Seeing his panicked expression at this time, Lin Sen said with a slight smile, "Miss Yang is worried about the seal on Mount Hua at this moment?"

"Master Lin, the seal of Huashan is very involved. Once the prehistoric land is broken, everyone will be persecuted by it. I also ask Master Lin to stop Chen Xiang!" Yang Yuchan said in a panic at this time. She was also a smart person. Before, it was just getting dizzy, but now after Lin Sen's stimulation, he also understood at this time, so the immediate thing is to stop him in a hurry!

Seeing his frightened expression, Lin Sen sneered slightly at the moment, "If Miss Yang really cared about the prehistoric creatures, she shouldn't have left her post that day. Now that Chen Xiang came here in the name of saving her mother, Not only does my master not help, how can I stop him, not to mention Chen Xiang's father is behind him to support him, my master, how can I kiss my father in the past life!"

After Lin Sen finished speaking, he turned around and walked out. At the same time, Qing Ling gave Yang Yuchan a sympathetic look. If these are true, then Yang Yuchan is really pitiful!

"Master Lin!!! Master Lin..." Yang Yuchan kept shouting from behind, but under the restraint, she could only watch Lin Sen leave!

"Brother, is Liu Yanchang really not a mortal?" After walking out of the cave where Yang Yuchan was madly sealed, Qing Ling asked Lin Sen. If this is really the case, then Liu Yanchang's thoughts are really too deep After eight years in the mountains, no one has seen the slightest clue!

Lin Sen also nodded deeply at the moment, and said very seriously, "According to my guess, not only is Liu Yanchang not a mortal, but he is also a member of the witch clan or the witch clan!"

"People from the Witch Clan? How is this possible!" Qing Ling said in amazement at the moment. She has also heard some ancient secrets over the years. She naturally knows about the Witch Clan, the ancient overlord of the earth, but only with the Yao Clan. The decline is different. In the past, the Wu Clan integrated their blood into the Human Clan. After the defeat, they were pushed into the underworld. They rarely appeared in the prehistoric world, but they did not expect that Liu Yanchang was actually a Wu Clan!

Lin Sen also said harshly at the moment, "I don't want to believe this is true, but besides Liu Yanchang, do you think anyone else in the mountains will enter my hall and steal the golden seal of Zhu Rong!" This matter, Lin Sen hated it very much in his heart. The Wu Clan who thought he hadn't done anything at first had already been thinking about his side, but he still stayed behind!

"The golden seal is lost?" Qingling heard this for the first time, and she was shocked immediately. She naturally knew what it was, and Lin Sen had also explained that Duoduo supervised it in the market!

Lin Sen nodded slowly, seeing such a Qingling, he also said in a cold voice, "Okay Liu Yanchang!! You are so kind!!!" Liu Yanchang has been pretending in the mountains for so many years, but he waited for Lin Sen to come out of the mountains. It's hands-on, and if Lin Sen doesn't come out of the mountain, he just has to wait forever. This kind of heart is really scary!

"But what does this have to do with Yang Yuchan?" Qing Ling said in confusion, even hatred. Yang Yuchan gave up everything, but it turned out to be just a scam by Liu Yanchang. Kindness, at this moment, she immediately sympathized with that woman in the mountain!

"That's unknown!" Lin Sen said in a deep voice at the moment, "But according to my guess, it should have something to do with the Lotus Lantern in Yang Yuchan's hand and this Huashan Mountain. As a goddess of Huashan, Yang Yuchan has a guardian The responsibility of Mount Hua, and the plan to come to the Wu Clan should be related to the secrets under Huashan, but the Wu Clan is really unscrupulous!"

Lin Sen's mouth was full of sarcasm. Although he was ruthless when he did things, he hadn't reached such a point yet.

"Then we are here in Huashan, are we going to stop Chen Xiang from saving his mother?" Qing Ling said hesitantly. To be honest, she felt very sympathetic to Yang Yuchan at this time, and at the same time, she really loved Chen Xiang's child. It's fine if you know it, but now that you know it and come to save your mother, if you stop it, Qing Ling really can't sit out!

Similarly, Lin Sen is Chen Xiang's teacher, just like what he said to the Holy Mother in the cave, he is also a little hesitant at this time, what should he do, really want to stop his apprentice from saving his mother?

As for explaining the whole story to Chen Xiang, how could Chen Xiang, a child, understand so much? He just knew that his mother was at the foot of the mountain, and he himself had a heart of filial piety, and wanted to send his mother down the mountain. Come out, but what is wrong with this!

"Let's take a step and take a look!" After thinking for a while, Lin Sen also frowned, feeling the same embarrassment in his heart, but now he can only see what the Wu Clan is going to do, and now he can only It may be inconvenient to respond to all changes!

The two of them came out of the restraint slowly, Lin Sen looked at the majestic Shenfeng behind him, and couldn't help but sighed slightly, and Qing Ling had no intention of having fun after being released!

The two of them found a cave at random among Huashan. After Lin Sen set up the formation, he waited in the cave and the mountain for zero hours.

Time passed day by day, but Lin Sen and the two stayed in this mountain for more than half a year, and Qing Ling's mood had already turned around. If it weren't for the vastness of Huashan Mountain, it would have been so long. Boredom would kill her, but while Qing Ling was playing outside every day, Lin Sen had been meditating in the cave, constantly consolidating his current cultivation!

However, when Lin Sen was meditating today, he saw Qing Ling rushing in and said, "Brother! They're here!!" But don't worry about Qing Ling playing in the mountains every day, but it's early He has been familiar with the mountains, and after playing every day, he also acts as a scout in the mountains. As long as there is a little movement in the mountains, he will be able to detect it immediately!

But now that they came back from such a run, they were naturally agarwood!

Following Qing Ling's words, Lin Sen saw the stone bed, slowly opened his eyes, and said with a soft smile, "It's finally here! Let's go and see that brat Chen Xiang!"

Counting the time before he left the mountain, Lin Sen hadn't seen Chen Xiang for almost half a year. Hearing what Qing Ling said at this time, he was really panicking!

As soon as Wujin's divine light wrapped around his body, he flew out of the cave with Qing Ling, and flew towards the mountain without making a sound.

Following Qingling's guidance, Lin Sen easily found the three people in the mountain who were thinking of coming to the Yunvv Peak, and the official Chen Xiang was the first one, but the current Chen Xiang still had a huge change from a year ago , the still immature face is full of determination!

His body has grown a lot taller, but there are more muscular ones. Although he is only a nine-year-old boy at this time, he is already the shadow of a heroic youth who can be seen on his body. The changes from a year ago were even greater. The aura was as deep as an abyss, calm and heavy, full of everyone's demeanor. Judging from the aura, it was already the cultivation base of a true immortal.

In just one year, he has grown from a heavenly immortal to a true immortal, and his true self is only a nine-year-old child. This talent is not terrifying.

However, Lin Sen frowned slightly at this time, the aura on Chen Xiang's body was faintly violent and ferocious, that aura Lin Sen was very familiar with, and it was the unique aura of the Wu Clan. From this point of view, But it is just like my own guess, and the improvement of Chen Xiang's strength has a lot to do with the aura, but for some reason, when he was in the mountains, the aura of the witch clan did not appear !

It's just that although the aura is tyrannical, it seems that Chen Xiang can't fully grasp it now. Obviously, he is in a hurry to seek success and only focuses on the improvement of his strength, but he doesn't pay attention to the polishing of his own physical strength. If this continues, it will definitely cause The instability of the foundation will affect the future road!

However, these are still things to talk about, and now Chen Xiang is carrying a huge ax on his muscular back, and the wide ax head is wider than Chen Xiang's body, presumably it is The legendary thing that splits the mountain to save the mother, the mountain axe!

But it can be seen that the mountain-opening ax is worthy of being the legendary magic weapon. It is shining brightly, and its brilliance is turning around. How did it get into Chen Xiang's hands.

"What a little Chenxiang, this cultivation level is definitely stronger than mine!" The two stood on top of the clouds, and Wu Jinsuo restrained his breath, Qing Ling said in a very distressed manner at the moment, followed by the juniors in the mountain. The cultivation bases of each one are becoming more and more tyrannical, but she, an elder, can't be lazy anymore!

On the side of Chen Xiang, there is a heroic man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and a resolute face, like an ax cutting a knife. Sen did frowned slightly, Chen Xiang's change, presumably this person was the one who trained him, and also protected Chen Xiang all the way to Huashan, so it is no need to guess, this person is most likely the witch Clan people!

In addition, Lin Sen didn't feel the aura of practice from him, so he was even more sure that this person must be from the Witch Clan!

But the third person is also a person from Hanging Mountain, it is Xiaoyu who used to go down the mountain looking for Chenxiang, but somehow got mixed into this team, and his cultivation base has increased a lot compared to when he was in the mountain. It is only one step away from the Realm of Immortals. At this time, he is smiling and following Chen Xiang, looking at Chen Xiang from time to time, his eyes are full of doting look!

The group of three walked silently like this, heading straight for the Yunv Peak where Yang Yuchan was imprisoned! ~(to be continued.)

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