But as the scenery in this world appeared, this small world was stable, and Hong Yun just smiled and took back his three avatars and merged them into his body!

"What a Fire Cloud Palace!" Zhen Yuanzi let out a long sigh of admiration when he saw this, and then asked Hong Yun with a smile, "But I don't know what the name of this heaven and earth dojo is?"

Hong Yun was stunned for a moment, then looked at the mountain range spreading in front of him, then smiled neutrally, "Since I have proved the Tao with that Huashan, let's name this place after Taihuatian!"

"Okay! What a Taihuatian!" Zhen Yuanzi laughed loudly at the moment, "Bring me to make the icing on the cake!!" At the moment, the earth book was sacrificed, and the brilliance was swaying, but the whole earth in front of him was It became more and more solidified, and there were countless rare birds and animals in that mountain, but Zhen Yuanzi took them into his sleeves at some point!

And while the cranes soared into the sky and the spirit beasts roamed, this side of Taihua Tiantian suddenly became full of vitality!

After doing this, the two of them looked at each other and immediately smiled slightly. After many years of persistence, Hong Yun got the Hunyuan Dao Fruit!

It's just that after the two met each other and smiled, they didn't enter this world in a hurry, but looked at Lin Sen with smiles at the same time!

But why?

In between, Lin Sen closed the curtain and stood at the same place, his face was full of contemplation, with an expression of gain, but when Hong Yun just opened the dojo, Lin Sen had a sudden understanding, and then unconsciously. Entered the sea of ​​consciousness!

And at the beginning of the unexplored chaos around his sea of ​​consciousness, how similar is it to the chaos outside the fairy world at this time, but now in this chaos, it is just like the outside world just now, when this happened Earth-shattering change!

However, the chaos around the sea of ​​consciousness in the middle is also violently churning. Because of Lin Sen's own divine sense, this sea of ​​consciousness was developed very early, so his sea of ​​consciousness is vast, but it is like a holy fruit far away. Even ordinary Taiyi Golden Immortals may not be able to compare.

But even with such development, there is still boundless chaos around the sea of ​​consciousness!

But at this time, the chaos was violently shaking and churning. If anyone could see it, they would definitely be able to find out how similar the scene in Lin Sen's mind was to the scene in the chaos just now!

In the midst of such ups and downs, under the Nascent Soul in Lin Sen's Sea of ​​Consciousness, there suddenly appeared two bright stars, one golden and one white surrounding each other, the golden one is hot and broad, and the white one is warm. Elegant and poignant, mutual restraint and mutual support, surrounded to the palm is like the transition between night and day and endless life!

But it is not wrong to say that they are stars. In this boundless and vast sea of ​​consciousness, at this time, these were originally Lin Sen's two body thoughts, but now they have undergone earth-shaking changes. The increase in height is to catch up with the territory of hundreds of thousands of miles like Hanging Mountain, and the aura on it seems to be very similar to the two stars in the sky, the sun and the moon.

The difference is only far from the vastness and vastness of the sun and the moon, but the root cause is indeed almost the same!

And as the sun and the moon rotate alternately, four stars slowly appear around the sun and the moon, divided into four colors: black, red, white, and blue. Although they are not as large as the two stars of the sun and the moon, But it is also very huge, and each one is suspended in the void of this sea of ​​consciousness, but they all have a territory of 10,000+ miles, and the breath is solid and the stars are bright.

Except for the size and quality, which is far inferior, this kind of weather is really like a real prehistoric star!

In addition to these four stars, around each star, there are seven stars of lesser order, each of which is also tens of thousands of miles wide, and each of them slowly surrounds with its own unique rhythm. From the beginning, it is also shining with brilliance, and the stars are shining brightly, echoing with the stars of the four spirits!

Don't underestimate these brilliant brilliance. In the past, under the Zhoutian formation, the monster race dominated the prehistoric world. Even if a saint fell into this formation, among the Zhoutian stars, the resplendent brilliance can seriously injure him , and the Zhoutian Xingchen formation is the only formation in the prehistoric world that does not have its own space!

Firstly, it is because the formation is too vast and boundless, and secondly, it is also because once one falls into it, it is absolutely impossible to escape the coaxing and killing of the power of the stars, so there is no need for a self-contained space to trap the enemy!

But now the brilliance of the stars appeared in Lin Sen's body thoughts, which indicated that Lin Sen could finally show the power of the stars this week!

What surprised Lin Sen the most was that in addition to the 28 stars, there were 360 ​​five small stars surrounding them. Although each one was not very big, but only a few thousand miles in size, they were all twinkling from the start. The brilliance of the stars.

When absorbing the yin and yang qi in the past, although Lin Sen said that he condensed the 360 ​​five body thoughts with the virtuous aura in the meritorious deed stupa, but in the end he was crushed by the yin and yang qi needle, but I didn't expect it to be conceived again now!

Moreover, the faint brilliance is filled with the aura of merit that Lin Sen is very familiar with. These 360 ​​five body thoughts are all condensed on the basis of Xuanhuang merit, and this has established a hard essence, and The brilliance flickering on it made this small starry sky even more brilliant!

However, after having these 360 ​​five trees, Lin Sen's formation of stars this week has finally been considered a small success, and it can be regarded as a real formation. Can show the power of the stars this week!

The original spiritual thoughts turned into huge stars at this time, and these stars provided Lin Sen with a more powerful and domineering spiritual power. Li, although Lin Sen doesn't have an intuitive comparison object now, but with a rough consideration in his heart, his body thought has definitely surpassed Jinxian and entered the realm of Taiyi, and it is definitely not the realm of entering Taiyi for the first time!

You must know that at the level of Taiyi, a slight gap will also lead to a huge difference in strength. Don't you see that on the Hanging Mountain in the past, the two Bull Demon Kings and the Wansheng Dragon King in the early stage of Taiyi are far inferior to one Taiyi. Manjushri in the middle of B!

What's more, it is that Lin Sen's knowledge of the sea and stars is a self-proclaimed formation. Whether it is Yin and Yang, the sun and the moon, or the five elements, they are all reincarnations one by one, and they are in each reincarnation.

Reincarnation is endless, but it provides Lin Sen with endless power of body and mind. It can be said that when fighting with others, ordinary people need to consider their own consumption, but Lin Sen does not need it at all, but It's because his spiritual thoughts are endless and endless! (To be continued.)

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