As for the Zhoutian and Xingchen array, since Kunpeng is in charge of its inheritance, and personally refined the jade pendant that Lin Sen learned, he naturally has an extremely deep understanding of Zhoutian and Xingchen, even in the palace of the demon master. There is still a complete set of Zhoutian array flags!

Listening to his explanation of the Zhou Tian Great Formation, Lin Sen's intuition suddenly revealed what he hadn't known in the past. In Gao, his understanding of Zhou Tian is always inadvertently perfect, and it cannot be compared with the ancient monster like Kunpeng who has been immersed in it for countless years!

Moreover, as the teacher of all monsters, the first preacher to walk in the prehistoric, Hunpeng and education, explaining and preaching, the incomparably familiar intensive research is even more unmatched by Yunxiao.

With Kunpeng's preaching, and the records of Zhou Tian left by the Emperor Jun Yaohuang, Lin Sen only thinks that Zhou Tian and stars are the most perfect, and the door of the root is slowly opening for himself!

One of the two was excited about the explanation, the other was fascinated by it, and they kept expressing the questions in their hearts. During the question and answer, time passed quietly, but the two of them didn't know what was going on outside!

This lasted for about half a month, and when both of them were on the letterhead, they were suddenly interrupted by a cough.

This was a time of fun, and was interrupted, Lin Sen frowned slightly, and Kunpeng was even more angry. He looked up and opened his mouth to curse, but he was interrupted by standing outside the door. It's Candle Dragon!

Even so, Kunpeng said with an unfriendly expression, "Candle Emperor, what happened?"

Seeing his appearance, Zhulong also smiled wryly, but in such a situation, he was the only one who came to interrupt, if he changed people casually, I am afraid that the demon master would open his mouth to scold someone, and he said with a wry smile at the moment "I didn't mean to interrupt you, but the Tenth Prince sent me a message!"

"The situation is not good? But the coffin lamp is not on Ran Deng?" Kunpeng's complexion immediately became more ugly. If it was good news, why would Zhulong come to disturb him.

"Although it's not right, it's not far behind!" Zhulong immediately smiled wryly, and then he entered the room, and after sitting cross-legged, he said, "The ten princes sent a message, since the past year and Wanshou After the battle in the mountain, Ran Deng was seriously injured and returned. After returning to the mountain, he retreated and cultivated. It is said that the injury has not yet fully recovered, so it has not appeared in Lingshan for these years, so it has not been investigated. Find out if the coffin lamp is still there!"

"Deng Deng is seriously injured?" Lin Sen asked in confusion at the moment, and then frowned slightly and said, "When we were at the Longevity Mountain in the past, the burning lamp suddenly killed us, but it was for Fairy Yunxiao with a golden dragon. Save each other, even though it was the mount at that time, it was only affected by the hostility of the golden dragon scissors, although it was damaged, it was not because of such a serious injury!"

"At this time, girl Tushan has already told me!" Zhulong frowned and said, "It's because of this that I find it strange!" In the prehistoric world, no one would easily provoke him because of his injuries. After all, as an ancient Buddha, there is still a huge Buddhist support behind Ran Deng!

It can be said that even if Ran Deng was injured and returned that day, there were people who "send charcoal in the snow" along the way, and there were no people who "did trouble".

"You suspect that Ran Deng lost the coffin lamp back then?" Kunpeng understood Lin Sen's words, and he immediately realized the way, and at the same time felt that it was possible!

"That's right!" Zhulong nodded slightly immediately and said, "If it wasn't for some conspiracy, who would ask for trouble and embarrass himself like this for no reason, even if Jiejiao Yunxiao wants to find him to understand the cause and effect , it's not like this time, let alone being so sneaky and silent!"

"It's just that although the strength of the burning lamp is mediocre, with the Dinghai Pearl in his hand, even if he is injured, the general Da Luo's cultivation is not enough to take it down, but if it is really done by the Wu Clan, now the Wu Clan Among them, there are such masters there!" Kunpeng also frowned and said, "If you want to take down the lamp, you must have the strength of a quasi-sage, and if you can't get out of the six reincarnations, it is possible that the witch clan has a new life Quasi-sage? Or did Houtu find a way to get out?"

There are twelve quasi-sages in the witch clan, but it is the twelve ancestral witches, all of whom are quasi-sage masters, and all the great witches are all with the strength of Daluo, even if a few of them are famous all over the world. The tyrannical people are all just the peak of Da Luo, but relying on the tyrannical physique of the Wu Clan, each of the peak Da Luo can also display the combat power of a quasi-sage!

It's just that if it's just Da Luo, and Ran Deng is also between Zhong Bo, even if he can't win, he can escape calmly. You must know that Ran Deng's escape technique is very fast in the prehistoric, how could he be severely injured !

"As far as I know, there is still a peerless strongman among the witch clan!" Hearing what Kunpeng said, Lin Sen said in a deep voice, and what he said was the shadow in his heart. Coming across the border, with just one flick of the finger, Lin Sen's body will collapse!

"Who is it?" Kunpeng and the two immediately asked anxiously.

"I don't know who it is either! I've only seen one hand, but that aura must be from the Witch Clan!" Lin Sen was telling what happened in the world back then. Back then, Lin Sen was nothing more than a little fairy , I didn't have much vision, I just felt that there was a power to cover the sky on the palm of the hand, and as his cultivation level became higher and higher, every time I think about it, this is the only way to understand the horror of that person's cultivation level that day, don't say With his current cultivation base, even if he goes a step further and reaches the realm of Daluo, he may not be able to have the aura and power of that day!

Lin Sen also connected that palm with the great witch on Mount Hua the day before yesterday, but firstly, the auras of the two were completely different, and secondly, although the great witch's strength was strong, it was still somewhat insufficient compared to the palm of that day, and these Over the past few years, the shadow of the palm in his heart has played a large part in Lin Sen's anxiety to improve his strength.

To be probed by someone is to be close to death, how can such humiliation be forgotten!

"Across the sky, the power of space..." After Lin Sen finished speaking, Kunpeng said eight words with a slight frown, and then looked at Zhulong, but Lin Sen's words made the two of them think. At the same time, a name appeared, a peerless ancestral witch who claimed to be the fastest in the wild in the past! (To be continued.)

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