After the four treasures were separated into four directions, it was seen that the mountain range condensed by Zhen Yuanzi collapsed in an instant. Without the support of the books from the ground, the mortal mountain range was really hard to be the turbid air of the earth. force. .

Finally freed from the shackles, the turbid air of the earth immediately roared into the sky, but there are four heavy treasures guarding it, no matter how much it struggles, it is impossible to break out from the encirclement of the crowd at this time out.

Just like this, the struggling force of the turbid air of the earth became more and more tyrannical, and the veins on Lin Sen's forehead were slightly exposed. Fortunately, although his face was hideous, the direction of the seal of the blood lotus was still intact. !

Seeing that Lin Sen could resist, Patriarch Gourd gave a slight smile, and then his body slowly flew up, standing in the air above the roaring turbid air of the earth, slowly offering the gift that Dao Patriarch had bestowed just now in his hands. The clods of khaki mud swayed down, falling towards the roaring abyss!

The pale yellow mud splattered down like this, surrounded by divine light, but it quickly sat in an infinite vastness, like a floating continent, pressing down on the roaring earth's turbid air. past!

At this time, Lin Sen recognized what this thing was. There were many appearances in this thing and mythology, but he didn't think of it for a while. It is said that Emperor Wa used this to create the human race. The Holy Emperor Dayu also used this method to control the flood, but it was the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil, which is said to be a small piece of innate fetish that can be turned into a continent!

As if feeling the suppression of this continent, the turbid air of the earth immediately struggled and wailed even more frantically, and the corresponding counter-shock force became stronger and stronger.

Lin Sen was originally made in Qiangzi, and now that such a force surged, Lin Sen was immediately unable to support it. Although there was not much left after the surging force passed through the snow lotus, it still caused Lin Sen to be defeated. The bones of the suppressed body crackled, and even the suppressed side of the blood lotus, the light film slowly swayed!

"Ang..." Lin Sen let out a roar, and his body immediately swelled against the wind, turning into the avatar of the sky demon tens of feet tall. With hundreds of arms waving, he raised his head to the sky and let out bursts of violent howls. It was because I felt that my body was too much to bear, so I turned into the real body of the sky demon.

It is the most intuitive time like now, and you absolutely cannot relax a little bit. How much force you use now, you will get much reward later, so even the thorns on the body are like breaking every inch. It hurts, and I have to grit my teeth to support it at this time!

And after Lin Sen turned into this demon body, the violently shaking blood lotus stopped. Seeing Lin Sen gritted his teeth and persisted, Zhen Yuanzi next to him nodded slightly, although he had just said that Lin Sen will help him when he can't hold on, but when Lin Sen can still hold on like this, he won't act rashly, and the pressure Lin Sen can bear is far beyond him. unexpected!

At this time, Patriarch Gourd had already concentrated his attention, driving the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil to suppress the huge hole above the ground.

At this time, even though the turbid air of the earth was struggling frantically, it could only be suppressed by the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil helplessly. They all have huge corrosive power, but this congenital divine object, Nine Heavens Exhalation Soil, is the soil with the richest spiritual energy. At this time, even the turbid air of the earth is struggling like crazy, but it is useless!

As the huge continent in the sky slowly descended, the pressure Lin Sensuo had to face became more and more tyrannical. As he fell inch by inch, Lin Sen's face finally turned red, and blood slowly dissolved from his mouth. Zhen Yuanzi, who had been watching him all the time, realized immediately that a ray of divine light in his hand melted into Lin Sen's body, but it helped him offset a lot of strength and controlled it within the range that Lin Sen could bear. Inside!

Lin Sen's eyes were grateful to Zhen Yuanzi at the moment, and then he was supporting the twelve blood lotuses with all his heart!

bump! ! !The dull loud noise shook the entire world, but it was seen that the huge mountains and rivers transformed by the Nine Heavens' Breathing Soil were like continents, but at this time they finally fell on the ground, on the stretching mountains, seven The main peak soars into the sky, straight into the sky!

But the spiritual veins transformed by the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil made the entire mountain peak look majestic and majestic at this time. In the colorful rays of light, the entire huge mountain peak seemed to be covered in seven colors, and its brilliance shone.

The mountains and rivers transformed by the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil took root immediately after entering the ground, and merged with the whole earth, but above the mountain peak, the roaring turbid air of the earth was suppressed!

"Town!!" As the gourd patriarch guarded the formula, the colorful divine light on the stretching mountains and rivers slowly dissipated, and vegetation grew rapidly on the bare mountains and rivers, but there is no vitality yet. The forest looks very dead and silent at this moment!

And after bringing it to this point, the formation of the seal is truly completed, the ancestor of the gourd in the sky is now slowly falling, and immediately said to the two treasures in the air, "Thank you for your help!! "

But those two treasures were also spinning slightly in the air, as if they were as polite as the gourd ancestor!

Just at this moment, on top of the huge mountains and rivers that were formed just now, a cloud of black and yellow clouds suddenly appeared, and the bursts of sunlight made the whole mountains and rivers warm and bright again!

But the huge cloud of air that covered the sky shocked Lin Sen slightly. The turbid air that sealed the earth actually had so many merits and virtues, and such a huge amount, although it was not comparable to the previous Buddhist sects. The Universiade of Enlightenment merits, but it is not far behind.

But under everyone's gaze, they could see the mysterious and yellow meritorious aura in the air suddenly disperse, and each of them flew towards the two treasures in the air, but let the two treasures roll together, carrying the merit The breath disappeared above the sky!

And [-]% of them flew towards Lin Sen and Zhen Yuanzi, but in the middle of the way, they were divided into two ends, about [-]% of Xiang Zhenyuanzi's side, and the remaining [-]% were Xiang Lin Sen came, although it was less than [-]%, but under that huge base, it was still a very objective amount!

And in that mysterious yellow aura, another [-]% was formed, falling towards the huge stretching mountains and rivers, and after the mountains and rivers absorbed the meritorious aura, the whole mountain became more and more majestic and straight!

After that, the last remaining [-]% condensed down from the sky, and the place where it fell was exactly where the gourd patriarch was!

Besides, the people who were talking about each smiled and collected their own merits into their bodies. As soon as the merits entered their bodies, Lin Sen's slightly damaged body under the pressure immediately recovered, and this The virtuous qi used in general treatment is not enough for Lin Sen's one hundred percent!

But the rest of the breath, under Lin Sen's control, surged straight to Lin Sen. This sea of ​​consciousness is the foundation of practice, so if it is not for the refining of magic weapons with the energy of merit, it will be It integrates here, as for integrating merit into oneself, such a luxury, I am afraid that no one has done it in the wild!

And as soon as the virtuous energy entered his mind, Lin Sen only felt a shock in his head, and then he was unconsciously lost in the shock, and in this absent-mindedness, Lin Sen who had entered the sea of ​​consciousness The energy of merit suddenly rushed towards the uncivilized chaotic place in the sea of ​​consciousness!

And in that chaotic place, bursts of colorful brilliance flickered, as if they were cheering and welcoming, and as the virtuous atmosphere blended in, Lin Sen suddenly felt a long-lost familiar feeling, that kind of future The feeling that everything around him is completely in his hands is precisely his divine sense that has long since disappeared!

But now this divine sense has grown deeper than before. Lin Sen just feels that the divine sense seems to be endless and endless, but this seems to be far from the limit of his divine sense. Lin Sen can clearly understand I feel that more body thoughts and the small world of the sea of ​​consciousness that feels a little vague at this time are still sleeping together. It is precisely something that is being conceived, but the body thoughts I feel now are just This is the prelude to the complete awakening of the sea of ​​consciousness small world!

This kind of feeling only made Lin Sen feel as if he was floating for a while, and just when he wanted to investigate carefully, the violent vibration of the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth really woke him up from that state.

After waking up like this, Lin Sen immediately looked at the source of the aura vibration that day, but he saw that the gourd ancestor had already flew into the sky at some point, stepping on the blood-colored lotus platform, and the half-acre celebration appeared above his head. Clouds, covering the sky with red sand, rotate like red clouds all over the sky.

But in the red sand, there are also two magic weapons, the red gourd and the colorful Ruyi, shining brightly!

And that huge aura of spiritual energy really turned into a whirlwind visible to the naked eye and condensed towards Patriarch Gourd's body at this time, and it was precisely because of this that there was a violent vibration between the sky and the ground!

"Great Immortal Zhenyuan? This is the ancestor?" Seeing such a magnificent vision, Lin Sen was suddenly taken aback, and a thought flashed through his mind subconsciously, but he was not sure yet. He hurriedly asked Zhen Yuanzi who was smiling and looking at the ancestor of the gourd in the sky!

However, after Zhen Yuanzi made a slight silent gesture, he smiled and said to Lin Sen, "Look carefully, you will definitely realize something, such scenes are not many in the prehistoric world." See you!" After finishing speaking, he no longer cared about Lin Sen, and looked at the sky again with his eyes wide!

Although Zhen Yuanzi didn't give a direct answer, the look on his face said everything. Immediately, Li Linsen's eyes showed a look of surprise, and he hurriedly looked at the ancestor of gourd in the sky! (To be continued.)

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