Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 758 Lin Sen's Strength

No one knew the importance of this matter better than the two of them. Zhulong frowned slightly, and then said to Tu Shan, "Girl Tu Shan, please report this matter to Emperor Wa immediately."

"Yes!" Mrs. Tu Shan replied ethereally, pinched the magic formula in her hand, and a divine light shot out quickly. As Emperor Wa's personal guard, among the people present, she was the only one who could do it the fastest. Contact Wahuang!

On the other side, seeing such a situation, Kunpeng also said with calm eyes, "Lao Liu, you have been hiding, and now quickly go to summon the Tenth Prince, and then go to Taihua Mountain to watch. If there is any trouble, report it immediately!"

"Yes! Leave it to me!" The short Mr. Liu laughed, and disappeared into the hall with a burst of blue light covering his body!

After Mr. Liu disappeared, Tu Shan slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of doubts, and Zhulong immediately asked in doubt when he saw this, "But what happened? What's wrong with Emperor Wa?" Confession?"

But after seeing Tu Shan shook his head slightly, he said, "I have passed the news to Emperor Wa, but Emperor Wa didn't give any instructions!"

Hearing what he said, Zhulong and Kunpeng had to look at each other immediately, and there was a look of doubt in their eyes. This is when Kunpeng said, "Xu Shihuang's heart is enlightened, and he is studying the Hunyuan Dao. Since Emperor Wa didn't give instructions, then we have full authority to deal with this matter! We can't fully confirm the situation yet, we'll wait for the news from the ten princes before making a decision!"

Zhulong and the others also nodded slightly at the moment. If the coffin lamp is still there, then everyone is just worrying for nothing. In Lingshan, even if a saint rushes in, he will not be pleased!

After making some arrangements, Monkey King came up to Lin Sen with a smile on his face and said, "Master Lin, you and I are both new breakthroughs. I wonder if we can fight?" Monkeys are very belligerent. But in the past when he traveled to the west, Lin Sen suppressed him everywhere, but it made him feel very dissatisfied, but now he finally has the opportunity, how could he miss it? It's better to fight a battle!

But it is said that the strength of this monkey has improved rapidly since Journey to the West. With such merits and virtues, he has removed the shackles on his head. In the realm of Taiyi.

And don't underestimate the state of the Golden Immortal's great achievement, it is the body of the four monkeys in the chaotic world. If the fighting spirit of this body is played out, it will definitely be able to display the strength far surpassing the Golden Immortal!

"The Great Sage wants to invite, so Lin Sen naturally has no reason not to fight!" Seeing Monkey King's invitation to fight, Lin Sen immediately said with a smile, although the monkey's strength has improved rapidly, but it is not that he has not improved over the years. Don't say that his cultivation base and physical body are now the same Golden Immortal Dacheng, no less than the monkey, this is the recovered body thought and has broken into the Taiyi realm, it can be said that the monkey has long been left behind !

"Okay! If that's the case, I'll move to the martial arts arena! Haha!" Zhulong laughed out loud at the moment. The two freshmen of the monster race were fighting with each other. They were also interested. Look at the two monster races. What is the strength of the new emperor!

And the so-called Martial Arts Field is an extremely huge underground cave under the Bibo Pool. It is empty and boundless, but the space is big enough for two people to fight.

However, it can be seen that Zhulong placed restrictions on the underground space at will, so as to prevent the space from being shaken down by the vigor of these two people.Then he said with a smile, "In this case, the competition begins!!"

Facing Lin Sen, the monkey was unceremonious, Zhulong's voice just fell off, and a loud drink suddenly came out of his mouth, but it could only be seen that following the heavy drinking in this life, there was a golden light on his body immediately , the infinite fighting spirit is mixed with the aura of the emperor who is present, and the monkey is like an emperor who is like a god of war at this time. With a roar, a shadow of a stick swayed out of the brilliance!

And when that brilliance rose, Lin Sen was still marveling at the monkey's talent in his heart. The rising aura was taught to him by Zhulong in the past, and then he taught it to the monkey, condensing his own emperor. Lin Sen has learned a lot about the formula of qi, so although this formula is concise, it is only to make his imperial energy more condensed!

But the monkey took another shortcut, not only completely controlling the emperor's energy, but also integrated with the infinite fighting spirit of the four monkeys in the world, completely controlling the most powerful potential of the four monkeys in the world, not only allowing the four monkeys to fight. The breath increased greatly, and it also allowed him to explode at any time with a combat power far exceeding his current cultivation base!

It can be said that if Lin Sen is really only at the peak of Jinxian, he will be completely suppressed by the monkey's first blow, but it is because of the power of the monkey's attack, under the infinite fighting spirit and royal aura , is definitely a blow that has reached the realm of Taiyi!

Even under the shadow of sticks all over the sky, you can vaguely see the monkey's face with a slight smile. Anyone who is confused by his golden immortal cultivation level will taste the bitter fruit for himself under his first blow!

It's just a pity that it was Lin Sen who challenged him today, a Lin Sen who had grown far beyond him. Facing the shadow of sticks all over the sky, he was so powerful that when everyone wondered how Lin Sen would resist, they saw him He just slowly raised his palm, stretched his five fingers, and exerted a little force, as if he was grabbing something in the space!

But this simple action shocked the onlookers so much that they almost dropped their eyes, but in front of the palm, the shadow of the stick that filled the sky like a sea tide seemed to be suspended in time and space, gradually It got slower and slower, but in the end it was stopped dead in mid-air!

The smile on the monkey's face is still on his face, but the golden cudgel in his hand seems to be integrated with the world at this moment. Knowing that he is strong enough to hold the sun and the moon, he can't move the golden cudgel at this time.

Looking through the golden cudgel, he could only see the faint smile on Lin Sen's face, and the smile on his face now unconsciously changed into a look of astonishment!

"What a strong divine sense!!" Tu Shan's ethereal tone revealed incomparable astonishment. She was able to intuitively discover that Lin Sen's rapid growth was during the battle of Hanging Mountain a few years ago. It's just that Jin Xian's strength, although tyrannical, is just easy to break in front of her, but now it's just this one hand, and it is definitely not inferior to her, and even she may not be able to take advantage of it!

"Ah..." With a loud roar, the monkey was seen holding the stick in both hands, and dragged the golden cudgel backward with all his strength, and Lin Sen also took advantage of the situation and suddenly sent the prohibition of the space by the divine sense In an instant, even with the monkey's subtle control of its own power, it couldn't help but retreated a few steps before stopping!

Looking at Lin Sen with a pair of eyes, he didn't have the slightest intention to retreat, but the raging flames of war ignited even more, and he said with admiration for the current change in his mouth, "It's amazing! If that's the case, then I won't hold back my old grandson either! Take it!" Move!!!" There was another loud shout, and the aura that soared into the sky had turned into a huge demon ape roaring up to the sky, and its momentum seemed to dare to fight the sky!

And among the demon ape roaring up to the sky, the monkey rushed out quickly, holding the golden cudgel high, its body like a falling golden meteor, falling straight to where Lin Sen was standing!

However, Lin Sen also raised his palm upwards, just when everyone thought he was going to pin the monkey in the air like a genius, but the Monkey King in the middle ran towards Lin Sen without any hindrance. , but there was only that one palm in front of him.

Seeing this, not to mention the onlookers, even the monkeys were all stunned, but they didn't know what Lin Sen was doing. A magical weapon like a golden cudgel with his palm would not be broken unless he broke into it physically. Da Luo, otherwise it's just courting death!

Among the people present, Lin Sen was probably the only one who still kept a faint smile, as if he didn't care, his arm was about to be beaten to pieces by the monkey!

In the astonishment of everyone, the golden cudgel finally hit Lin Sen's palm. Everyone thought that Lin Sen's sudden counterattack did not happen in the end, and the golden cudgel carried boundless power. It hit Lin Sen's palm!



Silence, sudden silence, even the sound of swallowing saliva can be heard, pairs of eyes are all gathered in one place, but only Lin Sen's not-so-generous palm can be seen. It seemed as if he casually caught the golden cudgel carrying the boundless power, without retreating, shaking, or even the slightest tremor!

It's as if the monstrous power of the monkey just now was just an illusion, but in fact he just gently put the golden cudgel in Lin Sen's hand!

But the monkey showed a somewhat terrified expression at this time. No one knew better than him how powerful his blow just now was, and the blow that was enough to turn a mountain range into a lake wave was not even the slightest bit. The waves have not yet been stirred up. Could it be that Lin Sen's physical body has been tempered to the terrifying state of Da Luo, and such a blow has no effect, so how can we fight this fight? A sense of powerlessness!

Naturally, Lin Sen's physical body has not been tempered to the level of Da Luo, if that is the case, why would he need to be so troublesome, the direct thing is to drop ten sessions with one force, and completely subdue the monkey!

And this was just one of his previous thoughts, but now it is only confirmed on the monkey. Naturally, that kind of tyrannical power will not disappear for no reason. Lin Sen just changed him to a place and put him there. On the palm, there seems to be nothing, but in fact it is connected to his small world.

But the power of the monkey's blow was totally suppressed into that small world. In the world completely controlled by him, these powers can be offset by just a few stars turning! (To be continued.)

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