Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 754 The Power of the Monster Clan

Zhulong's eyes were very serious at this time, and he said softly, "No matter how the Wu Clan knows, but since they have already snatched the Lotus Lantern, they will naturally plan to use the other two lamps..." He frowned slightly After turning his head, he said again, "It seems that someone is looking for someone to stare at the western burning lamp to see if the coffin lamp is still perfect!"

After muttering like this, he looked at Lin Sen with admiration on his face and said, "But I never thought that you and Hongyun still have such a cause and effect. Why did I turn around when I saw your blazing light?" It looks so familiar, isn’t it just Hongyun’s method of body incarnation and flowing light!” He also smiled at the moment, “With the cause and effect of Hongyun and the West, now we have such a friendship, but now there are two saints standing in front of me Wait by your side!"

One of the main reasons why the West is tyrannical is the two Western Saints. Since the separation of the three Qing Dynasty, the Western Second Saints have seemed to be the most powerful existence in the prehistoric world other than the Daoist Ancestor!

And now if there is Hongyun, plus Emperor Wa, at least before the high-end combat power, they will not suffer a loss, and if they really compete with Buddhism, when the luck is swallowed, the few members of the Taoist sect will not suffer. How could he stand back and watch.

Lin Sen also smiled slightly at the moment and said, "Speaking of this, I have one more thing." Then he talked about Duobao's escape. Since Duobao escaped, he has been traveling in Biyou In the palace, there is no one known in the world like Hongyun!

And at this moment when he said this, Zhulong wrapped his palms together and said in celebration, "Okay!!! Haha, this is also good news!" There was a faint blood-colored brilliance in his eyes, and when Zhulong was neutral, it was He said softly, "Red Cloud's sanctification has broken the absolute power of the two Western saints. Once Duobao fights with Sakyamuni, no matter what the result is, the battle between the two must last for a long time, and this short period of time is Best time to do it!"

"Should we act first?" Lin Sen frowned slightly at the moment. Those who act first are facing the first blow from the Buddhist sect, and the consumption must be huge. Don't you see it is a force like the Confucian sect. , At this time, they are just trying to attack!

"Don't worry! We don't need to take the first blow! Some people can't wait! Once Shakyamuni leaves, he will definitely jump out!" Zhulong laughed softly at the moment!

"Who?" Lin Sen immediately asked back. At this time, although everyone wants to do something, I'm afraid no one wants to be the first bird!

Zhulong smiled slightly at the moment, and then laughed loudly, "Brother, although you have been busy running around, others have never been idle. Girl Tushan and her party just came back from the sea of ​​blood, and the old ancestor of Minghe Bing Lima, I think as soon as the news spreads, it is time to do something!"

"Come back from the sea of ​​blood!!" Lin Sen looked at Tu Shan and the others in astonishment. Where is the sea of ​​blood? I couldn't help feeling bursts of admiration in my heart!

At the same time, I also understand that with the sanctification of Hongyun, Patriarch Styx is in a hurry. After all, he owed a large amount of karma back then, but now he can only use it when he devours the luck of Buddhism. One step closer to cultivation.

After all, although the Taoist ancestor in the past once had seven saints under his sect, but the number of nine is extremely high, this world is only complete with the box cover and nine saints. In the sea!

And now Buddhism seems to be powerful, but now it is indeed the target of public criticism. It is not a family or two who are staring at him. Once someone makes a move, it will definitely be a war that will affect the whole body!

It would be a good thing if someone took action, but Lin Sen frowned slightly and said, "Although Patriarch Minghe is the first, but with the power of my monster clan, it is true that we may not be able to gain much benefit in this battle now!" This kind of battle is not about one person, one country, but several giants in the prehistoric world!

Compared with the sea of ​​blood, the Confucianism is at its peak, and the Daoist sects that have been unable to preserve their strength. Compared with such a big force, the current power of Lin Sen and others is really too weak. Such a power , Even if you participate in the war, you will not be able to achieve great results, and you will even be unable to make ends meet, causing heavy losses!

Seeing Lin Sen's worried look, Zhulong, Tu Shanshi and the others did laugh at the same time, even the Bull Demon King looked at Lin Sen with a smile on his face!

Just when Lin Sen was puzzled, Zhulong immediately smiled and said, "Brother is really cautious, brother Qianfan is not here, so I missed some things, but you are too underestimating the power of my monster clan , The strength shown by the monster clan is just the tip of the iceberg, once the battle starts, not to mention the Da Luo Jinxian, even the quasi-sage, my monster clan can pull a few out!"

What Zhulong said made Lin Sen stunned. What is the concept of a quasi-sage? When this saint is not out, the strength of a quasi-sage can be said to be absolute dominance. Among them, there are also very few, although they are not as rare as saints, but they are also rare people who are astonishing and brilliant, and they can reach them just now!

"In addition to the Great God, there are quasi-sages in my monster clan?" Lin Sen murmured subconsciously, although there was one more in his memory, but that obviously couldn't be counted.

As soon as the words were finished, Zhulong laughed out loud at the moment, and said with a smile, "Brother Lin, you have to go and find out about my monster clan!" After laughing, he went on to say, "In the past, when my demon clan was at its peak, don't say that the twelve demon gods were all quasi-sages. Even among the 28 demon saints, there were so many quasi-sages. It's a pity that most of them fell in the First World War!"

Zhulong used most of them, not all of them, but Lin Sen's eyes suddenly lit up. This means, among these people, is there anyone who survived?

Seeing Lin Sen's complexion, Zhulong immediately sighed, "The First World War was very tragic, but only the twelve demon gods, Bai Ze and Yingzhao, survived in the world. Among the continents, the extremely cold land of Beiju Luzhou is full of poisonous mist and miasma, and it is difficult for the human race to come, but it gave me the last place for my monster race to survive!"

After saying this, he immediately sighed again, "Bai Ze is also a military advisor of the Demon Emperor, and Ying Zhao is an unrivaled general. These two were ordered by the Emperor Wa to accumulate strength in Luzhou, Beiju. Earth, but my monster clan has tempered even more tenacity, but they are all waiting for the opportunity for my monster clan to rise!!"

"My monster clan still has such power!" Lin Sen murmured at the moment, and at the same time, he admired Nuwa very much. These were obviously prepared long ago, and the original plan was to only wait for Monkey King As soon as the demon emperor returned to his throne, he had enough strength to support him!

"No! No!" Seeing Lin Sen's amazement, Zhulong immediately smiled and said, "It's not that my monster clan has such strength, it's just one of the powers left by my monster clan, and It's far from the strongest one!" Zhulong looked at Lin Sen and laughed, obviously planning to explain everything about the Yaozu to Lin Sen!

"Anything else?" Lin Sen's eyes widened at the moment, and the Yaozu still had residual power!

"That's natural!" Zhulong said softly at the moment, "My monster race has dominated the prehistoric world for countless years. Even if I am lonely, I won't have such a little power to survive. I just have to do it to survive!" As she spoke, there was a slight bitterness in her mouth!

But after he finished speaking like this, Lin Sen's mind suddenly brightened and said, "The Great God is talking about the ten princes?" His heart was suddenly shocked. As the master of the Buddhist Tantric Sect, the power in his hands can be imagined. I know, but if it is the power of the monster clan, then what a tyrannical force it is!

Zhulong nodded slightly at the current change, and then said in his mouth, "I have wronged Xiao Shi for so many years, but his heart has been tempered, and he can bear it after so many years!" Then he began to admire slightly, and the little ten in his mouth was naturally the tenth prince of the Golden Crow, Lu Ya, the current master of Tantric Buddhism, the Tathagata!

Then he said coldly, "If it wasn't for Na Zhunti's instigation, how could the Lich and the Lich fight blindly before they were ready to retreat? It's a shame that even though they knew it, the Lich The family is in decline, the Buddhist sect is powerful, and among the children of the monster clan, there are many people who have no choice but to go to the west, but because of this, Xiao Shi was arranged by the emperor to go to the west, and he painted Tantra, which can be regarded as one more for my monster clan. The land of shadows!"

Lin Sen couldn't help being shocked, not to mention that Lu Ya himself is a quasi-sage, and there are also many masters in the Tantric sect. After so many years of development, such a force, compared to the monster in Beiju Luzhou The family is afraid that they are strong but not weak.

However, Nuwa's clever trick of borrowing chickens to lay eggs is very ingenious. Since Buddhism claims to open the door of convenience, how can Lu Ya not accept it? mouth!

At this time, Lin Sen was full of admiration for this monster saint who had never seen him before. He was able to cultivate Hunyuan. As expected, none of them was simple, even Nuwa, who seemed to be the least scheming one. Now, however, he has prepared the back-ups of each class!

"But these two strands are far from the strongest power of my monster clan!" Seeing that Lin Sen was so shocked, Zhulong threw an even heavier bomb, and then saw that Lin Sen was shocked again, Zhulong smiled slightly at the moment and said, "Compared to Brother Lin, I know where the strongest power of my monster clan is!"

"I know too?" Lin Sen was slightly stunned at the moment, but he himself really didn't know what power the Yaozu had, and he knew it too. (To be continued.)

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