But under the confrontation between that fist and the fist full of killing intent, Lin Sen's arm suddenly collapsed after each blow. Under such severe pain, Lin Sen could only bite Fang insisted, and at the same time kept switching out his arms to resist.

After that burst of fist shadows, Lin Sen's hundreds of arms were completely lost by nearly [-]%, and that sharp fisting intent, if Lin Sen didn't have the anger of undead insects in his body, even his now strong Sky Demon The real body can't resist that kind of power to shatter, but even so, Lin Sen's face is pale at this time, with blood on his mouth, and he is on the verge of collapse!

powerful!It is too strong!At this time, Lin Sen also understood why Yang Jian was completely defeated with two punches, and Liu Yanchang was killed after two punches. This man's fists are full of vigor, killing intent, and domineering, although the speed is not much. But under the support of that punching intent, every punch comes from the sky, making people unable to avoid it, and they can only choose to take it hard!

And fighting naked with the Wu Clan, in the wilderness, as long as you have heard of the name of the Wu Clan, you will know how crazy and stupid such things are at this time, and Lin Sen naturally knows it too, but now apart from hard-wired There is no way, not even a chance for him to drive Wu Jinsuo!

"So it's like this..." The man saw Lin Sen like this, and now he sneered slightly. Obviously, this is also the reason why Lin Sen still didn't suffer the slightest damage after bearing his own attacks one after another. He was still wondering, but now he knew, it turned out to be like this!

With a sneer in his mouth, he said, "I don't know what supernatural powers you have. It turns out that you just have many arms. Today I will see how many arms you have grown!" At that moment, he was about to punch out again, and secondly, he understood Lin Sen's details, but under this blow, he must have sent out a killer move!

It's just that just when he was about to make such a cry, he heard a loud noise that shook the sky, and then the sky and the earth shook. The rumbling sound was like thunder in his ears, but it made Lin Sen's eyes suddenly twitch. I was taken aback!

Later, it was discovered that the place where the sound came from was not from the sky, but from under the ground, and with the loud noise that shook the sky, the entire Huashan Mountain Range stretched for millions of people. At this time, the earth's veins began to shake violently. Among the ups and downs, they really surged violently like ocean waves!

Amidst the ups and downs, Lin Sen hastily pulled Yang Yuchan, who was holding Liu Yanchang's body, into the air, and looked at the change below him in astonishment. Yang Yuchan, who was in Changzhi's death, was looking slightly sideways at this time, and her eyes were full of shock. Obviously, even she, the person who guarded Huashan, didn't know what was going to happen at this time, and she made such a huge movement !

But this kind of abnormal movement is to see that the person's face is slowly glowing with joy, and the movements of his hands are slightly sluggish, but at this moment, there is another shout "Little friend Lin, don't worry!" Panic.. we are coming too!!!”

Apparently, Lai Ran saw Lin Sen's situation at this time, so he was born as a policeman, and he frowned slightly when he heard the cry of this life, and then he glanced at Lin Sen and said, "Forget you!" Good luck!!!" The figure disappeared from the sky in a flash!

Although he was sure to coax Lin Sen to death before that person arrived, it would not be so easy for him to get away at that time, and now he still has important objects on his body. It is important to know in his heart!

Seeing it disappear, Lin Sen let out a long breath, and then slowly spit out a mouthful of dirty blood, but it was all the shattered residual magazines in his body just now, and at the same time, it was the shattered magazines in the air. Looking at it, he saw two unexpected figures falling in front of him in an instant!

On the left is a pink and jade-carved white and fat porcelain doll in a red robe, while the other is a fairy-like figure, with a calm and complete momentum, it is the gourd patriarch and the great immortal Zhenyuan!

Seeing these two people falling in front of him, Lin Sen immediately asked in astonishment, "Aren't the two seniors retreating with the mountain? Why do you have time to come to Huashan?" It's no wonder that Lin Sen was puzzled. Sometimes, the current situation is chaotic, and these two people who were trying their best to attack the holy throne, why did they appear here at this time!

"Haha! If we don't come today, Lin Sen, your life will be in danger today! Haha!!" Patriarch Gourd immediately burst out laughing, and the two of them walked away from each other just now. Come, it is natural to see the embarrassment of Lin Sen being oppressed, so this is the birth reminder for Patriarch Gourd!

"I made the patriarch laugh!" Lin Sen said in a very ashamed manner. If you talk about the gourd patriarch, he has saved himself many times!

"Haha!! No need to be like this! No need to be like this!!" Patriarch Hulu laughed out loud immediately, "That person has already reached the realm of the Great Witch just now, and with your current cultivation level, you can resist the attack of Qi for a moment. It's something to be proud of!" Seeing Lin Sen's ashamed look, Patriarch Gourd smiled and said, this brat, with the cultivation base of a golden fairy, can withstand a few blows from Da Luo, and he still looks like this now, doesn't he? It made him very angry!

Compared with the gourd patriarch, Zhen Yuanzi was indeed a lot more reserved, and he didn't make fun of it. When Lin Sen asked, he smiled and said, "When he was retreating, he felt that there was an opportunity for him in this direction. So the two of us rushed over here, but we happened to bump into you confronting that witch clan..."

Then he turned his gaze to the Huashan mountain range, which was surging like ocean waves at this time, and said, "The opportunity you feel should be here! But I didn't expect that someone broke the seal of Huashan. Trouble!"

In the midst of such conversations among my own people, I can see the undulating Huashan Mountains in the waves, starting from the Holy Maiden Peak that was cut in the middle, and it is constantly collapsing downwards. But at the beginning of this collapse, it is All of a sudden, it spread to the surroundings. The speed was so fast that almost half of the Huashan Mountains with a radius of several million miles collapsed in just one breath!

But under the collapsed mountain range, there are not leylines, lava, but endless black aura, which seems to be endless, and there is nothing like a mountain range as large as Huashan Mountain. There is not even a little bit of spray in it Aroused, dark and thick, without a trace of luster!

But when he saw this kind of aura, the ferocious, tyrannical, cold and the resistance from the bottom of his heart, Lin Sen recognized it at the first time, watching the black aura that burst out and spread to the surroundings , The mouth was neutral and he exclaimed, "The turbidity of the earth...? How is it possible? How can there be such a thick turbidity of the earth?"

The so-called turbid qi of the earth is that after Pangu opened the sky in the past, the clear qi rose to the sky, and the turbid qi fell to the earth. , gloomy, cold, and artificial but useless as a practitioner, but a poisonous existence!

But the twelve ancestral witches in the past created the Wu Clan by fusing their own blood with the turbid air of the earth, so it can also be said that the turbid air of the earth is the birthplace of the Wu Clan.

And in the wilderness since ancient times, there have been many magical places that bred the turbid air of the earth, but that kind of atmosphere has been very stable after years of stability, and there will be no abnormal disasters, but the present one The turbid air of the earth, its berserk momentum, and gluttonous devouring, obviously have nothing to do with the word stability!

If such a breath erupts, it will be a catastrophe for all the creatures in the flood, just like the creatures in Huashan, they will be swallowed by the turbid air of the earth in an instant and disintegrate into ashes , Could it be that the Wu Clan wants to use such a catastrophe to destroy the prehistoric race, so as to dominate the prehistoric race again?

"Wuyue Mountains, the Great Desolation, are all the seals of the creation of heaven and earth, just like the eighteen layers of blue and yellow springs that are vibrated and sealed under Mount Tai, the endless violent earth's turbidity is sealed under Mount Hua, and it is even more so when it rises. The sky lantern and the lotus lantern, which condenses the power of belief in the human race, how could it be opened today! This is troublesome!" Hearing Lin Sen's astonishment, Zhen Yuanzi said slightly anxiously at the moment, as The ancestor of the ancient mighty Earth Immortal naturally knew the mysteries under Huashan Mountain!

At the same time, he suddenly took out the magic treasure earth book in his hand, but he could see the faint brilliance on the earth book flickering slightly, and the same brilliance flashed slowly on the undulating mountains and rivers. Under that brilliance, the The violently shaking Huashan Mountains finally stabilized!

But even so, it only controlled the collapse of the ground. Inside the light curtain of light, the earth's turbid air that soared to the sky was still howling and surging outward, as if it wanted to devour all living things in the world!

It is not that Lin Sen made fun of such a gourd patriarch, he immediately laughed loudly and said, "Fellow Daoist, I will help you!" At the moment, above the top of his head slowly appeared the twelfth grade Xuelian, judging from its appearance, it is obvious that this Xuelian has changed its name in the past few years!

After the blood lotus sounded in the air, it sprinkled pieces of blood-colored light film. Under the light film, it suppressed the turbid air of the earth back to the ground, but it shot Zhen Yuanzi to suppress that At the same time, the turbid air was blown so that Zhen Yuanzi could slow down and seal the earth's turbid air again!

It's just that although the twelfth-grade blood lotus is tyrannical, it is still different from the book from the ground that condenses the power of the earth, and it does not have the same restraint on the turbid air of the earth as the book from the ground. When she wakes up, she is not as relaxed and comfortable as Zhen Yuanzi just now!

Under the billowing and roaring black air, the twelfth-grade blood lotus was supported up and down, as if it might break through the seal at any time, and the gourd patriarch also frowned slightly, obviously in that monstrous blackness. The pressure under the air is very tyrannical! (To be continued.)

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