Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 755 The Sea of ​​Darkness in the North, Demon Master Kunpeng

Seeing that Lin Sen still hadn't realized it, Zhulong smiled slightly at the moment, and then softly uttered a few words from his mouth, "The Sea of ​​Northern Darkness..."

As soon as these four words were uttered, Lin Sen frowned slightly at the moment. In the sea of ​​Beiming, the demon master Kunpeng, Lin Sen is naturally a direct seller in this place, and even most of the demon clans know about it. In the hearts of all the monster races, this place is no longer the sacred place that was once close!

It has been said many times in the previous article that the monster race values ​​righteousness and despises life, and what they hate the most is those who are greedy for life and fear of death. No matter who they are, no matter how tyrannical their cultivation is, they will be despised by the monster race , and even won't admit that it is a monster race!

However, Kunpeng, the former demon master, escaped during the battle of the ancient lich. He was so greedy for life and afraid of death, but he was already famous in the hearts of the demon clan. Famous all over the world, he is known as the master of all monsters in the world, but in the hearts of all the monster clans, he is already dead, and now what is left is just a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death!

And speaking of Kunpeng, he is also a great figure among the monster clan and even the wilderness. If it weren't for the fight between Hongyun and Zixiao Palace, Kunpeng should have been the second saint among the monster clan, but this one was also In front of such an identity!

Kunpeng does not have imperial aura, so he is not among the one emperor and four emperors, but he has the only title among the monster clan.

Calling him a demon master, even the demon emperors saw him, but they also called him a demon master, but only because Kunpeng was the first preacher in the prehistoric world!

Although there is a preaching in Zixiao Palace, it is after Kunpeng. However, Hongjun Daozu and Zixiao Palace preached 33 days away, and those who can go there are all extremely powerful people in the prehistoric, the prehistoric creatures Hundreds of millions, but very few can get there!

It can be said that if Daoist Hongjun is pursuing high-end education, the demon master Kunpeng is facing the public. Before Daozu preached, all the powerful people were hiding and cultivating. Only Kunpeng walked in the prehistoric and taught his way , preaching and prehistoric creatures.

But while he was running, he didn't know how many monster clans had the method of killing because of their intelligence. Admiration, admiration!

Even now, the method of cultivating the demon pill passed down by Kunpeng is also the method of cultivating the top ten monsters in the world. It can be said that he is well-deserved as the master of all monsters!

It's just that such a noble figure among the monster clan should be afraid of death because of the greed for life in the previous battle. Although he survived, in the hearts of all monsters in the world, it is indeed better than death!

And it is precisely because of this that Lin Sen is frowning slightly. He naturally knows that the Kunpeng demon master of the North Sea, but in his heart, he is like all demons in the world, and he has already been expelled from the demon clan. Well, even though Zhulong said that, he really never thought about that!

"The demon master Kunpeng..." Seeing Zhulong mentioned it at this time, Lin Sen murmured in a neutral voice!

"That's right, it's the demon master..." Zhulong said with a smile at the moment, "The sea of ​​the North Darkness, the demon master's palace is where the strongest power of my demon clan is. As for what you think... "Looking at Lin Sen's frown, Zhulong immediately smiled and said, "I also know what you think in your heart. Although the demon master is tyrannical, those people who are greedy for life and afraid of death should have been killed by my demon master long ago." You should be expelled from the clan, right!"

Seeing Zhulong express his thoughts in this way, Lin Sen immediately followed up and said, "Even if my monster clan is in decline, I can't lose the will in my heart, otherwise it would be better to exterminate the clan!"

"Hahaha! Well said!!" Zhulong laughed out loud at the moment, and then said seriously, "I thought the same way before, so the first thing I did after recovering from the injury The thing is to go to the demon master's palace and ask the demon master for clarification! It's only after arriving at the demon master's palace and waiting for the demon master to say something to me, I don't know the hard work of the demon master!"

And judging by his appearance, Lin Sen also knew that it was definitely not as simple as asking for clarification, he might just call the door directly, but with the surname of Zhulong, how could such a change happen!

Lin Sen frowned slightly, and after a sudden change in his mind, he said softly, "Could it be that the demon master left to preserve the strength for my demon clan?"

Although Lin Sen didn't get along with Zhulong for a long time, he still knew his surname very well. If he only went directly to the Demon Master's Palace, that's the only possibility. It would allow him to discover the current change, otherwise As long as the demon master gives any reason, Zhulong will definitely fight to the death without stopping his tone, but if the demon master is to preserve his strength for the demon clan, then he is not only the sinner of the demon clan, but has become the demon clan's sinner. hero!

Lin Sen's words made Zhulong stunned for a moment, and then he laughed loudly and said, "Haha!! Although it is not complete, but it is not far behind!! Haha! The demon master did not expect that Lin Sen boy, It turned out to be a one-sip guess you!"

The latter sentence was obviously not addressed to Lin Sen, but when Lin Sen was in a daze, he heard a slightly gloomy and hoarse voice from the hall saying, "Is he Knowing me is just knowing you very well!"

Following these words, a person wearing a dark green Taoist robe slowly appeared in the hall, his eyes were gloomy, his face was gloomy, although he had the aura of a superior person, but there were bursts of coldness, so and so It's no wonder that everyone drove him off the futon all those years ago, after all, compared with the immortal demeanor of ordinary immortals, this look really doesn't match!

"I've seen the sorcerer!" Seeing this person appear, even Zhulong got up and gave him half a salute.

"Don't be too polite!" Kunpeng smiled slightly, but that smile made people feel a little cold, and then turned around and said to Lin Sen, "Am I right?"

"That's right!" Lin Sen also nodded slightly, and even in front of the demon master, he said straightforwardly, "Based on my understanding of the Great God Candle Dragon, other than that, no matter what the demon master gives For the reason, the Great God Candle Dragon must be constantly fighting against demon masters!"

"Reason!?" Hearing Lin Sen's obviously disrespectful words, the demon master did not get angry, and then smiled again, "You think I'm looking for a reason! Let me ask you, knowing that This is a game, it must be a battle of defeat, if it were you, would you fight or leave?"

"This..." Lin Sen hesitated slightly, and he knew in his heart that the words Kunpeng said were precisely the battle of the ancient Lich, and he said in a deep voice, "Of course we go..."

"Not too confused!" Hearing Lin Sen's answer, Kunpeng nodded slightly, and then nodded slightly and said harshly, "The Lich War was just a plot by those gangsters. It's a trick, but it's still a strong son fighting, this is not courage, but stupidity!"

"All the ancestors fought for our monster clan and died. It means that several emperors fell in this battle. How can these martyrs be stupid?" Seeing Kunpeng saying this, Lin Sen said, Even if he retorted, he was slightly angry in his heart!

But after he retorted like this, he didn't see Kunpeng getting angry, but saw him praising him so much, even after contradicting himself, he nodded slightly, and then said coldly, "They are the emperors, they are the monsters." My king, everyone can leave, but they can't, all the monsters in the world are watching them, if they leave, then the monsters will stop fighting for hegemony with the witches, just hand over their heads and let them be chopped off What's more, if they don't die, how can those people feel relieved! Hmph!" After saying this, there was a cold snort in his mouth!

And Lin Sen also understood in his heart that if the demon emperors and the ancestor witches survived, how could this war of liches be considered an end!

Zhulong smiled bitterly at the moment, and then said, "The demon master is entrusted by the demon emperor to preserve the inheritance of my demon clan, and even to leave behind the fire of my demon clan, but because of this, he lost his reputation and bears the infamy, but I waited for the demon master to be wronged!" Zhulong sighed at the moment, and said gratefully, what Kunpeng said was right, they are the royal family of the demon clan, although they stand at the top of all demons in the world, they are all for the demons. Born for the clan, died for the monster clan!

Just like Zhulong, the enemies of the Yaozu are his enemies, the traitors of the Yaozu are his traitors, and if he has any intentions with the Yaozu, he is Zhulong's friend!

"What kind of bullshit fame? It's nothing like shit!" Kunpeng cursed angrily at the moment, but his tone was still so gloomy, but at this time he had his own free and easy domineering "My monster race stands in the world, You should be ashamed of yourself, what other people think has nothing to do with me! As a demon master, I am also entrusted by the demon emperor, and it is my duty to leave a fire for my demon clan, so why should I be respected!"

In the words, there was actually a slight reprimand, Zhulong who defended himself, but the words in his mouth were really greedy for merit!

Lin Sen could tell that this passage was spoken in a free and easy way, and there was nothing against his will. It seemed that the so-called cultivator paid most attention to his face, but he didn't care at all!

However, it made Lin Sen's heart skip a beat. Although Kunpeng was still the same as before, his appearance had grown taller now!

Then this was the sudden question. Looking at Lin Sen, he asked, "I want to ask you, the so-called reputation of bullshit and the future of my monster clan. What do you choose?"

This was Lin Sen's question. After hesitating for a moment, Lin Sen replied, "Of course it is the future of my monster clan!"

Hearing such an answer, Kunpeng nodded slightly, and he could naturally see that although Lin Sen hesitated for a while, he made this choice out of worry, and said in his mouth, "such a Choose, I am the one who is right!" (To be continued.)

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