Seeing that Lin Sen came to his senses, Kunpeng nodded slightly and said, "It was I who was ordered by the Demon Emperor to investigate the whole story. I never thought that by the time I found out, it would be too late." , since the beginning of the war, but even if you want to stop, you can't stop!"

Kunpeng sighed immediately, in the situation at that time, the two clans of liches were still unstoppable, and the war was already going on without end!

Then this talented person said, "Back then, Fairy Chang'e sentenced the witch clan for that reason, but the two of us also agreed to abandon the dispute between the two clans, and we must avenge the calculated enmity of the past!" Speaking of this, Kunpeng But he couldn't help gnashing his teeth a little bit, the old Hongyun gave way and took over, and his holy place was indeed taken away by Zhun!

That's all for nothing, but Na Zhunti disregarded the saint's face, and secretly provoked the two clans of Liches to fight with all their strength, and thus completely declined. How can such hatred not be avenged? , although such a catastrophe is already doomed, it cannot be stopped by one person alone. .

But if it wasn't for Zhunti's deeds back then, with the power of the Yaozu at that time, if they had made perfect preparations, even if they couldn't defeat the Wuzu, they would not lose their strength to such a field!

And speaking of this, Kunpeng sneered at the moment and said, "I have been preparing for many years, but now the time has finally come. The sky is chaotic. As long as there is a war, I will definitely avenge the past!"

Although Lin Sen didn't know how powerful the Demon Master Palace was, since Zhulong admired its strength or the remnants of the demon tribe far away in Beiju Luzhou, as well as the power of the Buddhist Tantric School, it must be very powerful !

So at this time, I finally felt relieved, and said in my mouth, "Lin Sen really didn't expect that my monster clan still has such strength, so I can rest assured!" After all, before Lin Sen Sen's known strength, in such a tide-like battle, he might not even be able to turn over a wave, but what is fully exposed in front of his eyes is a huge glacier lurking underwater!

"It's the Wu Clan who are in trouble now!" Hearing what Lin Sen said, Kunpeng nodded slightly, and then said, "What the Wu Clan did is really too weird, it doesn't look like a Wu Clan at all." Clan's methods!" Since Kunpeng was always there, Lin Sen's words were naturally heard just now, and for the Wu Clan, no one present had more right to speak than him and Zhulong!

"Indeed!" Zhulong also nodded slightly, and then said, "After the great war in the past, the witch clan retreated to the underworld, and the remaining great witches also returned to the ancestral witch palace. The method is really completely different from the previous form of the Wu Clan!"

The Wu people don't cultivate the primordial spirit, so they don't know the destiny, and they are warlike and violent by nature, so they mostly act straight and straightforward, and rarely beat around the bush. As Lin Sen and Tu Shan's investigation just now, Whether it is hiding among the human race to cause disputes, or the calculations about Yang Yuchan, it can be said that they are all extremely secretive and vicious, and such things, if they have not witnessed it with their own eyes, it is really hard to imagine that it was done by the Wu clan !

"In the current Wu Clan, there is only Houtu an ancestor witch left, but he didn't expect that although Houtu can't get out of the six realms of reincarnation, his thoughts are much longer!" Kunpeng said coldly at the moment, and then this Only then said in his characteristic cold tone, "Lao Liu, quickly send a message to the Tenth Prince to confirm whether the coffin lamp is still in the hands of Ran Deng, and send someone to keep a close eye on Huashan, and report back immediately if there is any disturbance!"

"The demon master suspects that the witch clan has already obtained the coffin lamp?" Zhulong asked softly at the moment, and then said, "The front turning lamp and the appearance of Longevity Mountain, although relying on the power of the Ding Haizhu to barely break through Quasi-sage, but it is not easy to deal with, the coffin lamp is its companion treasure, how can it be snatched away by others, even if you get the coffin lamp, and the human lamp of eight scenes, it is Laojun What the Wu Clan wants to get is not so easy, what's the use if the three lamps of heaven, earth and people are not complete!"

Hearing what he said, Kunpeng sighed slightly at the moment and said, "It's the autumn of autumn, there is no big mistake in being careful, and besides the form of movie fans of the Wu Clan, I always feel that if he is not prepared, he will definitely It will not be so easy to reveal it!"

Compared with these things, Kunpeng cared more about the means of the Wu Clan. Obviously, the tragedy of the year made the Wu Clan learn smart. Not only did they know how to use tricks, but this change was a big reversal today!

"As far as I know, the Eight Views Palace Lantern is not by Laojun's side!" Hearing what the two said, Lin Sen said softly and frowned slightly at the same time.

"What? Where have you seen these Eight Scenery Lanterns?" The faces of Zhulong and the other two also changed slightly at the moment, and they hurriedly asked, each of them looked extremely serious!

"Lao Jun should have left the Eight Views Palace Lantern in the world!" Lin Sen said with a frown, "When Lin Sen was in the world, although he had never seen the Eight Views Palace Lantern, but he heard that there was a casual cultivator overseas. , it is famous all over the world for this treasure! Dominating one side with the fire of the Eight Views Palace Lantern, it is even famous!"

Naturally, Lin Sen has never heard of any overseas casual cultivators in the world, but he does know the existence of Baimei. Since there are Baimei and Emei, all the swordsmen in Shushan will naturally appear one after another. It is to get the Eight Views Palace Lantern left by the old gentleman in the world, and thus gain the supreme prestige!

Before, Lin Sen didn't know that this treasure was still useful, and it was an inheritance from the old gentleman, not to mention he didn't know where it was, even if he knew it, he might not dare to take it out. Therefore, it is difficult to repay the karma owed to Laojun!

After finishing speaking, he continued, "And when I was in the human world, I also met the witch clan, just like the bhikkhu king, hiding in the imperial city!" I just thought it was strange before, but now However, he felt that it was very mysterious. Lin Sen had a faint feeling that there was a gigantic monster hidden behind the scenes, quietly doing all this!

As soon as Lin Sen finished speaking, the expressions of Kunpeng and Peng completely darkened.

"Such an important thing, the old gentleman actually left it in the world!" Kunpeng said that he didn't care about his dignity even when he was neutral, and slightly complained. After saying this, the two looked at each other. He hesitated and said, "It seems that this matter has to be told to Emperor Wa!" (To be continued.)

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