Following the shout of the unknown man, Chen Xiang stopped immediately, then closed his eyes and stood still for a while, then suddenly opened his eyes. .

There was no previous fierceness in the eyes, all there was was peace and a child's longing for his mother, filial piety, and the brilliance on the big ax in his hand, and at this moment, it was not so cold.

With such divine light, Chen Xiang slowly waved his arm, swung the big ax in his hand, and slashed towards the Jade Girl Peak!

Just like what the unknown man said, at this time Baolian Lantern seemed to feel the peaceful breath of Chenxiang, so the faint brilliance did not stop the giant ax from cutting in at all.

However, he could see that the diameter of the mountain-opening giant ax was chopping on the top of the Jade Girl Peak, and following the divine light on the ax blade, he entered the Jade Girl Peak, and the sky and the earth shook in an instant, and earth and rocks flew!

Since the mountain-opening ax is named after the mountain-opening rice, in addition to being a body protector, it has a natural restraint against the mountains and rivers. It doesn't take more than one ax to shake the world!

And from the place where the ax was cut, a crack was born rapidly, and then spread up and down in an instant. The entire towering Huashan Yunvfeng, under the axe, made a thunderous rumbling sound, followed by bursts of violent waves. The sky was shaking, and it slowly moved in two directions!

But under such a shock, the Yunjie flag waving in the air suddenly rolled up, and flew towards the heaven under the wrapping of the divine light. Waiting for such helplessness to take this treasure back.

Seeing the Yunjie flag flying away, although the face of the man in the air did not change much, there was still a slight sigh of relief between his brows, and he was looking at the Huashan Saintess who was slowly moving to the two sides. After Feng, even his face that had been expressionless all this time showed a slight look of joy!

Even in this moving mountain peak, one can see a golden pillar of light that pierces heaven and earth suddenly rises, and in that golden light, a white lotus rises slowly, holding a beautiful The female fairy, at this time, has a look of melancholy and happiness blending on her face. She is happy that her child will come out by herself, and sad because the Huashan Mountain is destroyed!

"Mother..." Seeing this female fairy fly out of Huashan, her identity is naturally clear at a glance, not to mention that Chen Xiang recognized her mother in an instant, and said loudly. Shouting, swooping, this is going forward!

And Xiaoyu, Lin Sen and others are also sighing at the moment when Chen Xiang met his mother.

But at this moment, Lin Sen frowned, and his body suddenly disappeared on the spot.

At the same time, I heard the nameless man suddenly exclaimed "Be careful..." The sturdy body suddenly appeared in front of Yang Yuchan, and he punched forward with both hands. Hit it!

But in front of his body, a figure suddenly appeared, but it was that tyrannical man.

But when Yang Yuchan appeared, everyone was talking about the reunion of mother and son, but the man suddenly grabbed the lotus lantern in his hand, and at the same time, his figure flashed and he punched Just hit that Yang Yuchan!

But the nameless man was watching secretly when everyone was excited and sighing, so this was the first time he discovered it, and Lin Sen also discovered it almost at the same time, but what he saw was that the man was attacking Yang Yang. At the same time as Yuchan, there was a burst of vigor going straight to Chenxiang!

At this time, Chen Xiang's whole heart was on his mother, how could he pay attention to such an attack at this time, so Lin Sen suddenly appeared in front of Chen Xiang, and took the immediate blow for him!

And after the current blow, Lin Sen finally understood why Yang Jian was hit like that by two punches. The strength of this punch gradually became full of cold and pure killing intent, and this killing intent penetrated into his body along with the force of the fist. In the midst of it, it began to destroy and destroy frantically, and its momentum was overwhelming and unstoppable!

If it weren't for Lin Sen's big breakthrough before, he really couldn't resist it at this time, but even so, his body was damaged on a large scale. Fortunately, there are many eyes in his body, such as the golden centipede and the undead. At the same time that the breath was destroyed, it was also repaired instantly, so after Lin Sen neutralized the killing intent of Sen Leng, the damaged body was also repaired and perfected quickly!

But as long as there is vigorous vitality, unless Lin Sen can be killed with a single blow, he can recover quickly. Since the golden centipede, one of the five fierce insects in the wild, is known as an undead insect, it can also recover quickly. How can it be a waste of fame!

"Brother, are you alright!!" Qing Ling rushed up in a hurry, after all, the lessons learned by Lin Sen and Yang Jian are still in front of him!

Slowly wiped away the traces of blood that flowed from the corner of his mouth just when his body was destroyed, Lin Sen stared at the mouth with a smile and said, "It's okay!" After all, this person is different from a pure monk. People of birth want to kill the enemy and don't use tricks, so that's why they did the sneak attack just now!

As for Chen Xiang, no matter how stupid he is now, he also realized that he was attacked just now. Seeing the figure who attacked him suddenly appearing in front of him, he was excited, wronged, and fearful. His little face was full of hot tears. Sobbing, "Master..."

Seeing his appearance like this, Qing Ling felt very distressed, and immediately hit him lightly on the head and said, "You child, you sneaked down the mountain and ran down the mountain without any discussion from the master. If something like this happens, I will punish you properly after returning to the mountain!"

And that Xiaoyu came up in a hurry, lowered her head, and said softly as if I was wrong, "Shanzhu, Sister Qingling..."

Seeing his behavior, Qingling immediately said angrily, "And you, come down the mountain to find someone, and if you find someone, you don't report back to the mountain. Instead, you mess around with him, and you will deal with it when you go back to the mountain!"

"Sister Qingling, I was wrong, I dare not do it again!!!" Seeing that although Qingling scolded angrily, she was still talking about them in her words, so Xiaoyu hurriedly said with a stick !

"I felt something was wrong just now. It turned out that you were hiding by the side. Now that you are here, there is no reason to leave today!" Seeing Lin Sen's sudden appearance and taking his blow without any damage, the man There was a slight look of astonishment on his face, and then he said lightly, but in those words, it seemed that it was not the first time he saw Lin Sen! (To be continued.)

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