Lin Sen said this and frowned slightly. He was sure he had never seen this person in front of him. If Lin Sen had seen such a tyrannical person, he would definitely not be without an impression, but if If you haven't seen it before, how could the other party have such a familiar tone!

Compared with Lin Sen, the unnamed man who blocked the attack for Yang Yuchan was much more miserable. His strength was comparable to that of Yang Jian. Zhongbo also had the punch just now, but it was better than the one that hit Yang Jian before. The punches were more tyrannical, and he supported himself strongly, in order to block Yang Yuchan behind him, so he didn't retreat half a point. .

He didn't have the terrifying resilience of Lin Sen's undead insects, so his body was still on the verge of collapse at this time, with bright red blood slowly gushing out of his mouth, staring at the man with his eyes, begging in his mouth, "General, since The things have already been obtained, just let them go!"

"How dare you stop me?" Seeing this unknown man like this, the man's eyes suddenly turned cold, and then he said coldly, "Destroy yourself for a woman, hmph..." Just a cold snort, and another punch in his hand hit the place where the two were standing!

Everyone has seen the formidable power just now, if this punch is delivered again at this time, these two people will definitely be hard to resist this time.

"Mother..." Seeing that his mother was in danger, Chen Xiang was suddenly surrounded by black air, he shouted violently, and the huge ax blade flew up into the air, and chopped towards the general.

"Chen Xiang...come back..." Lin Sen couldn't stop him, he shouted in a hurry, with Chen Xiang's current strength, against such an opponent, there is still life in one punch!

Seeing that the man also punched Chen Xiang mercilessly, Lin Sen was still hesitant to come there, his figure suddenly changed to block Chen Xiang, and at the same time his fists were also thrown forward, although facing such an opponent, It is unwise to fight recklessly, but now there is no other way!

bump! !There was a loud noise, his breath was shaken, and in the flash of brilliance, Lin Sen pulled Chen Xiangfei and pushed him out, while the man in the air looked at Lin Sen with a little surprise at this time and said, "I haven't seen you for a while, but your strength is really good." It has soared a lot!" But it was because Lin Sen resisted his punches twice in a row, and he was still unscathed!

Hearing what he said, although Lin Sen didn't show any expression on his face, he was still secretly crying in his heart. Now he doesn't seem to have the slightest injury, but this person's cultivation base is so terrifying, Lin Sen continued to cry. How can there be no injuries at all, at the moment when the fist collided just now, Lin Sen's arms collapsed instantly.

But just because it has so many arms, another pair of arms came out at the first time, which makes people seem to be evenly divided with the blow just now!

And Lin Sen once again blocked Chen Xiang's blow. The unnamed man on the other side was not so lucky. With a completely dilapidated body, at this time, it has long been just relying on the last idea to persevere!

It's just that Yang Yuchan just got out of trouble now, and his body is weak. If this man takes a step back, I'm afraid that Yang Yuchan's physical body will collapse under the pretense of the fist on his body!

After receiving another punch, the vigorous killing intent already exceeded the limit that the unknown man could bear. As his body trembled slightly, the man's body and bones actually changed slowly. Wei Wei's thinner figure and face, just like Liu Yanchang who Lin Sen and others are very familiar with!

Seeing this situation, Lin Sen also understood at this time why this person has been protecting Yang Yuchan like this.

Due to the injuries on his body, Liu Yanchang still couldn't support the disguise on his body. At this time, when he showed his original shape like this, Yang Yuchan behind him immediately gave a loud cry, and rushed up suddenly, grabbing Liu Yanchang In his arms, he whimpered and said resentfully, "Why did you lie to me...why did you lie to me..."

Hot tears rolled down from her eyes, and the slightly restored true energy in her hand was desperately pouring into Liu Yanchang's body at this time, but the little bit of true energy she recovered now was not suitable for the violent destruction of Liu Yanchang's body. Fist intention, but it can't achieve the slightest effect!

"" Seeing Yang Yuchan's anxiety, Liu Yanchang smiled bitterly, as if he wanted to wipe away the tears on Yang Yuchan's face, but his palm fell down feebly!

"Why did you lie to me!! Explain to me. Explain to me..." Seeing this, Yang Yuchan immediately shouted frantically. No matter how he treated him, how he shouted, Liu Yanchang had already closed his eyes at this time!

"Roar..." There was a violent and low-pitched roar, followed by a violent and ferocious aura. Suddenly, the anger covered Chen Xiang's body, and all that was left was those bloody scarlet eyes. There is not a trace of humanity in it, the infinite violence of a virtuous person!

Chen Xiang's strength has improved too quickly, and the original foundation was unstable, but today was originally a happy event to welcome his mother, but it turned into a funeral event for his father. After discovering that the person who accompanied him this year turned out to be his father, Chen Xiang's eyes suddenly turned red!

And now this violent anger attacking his heart immediately shakes his very unstable foundation, his eyes are closed for a while, and the only thing left in his mind is hatred and rage!

Just when he was roaring, a palm suddenly hit the back of his head, but it was Lin Sen who knocked him out suddenly. If he was allowed to continue like this, Chen Xiang I'm afraid that he really lost his mind and really became a monster!

After Chen Xiang was stunned with one blow, Lin Sen handed Chen Xiang's limp body to Qing Ling behind him, his eyes were fixed on the general all the time, and at the same time he urged slightly anxiously, "You take Chen Xiang first." Walk!"

Qingling also knew that now is not the time to pester nonsense, he would only cause trouble for stinginess here, so he didn't speak at the moment, after taking Chen Xiang, he nodded slightly, pulled Xiaoyu and left quickly!

But that person just watched them leave, and didn't mean to stop them at all. Instead, he looked at Lin Sen with a faint smile and said, "You are very good, you have the courage to face me!"

"Return my husband's life..." With a hoarse shout, Yang Yuchan suddenly jumped up, a divine sword appeared in his hand, and he went straight to the general and chopped it off.

Perhaps before she knew that Liu Yanchang was lying to herself, after all this was a scam, Yang Yuchan's heart was full of hatred for him, but now, after Liu Yanchang died for her sake, that trembling sorry made everyone Her resentment dissipated, and now lying here is her husband, her lover, and she must avenge him!

It's just that her strength is far inferior, and the prohibition has just been broken just now, so how can she be that person's opponent now? Seeing the sword that he attacked, the person had a slight sneer on his face, full of disdain, but in his hand However, his strength did not relax in the slightest, and he still swung with all his strength!

Facing the fist with murderous intent, Yang Yuchan didn't dodge in the slightest at this time, but instead had a stubborn smile on her face. Naturally, she knew that she was far from this person's opponent, and she couldn't bear to worry about it. But they just want to die at the hands of this person!

It's just that she wants to die now, but Lin Sen can't let her die. This is not because of any relationship with Yang Yuchan, but if she dies too, then his apprentice will really be troubled. The only thing is to dodge the body, and when the fist is on the body, pull it back 1

At the same time, Ujinsuo flashed in his hand, and stabbed at the fist. This Ujinsuo was refined from the mouth of the mosquito Taoist. The mosquito Taoist feeds on the essence and blood of living beings. Living things have innate restraint, especially the cultivation base of the witch clan is all in the blood of the body, and Ujinsuo's restraint on it is even more restrained.

Throwing out a fist, the expression of disdain on the face, indeed after the appearance of Ujinsuo, subconsciously felt a trace of danger, although this breath is only a trace, but like that man, a warrior like that, The bottom of my heart is that the feeling of danger is absolutely infallible!

So the immediate thing is to retract your fist, and at the same time look at Ujinsuo in Lin Sen's hand, frown slightly and say, "What a weird treasure, no wonder you dare to face me alone..." Then he sneered and said "It's just that you think you can compete with me in this way?"

Lin Sen didn't pay attention to it, but directly said to Yang Yuchan, who was held tightly by him behind him, "Miss Yang, Chen Xiang is still young and is still waiting for you to go back. How could you commit suicide like this!"

The word Chen Xiang woke Yang Yuchan up like a thunderbolt, and tears welled up in her eyes, yes!She still has agarwood!She can't die yet!

"Hmph!!" Seeing that Lin Sen was ignoring him and belittled him so much, he immediately snorted coldly, and at the same time swung his fist suddenly, but this time he didn't want to be as casual as before. Because, the shadow of the fist swaying all over the sky came, although it was not as powerful as before when it was dealing with Yunjie Banner!

But it is also extremely domineering, at least a hundred punches are thrown out in an instant!

And the punches and punches were extremely domineering, and they were as if they were astonishing. The speed was so fast that Lin Sen had no room to dodge except for a hard catch. There was no other way. He kept waving his arms, and he also kept waving his fists forward in general! (To be continued.)

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