The two of them walked all the way, the road became narrower and narrower, and after they entered the middle of the mountain, their eyes suddenly brightened, but they could see that in the middle of the mountain, there was a lake of about an acre, the water of the lake was clear and pleasing, and In the middle of the lake wave, there is a lotus platform the size of a round table, and the golden light is above the lotus platform, and the three holy mothers are sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform swayed by the golden light!

Seeing such Qingling's eyes could not help showing a little sympathy, although the three saints plotted against Xuankong Mountain back then, which made her have no good impressions of her, but after seeing the scene in front of her, think about the three saints all these years Trapped here like this, with no one to accompany him, and seeing the same thing in front of him, this kind of torture is probably worse than death!

When someone came in at the same time, Yang Yuchan on the lotus platform slowly opened her eyes, but after seeing that it was Lin Sen and Qing Ling who came, the look of astonishment flashed across her eyes, and she slowly stood up God came, and asked in his mouth, "Why are you? How did you come here?"

After all, she and Lin Sen didn't have any friendship at all, so why did these two people come to see her for no reason!

"Miss Yang, but it's been a long time!" Lin Sen smiled slightly at the moment, and then Jishou said, "Young lady is the mother of my apprentice Chenxiang. Lin Sen passes by Mount Hua, so naturally he wants to come in and visit her!"

When Lin Sen mentioned Chen Xiang with a smile like this, Yang Yuchan's complexion really changed suddenly, and then he asked anxiously, "Chen Xiang!? My Chen Xiang!! But what's wrong with Chen Xiang!" Subconsciously, she walked towards Lin Sen anxiously, but when she moved just now, she was bounced back by the light curtain surrounding the lotus!

It's just that Yang Yuchan still didn't realize it, her eyes were still staring at Lin Sen, she just wanted to get an answer from him!

Seeing this, Lin Sen also smiled at the moment, and said softly, "Since Chen Xiang is my apprentice, I will naturally not let him do anything!"

Seeing Lin Sen say this, Yang Yuchan's complexion was slightly relieved. There is no need to lie to her about this Lin Sen. Since Lin Sen said that it is very good, Chen Xiang must be very good. Thinking of this, Yang Yuchan On his face, he couldn't help showing a warm smile, and then asked, "What does Chen Xiang look like now? How tall is he? Is he naughty?"

Lin Sen's arrival opened up the longing in San ShengMu's heart. Immediately, she asked questions like a cannonball. Seeing him like this, Lin Sen could understand how a mother misses her child. At the moment, she smiled slightly and held her palm. With a light wave, it condensed into a water mirror in front of him, and what was shown in that period was exactly the scene when Chen Xiang was practicing in the mountains!

His eyes were fixed on the immature face in the picture, the joy, anger, sorrow, joy, determination and support, and the mischievous and coquettish appearance made Yang Yuchan deeply fascinated, and murmured " Chenxiang... ..”

After a while, until Lin Sen dispersed the water mirror, Yang Yuchan turned around, her face was full of tenderness, she gently wiped away the tears on her face and said to Lin Sen, "Thank you, Fangzhu Lin, Yang Yuchan." !" Being able to look at Chen Xiang already made her feel extremely satisfied!

"You are Chen Xiang's biological mother, so it is right for you to see Chen Xiang!" Lin Sen said with a smile at the moment, but he felt a little pitiful for Yang Yuchan in his heart, but such a poor person was so self-conscious. It also has its hateful features!

Seeing Yang Yuchan slowly wipe away the tears on her face, she then asked, "What about Liu Lang? How is my husband? Is he okay?" During these years, these two people are The root of Yang Yuchan's survival was the miraculous Lin Sen who finally appeared here, so she naturally wanted to ask them one by one!

"I don't know this, but he knows it better!" Lin Sen smiled like this, but gave Yang Yuchan an ambiguous answer. Seeing the puzzled look on the face of the Holy Mother, Lin Sen At the moment, he was sitting on the ground, and asked in a chatty manner, "Lin Sen has always been very strange, then Liu Yanchang is just an ordinary person, so why does Miss Yang do this for her?"

Perhaps it was because no one had spoken for a long time, so Yang Yuchan opened the conversation at this rare moment, and after sitting down slowly, she said with nostalgia on her face, "How do you know the mystery of this, it is more important than the Dao of Immortals?" It makes people fall into it, the day when he rushed to take the exam, it was too late on Huashan Mountain, and he rested in my temple, his literary talent, his serious appearance..."

Although I haven't finished talking here, the slightly rosy look on the face obviously explains everything!

"Climb the ten-thousand-foot mountain to rest after passing by Huashan?" Yang Yuchan just finished speaking, and Qing Ling said with a smile, she is a very intelligent person, and the first thing she found was the problem!

The Temple of the Holy Mother and the Jade Girl Peak of Huashan Mountain are not on the top of the towering peaks, but even on the mountainside, they are thousands of feet high. Ordinary people who come here for worship are those who came before. After making preparations, he climbed up the mountain all the way, but he showed the sincerity of his heart, and hoped that the gods would bless him!

He, Liu Yanchang, went to rest for the night, if he hadn't climbed there yet, the night had already passed, besides there were so many ferocious beasts in Mount Hua, he was not afraid of being eaten by anything during his night climbing!

"What do you know!!" Yang Yuchan immediately retorted, "My Temple of the Holy Mother is full of incense, and people's requests are always answered, so people often come to worship. Liu Lang passed by Huashan and heard about it. It is to go up to the mountain to worship, so that I can bless his scientific research!"

After he finished speaking so angrily, Lin Sen laughed softly at the moment, until San Shengmu's eyes became a little vicious, then Lin Sen said with a smile, "You don't know why I am laughing, do you?"

There was also no chance for Yang Yuchan to ask, so she immediately continued, "I don't know if Miss Yang knows? Confucian disciples all follow the way of Confucius and Mencius, cultivate awe-inspiring spirit, and respect the heaven, earth, king, relatives and teachers, but the only thing they don't worship is that they don't believe in the ghosts and gods. Said, before Liu Yanchang and the scientific examination, instead of paying homage to the Confucian master, he ran to worship you, a god with a lot of incense, even if he is really a scholar, he is not a qualified scholar!"

"What do you mean?" Hearing Lin Sen's words, Yang Yuchan's eyes turned cold, and she asked coldly. The two people repeatedly questioned and mocked Liu Yanchang, but it made her feel a little bit Confused and very unhappy!

"Miss Yang, don't misunderstand!!" Lin Sen said with a smile at the moment, "It's just a casual talk! We are also afraid that Miss Yang will suffer here, but I will be deceived! It's just that Miss Yang, you really know your husband Liu Yanchang ?"

"Of course!" Yang Yuchan said with certainty at the moment, "Liu Lang and I are in love with each other day and night. Although Liu Lang is a mortal, he is kind, resolute, literary, and gentle. I don't know how to beat him." How many gods are there in the sky!" With a soft smile on her face, Yang Yuchan said so full of memories!

Seeing this, Lin Sen smiled slightly at the moment, looked at Yang Yuchan and said, "The so-called being with her day and night in the fairy mouth is probably not as long as I have been with him!" According to Chen Xiang's age at that time, At most, these two people have been together for less than two years, but Liu Yanchang stayed in the mountains for eight years!

"What's the length of time!" Yang Yuchan immediately retorted, "I have a heart-to-heart relationship with Liu Lang, and if we get along for just one day, it has surpassed the world for thousands of years!" Looking at Lin Sen, her face was tender , but there is still a look on your face that you don't understand!

Seeing his appearance, Lin Sen smiled slightly at the moment, and said with a slight smile, "Liu Xianggong is indeed a person with a strong heart, and Lin Sen is ashamed of himself for this!" Looking at Yang Yuchan Lin Sen looked puzzled under his words, and immediately said with a smile, "Fairy and Liu Xianggong have a heart-to-heart relationship, but I don't know if the fairy knows that Liu Yanchang is not a mortal?"

When Lin Sen was talking about the front, Yang Yuchan was still nodding slightly, but when Lin Sen said the last sentence, a look of astonishment suddenly appeared on his face, and he looked at Lin Sen and said, "How is that possible?" ? Liu Lang is a scholar, he has no strength to restrain a chicken, don't you want to slander my husband!"

Yang Yuchan scolded like this, but Lin Sen didn't get angry at all. Instead, he said indifferently, "Miss Yang thinks Lin Sen has to lie to you? Or is there any benefit in lying to you?"

In fact, Lin Sen doesn't need to say it, Yang Yuchan knows that Lin Sen doesn't need to lie to herself at all, but if what Lin Sen said is true, then Liu Yanchang lied to herself from the most fundamental place, what a scholar, what rushing for an exam It was all fake, and suddenly his pale face was filled with a look of ignorance of execution, and he slowly slumped to the ground, then stared at Lin Sen fiercely and said, "Impossible! You must be lying to me!! No possible!!"

She really didn't dare to believe all of this, even if Lin Sen had no reason to lie to herself, she still didn't believe it, if it was true, then everything she missed, recalled, insisted on was just a deception, And her current persistence is just a joke!

"Miss Yang, do you know why Lin Sen came to Huashan today?" Lin Sen stood up slowly, and asked softly in his mouth. Before Yang Yuchan, who was already a little bit broken at this time, asked, Lin Sen said directly "Chen Xiang left Xuankong Mountain secretly, saying that he was going to Huashan to rescue you and reunite with your family, and after that, your husband-in-law was helping the flames!"

After finishing speaking, his eyes swept over the restriction and said, "It's just that the restriction is very ingenious, and it is closely connected with the earth's veins. I think Chen Xiang will use the method that your second brother took care of your mother back then!"

After being told by Lin Sen like this, Yang Yuchan, who was limp on the ground, suddenly became clever, with a look of horror in her eyes and said, "Don't...don't...don't come to Chenxiang..." (To be continued.)

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