Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 747 Hongyun, here comes the chapter!

Lin Sen looked at it like this at this time, but it was such a short period of time, the ancestor of the gourd was still completely wrapped in the colorful aura, and in the shining of the aura, he could see the ancestor of the gourd celebrating on the top of his head. The scarlet gourd above the cloud and the colorful Ruyi are slowly flying down at this moment!

Turned into a blood robe and a white robe, two pink and jade-carved dolls stood beside the gourd patriarch!

Then I saw the two incarnations, holding a gourd in one hand and Ruyi in the other, plus the ancestor of the gourd who was stepping on a blood lotus, and three dolls carved in powder and jade, all facing each other with their backs facing each other. stand up!

Once the battle was complete, the spiritual energy between the sky and the earth swarmed even more, so much so that people could not help but produce a faint fragrance when they smelled it.

But in such a vision of heaven and earth, one can see the three statues of the majestic Gourd Patriarch, all of which are shining with brilliance, and the brilliance is slowly gathering among the three of them , and then blended into a figure that is very tall compared to these three children!

The figure slowly became clear, but it was red beard and hair, with a bold smile, and a red robe, but it was just like the red glow that day.

As the figure slowly became clear, the three powder-carved and jade-carved dolls all turned into a stream of light and merged into the body of the red-robed Taoist!

But after seeing it like this, the red-robed Taoist suddenly opened his eyes, but seeing tears in his eyes, he suddenly shouted, "I, Hongyun, am back... "

And Zhen Yuanzi's face is also full of joy at this time, and there are even slight water stains in his eyes, with a faint look of envy!

Following the shouts of this life, the sky and the earth suddenly trembled, like the sound of a torrent of bells, and an infinite coercion emerged from the red body in the sky. This coercion was boundless, like a prehistoric sky , Looking down at the entire prehistoric land, all the creatures in the entire prehistoric land, at this moment, only feel that time has paused, and all of a sudden, only the figure in the sky shouting!

At this time, all the creatures in the prehistoric wilderness couldn't help worshiping this shouting figure from the bottom of their hearts. They roared and cried for a long time. Although they didn't understand each other, the words they uttered at this moment had only one meaning." Greetings to the Red Cloud Sage..."

Sanctified?Although Lin Sen had guessed it long ago, he is still a little unknown now. He actually witnessed the birth of a saint with his own eyes. I also sincerely followed up with congratulations!

After three bows and nine knocks, the coercion slowly disappeared, and the prehistoric creatures slowly stood up. Of course, the lowly creatures didn't know what happened, but for the strong in the prehistoric For the readers, it is very clear at this time that from then on, there will be one more saint and venerable who stands on the top of the prehistoric world!

At this time, it was the Patriarch Gourd with tears on his face... No, it should be Patriarch Hongyun. Only after he obtained the holy throne now has he restored his real name. Maybe this is also the obsession in his heart!

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Hongyun...to escape from calamity today, and to finally prove Hunyuan!" A faint voice sounded suddenly, without much power, but that faint voice was indeed like a cloud in the sky, although it was windy and light. Light, but it is heard all over the world!

"Haha! Thank you, Brother Taishang!!" Hongyun and Kongkong also laughed long and loudly, and then they also bowed their hands to express their gratitude to Kongkong. There were several congratulatory voices, and even the Second Saint of the West was also congratulating on his birth at this time!

And Hong Yun also thanked each of them with a smile on his face. After the six saints showed their words in the air, Hong Yun slowly landed in front of Lin Sen and the others. He was tyrannical when he was proving the Dao just now, but now it looks like the clouds in the sky. If they want to see it on the ground, they can only look up!

"I've seen the sage of Hongyun!" Seeing the red cloud falling in front of him, everyone in Lin Sen hurriedly saluted, even Zhen Yuanzi was slightly jishou, although the two of them were already like brothers, but the sage The gift is not free!

"Please get up quickly! Please get up quickly!!" Seeing such a red cloud, he said in a hurry, and then he quickly stepped forward and paid the two of Lin Senzhen and Yuanzi up and said, "With us Why do you need to be so formal!" After saying this with a smile, this is the one who smiled slightly and said to Yang Yuchan, "Get up!!"

It was Yang Yuchan who got up hastily, and then excitedly said to Hongyun, "Sage is merciful, please save my husband!" But seeing Hongyun's supernatural power just now, Yang Yuchan immediately gave birth again Hope, so this is the urgent call for help!

It's just that Liu Yanchang has been dead for such a long time, how can he be rescued at this time, seeing his pleading appearance, Hong Yun also said with some sympathy at the moment, "This person's soul has been scattered early, and now it is just an empty shell. It's better to go to the ground quickly!"

A faint sentence made Yang Yuchan completely stunned. Since the sage said that there was no other way, how could Liu Yanchang have a reason to survive, and two lines of tears were slowly shed in his eyes immediately!

Seeing such a few people, they sighed slightly at the moment, but there was another voice in the sky at this time, which seemed to come from a long time in the void, saying, "Red Cloud, since the Hunyuan has been proved, then Don't stay in the human world, hurry up and open up a dojo 33 days away, and you will not be able to walk in the world of mortals unless there is a catastrophe!"

After the words fell, there was no more sound. Although the voice was flat and soothing, like the scene in Lin Sen's sea of ​​knowledge, but at this time it seemed that Lin Sen had become enlightened, but there was a slight relief in his tone!

Hearing this voice, Hong Yun smiled wryly, and then said respectfully to the air, "Hong Yun respectfully obeys the teacher's decree!" Entering the confinement flight, but at the moment, it can only be the chief executive who receives the order!

Lin Sen really didn't expect that it was Hong Yun who became enlightened, and the Taoist ancestor urged him to leave. Hearing the voice of the true powerhouse in the prehistoric world, Lin Sen's heart was full of longing, the so-called Dao of Heaven , this Daoist Hongjun is already the incarnation of the way of heaven with his body!

Since Dao Patriarch ordered, Hong Yun did not dare to stay in the world for a long time, so he smiled at Lin Sen and the two immediately, "You two can follow me to the 33 days away, and watch me open up a dojo?"

There is a reason to reject such things. You must know that although the sage's opening of the dojo is not as powerful as the Pangu's opening of the sky, it also contains the Dao that he has learned all his life. It can be said that watching this saint open up a dojo is undoubtedly a sublimation of one's own Dao heart. After watching, it will definitely usher in a rapid improvement in cultivation!

"Great kindness!" Zhen Yuanzi said anxiously at the moment, but Lin Sen glanced at Yang Yuchan in embarrassment. It's ditched here.

Seeing Lin Sen's gaze, Hong Yun smiled slightly at the moment, and then stretched out his sleeves slightly, Yang Yuchan and Liu Yanchang's corpse immediately disappeared under a red light, and then smiled and said, "I I have already sent her to your Hanging Mountain, but now there is no need to worry about it!"

Then he laughed, a red light came out from his body, it was Lin Sen, the diameter was flying to the sky, and Zhen Yuanzi also smiled, and then the yellow light flashed on his body, and together he followed the red Mount away!

The two red lights flew to the chaos that was 33 days away, and then they stopped. In the faint brilliance, the three of them stood side by side in the chaos!

At this time, Hong Yun looked at the dense chaotic atmosphere around here, and his eyes were slightly sighed at this time, and he said softly at the moment, "Wait for me to open this piece of chaos!! Haha!!"

But I can see that at this time beside him are the three doll incarnations, each in charge of his own treasure, but I can see that colorful Ruyi swipe in the chaos, and it is a brilliance shining into the Milky Way!

But under that ray of brilliance, one can see that the pervasive chaotic aura is separated from it immediately, and it is divided into two colors of aura, just like opening the sky in the past, but it can be seen that the aura is separated after separation. Not aspirations, they are indeed attracted to each other like magnets!

"Qinghun two qi, hurry up and separate, and turn into my dojo cave!" Seeing such a red cloud, he smiled slightly at the moment, the scarlet gourd and the blood-colored lotus were born at the same time, but the scarlet gourd sprayed out the red color that filled the sky. Sand, lifted up the clear air, while the blood lotus was glowing faintly red, and in the blood-colored light that filled the sky, it suppressed the turbid air!

But in the open void in the middle, there is a Qibao wishing to continuously sway the divine light of colorful clouds. Under the divine light that I can see, the entire space is immediately filled with dazzling brilliance, and in this The brilliance is so bright, but a small world is slowly condensing!

But what you can see is a stretch of towering mountains and rivers, the mountains are filled with clouds and mist, there are countless strange flowers and plants on them, ancient trees and strange vines stretching, and there are waterfalls hanging down to the sky, the water pools are penetrating, and the white waves are flying. It is densely covered with bright lotus flowers the size of a round table, each of which is crystal clear and shining!

But it makes people look at it, but they can't help sighing, "What a wonderful land of immortals!!"

But in this Immortal Mansion Spiritual Land, above the spreading mountains, there is an Immortal Palace towering, following the ups and downs of the mountains and rivers, and on the tallest main hall, there are three big characters of Huoyun Palace written on it. ! (To be continued.)

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