxian fought with Liu Lao, and Manjusri also rode forward slowly on the green lion. Although he didn't speak, his faint smile was obviously inviting everyone to fight, but now among the crowd is There are still people who can withstand his cultivation!

It's just that when everyone was secretly vigilant, Manjusri smiled slightly and said, "Golden Winged Peng King, why don't you come first?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Sen immediately cursed secretly in his heart. With the cultivation base of the Golden Winged Peng King, once he goes into battle, it must be the Bull Demon King or the Ten Thousand Saint Dragon King to fight against the enemy, and among these two Any one, once it is transferred, the remaining power may not be able to withstand the blow of this Manjushri Bodhisattva!

At that time, once he and others are taken down, the battle will be decided. This Manjushri is worthy of being the great wisdom of Buddhism. Wei Wei's small trick has forced Lin Sen and others into a very uncomfortable situation! (To be continued.)

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