After hearing Lin Sen's words, Zhulong and Zhulong thought of a name at the same time, and then subconsciously glanced at each other, only to hear Kunpeng say, "It can't be him, he was already dead back then! "It's just that this was an extremely certain thing before, but now they are a little hesitant. After all, there is also Hong Yun who has already lost his soul, and this kind of thing makes their hearts hang!

"Does Emperor Wa already know about this?" Kunpeng said with a slight frown. As a saint of the Yaozu, one of the emperors of the Yaozu, Nuwa is now the highest leader of the Yaozu. The thing is that it must be returned to it!

"Girl Tushan has already reported it!" Zhulong sighed softly at the moment, and then frowned slightly, "It's just that Emperor Wa still didn't reply, but I don't know what kind of avenue he is comprehending!"

A sage lives the same life as the sky, if he realizes something, retreating for thousands of years is a random thing, Zhulong and the others also understand, but it's just not the time for Nuwa to comprehend the truth this time!

"Old Liu has already arrived at Taihua Mountain, so far, it seems that nothing has happened yet!" Zhulong said softly again.

"Since this is the case, I can't wait!" Zhulong said very seriously at the moment, "Let's go to Taihua Mountain now, in case there is any change, I will never allow that group of barbarians to stand on top of me!" superior!"

At that moment, the three of them came out in a file, and there were many people standing and waiting not far away, but Zhulong heard Zhulong say, "The number of people on this trip is expensive or not, Tushan girl, you and Lin Sen come with us , and the rest are all in charge of the cave, don't make any forks, everything will be discussed when we come back!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Everyone immediately accepted the order, but each of them had a certain determination on their faces. It seemed that they were ashamed to be excluded from this elite team, and now they had to work hard!

"Even so, it's not too late, I'll leave now!" Kunpeng said in a slightly hasty manner at the moment, before waiting for others to reply, he just left in the air, Lin Sen and the two are the ones who are telling everyone Wei Weiji took the head, and then followed Kunpeng and the two into the sky!

After entering the sky, Lin Sen finally understood the concept of ninety thousand miles on one wing of the roc. This ninety thousand is not a fixed number, but an extreme number. The wide avenue robes are like a pair of huge wings.

With a single movement, Kunpeng's figure swipe into the air and disappear in the eyes of several people!

"The surname of the demon master is still in such a hurry!" Zhulong smiled immediately, and then a divine light rose from his body, and the two of them wrapped around Lin Sen and disappeared in an instant!

After it reappeared, it was already on the newly born Taihua Mountain, and the speed was as fast as an instant!

And after arriving at Mount Taihua, Lin Sen felt the aura of the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil directly. At this time, Mount Hua is still lush and green, with birds and beasts everywhere. A catastrophe!

The two fell into the mountain with Zhulong, but Kunpeng had already arrived. At this time, he and Liu Lao were standing in the mountain!

"Old Liu, what's wrong with me!" Zhulong asked anxiously as soon as he landed, and Lao Liu followed suit and replied, "It's very normal in the mountains, there's nothing weird about it!" With a puzzled look, it was obvious that he had already answered the question just now, and he probably didn't understand why everyone in Zhulong rushed over in such a hurry!

"That's good!" Zhulong nodded slightly at the moment.

But at this time, a stream of light above the horizon came straight towards them, and then fell into Lin Sen's hands. When he unfolded it, it turned out to be a small piece of pure white jade talisman. After reading it, Lin Sen smiled and said, "Finally, there is some good news. Fairy Yunxiao sent a message. Taoist Duobao will soon go to Lingshan to understand the cause and effect with Sakyamuni!"

After Lin Sen finished speaking, the faces of several people slowly settled down. Although this may be good news, it is also the beginning of a bloodbath!

Seeing the dignified expressions of several people, Lin Sen immediately smiled slightly, then looked at Old Liu and said, "Old Liu, there is still one thing I need to trouble you to do!"

"Brother Lin, just say, old man, I will definitely take care of it for you!" Old Liu said with a smile at the moment.

"I would like you to spread this news, and spread it throughout the prehistoric world in the shortest possible time!" Lin Sen said with a slight sneer.

After Lin Sen finished speaking, several people also reflected that although the news seemed simple to them, it was all because of Yunxiao. Naturally, it is not easy for other forces in the relative prehistoric world to know about it!

If this news is passed on, once it spreads, after it is confirmed that it is true, many forces that have already been somewhat irresistible will probably want to do it!

Everyone immediately understood Lin Sen's words, and Mr. Liu immediately said with a smile: "Don't worry! Leave this matter to me. I guarantee that within ten days, the Nether Blood Sea Capital will I can receive the news!" After finishing speaking, it turned into a blue light and disappeared into the ground!

And after Liu Lao left, the few people lived in the mountains. Anyway, with the magic power of a few people, opening up the cave is just a matter of convenience. Lin Sen and Kunpeng also continued to discuss Zhou in this Taihua Mountain God, even though it's a different place, it's still fun!

And after more than ten days like this, Zhulong and Tu Shanshi were both involved, but they said that everyone was discussing that day, but suddenly they only felt that the entire Taihua Mountain was slightly disturbed. shock!

Several successive vibrations, this kind of vibration is not big, it comes and goes quickly, it seems to be a slight vibration when the earth veins collide, and this seemingly normal vibration is indeed instantaneous It attracted the attention of several people!

It was the nails who were discussing happily at first, but suddenly they all kept silent, and then Kunpeng said coldly, "It's like crossing the sky and the sea, let's go in a dream!!" The blue divine light led Lin Sen and the others to pass through the mountains and rivers transformed by the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil!

After rushing into the ground, one can see the boundless turbid air of the earth churning continuously. To everyone, this kind of breath is like a poisonous existence. To resist the erosion of the turbid air of the earth!

However, within the turbid air of the earth, everyone only felt that there was nothing at all [***], and they didn't know where to go at all, and it was Lin Sen who spread his vast spiritual thoughts to the surroundings. , are completely out of touch!

But I saw the divine light suddenly shot out from Zhulong's eyes, and the place where the divine light passed was bright, and immediately showed a bright path of grass in the black turbid air!

"Go this way!!" Although he didn't know how Zhulong could distinguish it, his tone was very affirmative, and he was leading everyone to go deep into the turbid air of the earth!

The speed of everyone is not bad, but the turbidity of the earth is boundless. After traveling for about half a day, Lin Sen and others didn't know how long they would go deep into the turbidity of the earth, but they knew that the atmosphere around them was still It got thicker and thicker, if there was no candle dragon to lead the way, several people would have been trapped to death in the turbid air of the earth!

But in the midst of this kind of march, Lin Sen's face suddenly moved, and he said softly, "It's almost here!" But it was a faint strange feeling in one of his divine senses that spread out in all directions. , although it is slight, it is very clear in the unchanging turbidity of the earth, and the reason why he said this in his mouth is that the case is reminding everyone to be careful, after all, the turbidity is not his own. Territory, and there were people who came in before them!

Not long after Lin Sen's words were finished, everyone felt that the turbid air around the earth became thicker and thicker, and even almost condensed into substance. Facing such a force of nature, Candle Dragon It was good for the two of them to arrive, but Lin Sen and the two felt like they were in a deep quagmire!

And even in this kind of march, Lin Sen also felt that the same breath was becoming clearer and clearer, and Zhulong had already put away the divine light in his eyes, but he had already Find your way without using your eyes at all.

Boo! !Walking like this, when the few people feel that the front is becoming more and more solid, they only feel that the front suddenly passes through a thin film, and within that film, there is an open space. There is not a single bit of turbidity from the earth!

Just when the four of Lin Sen came in, they felt a slight light in front of their eyes. Before they could see the scene in this space clearly, they heard a cold scolding, "Who is it?" and followed the scolding sound What came here was also the shadow of a dense fist with a murderous intent!

The familiar tone, the familiar breath, Lin Sen didn't need to look at it with his eyes at all, just to be sure that this person was the great witch on Huashan that day. Unexpectedly, the connection to his own small world is naturally hidden!

Under the collision, although the aura could not be completely offset, the remaining aura was completely within Lin Sen's tolerance range. Although the body was shaking, compared to that day on Huashan Mountain, every time he was punched The physical body almost collapsed after being beaten, but it was healed many times!

"Huh!!!" That cold voice could not help but let out a light snort at this time, obviously recognizing Lin Sen, and at the same time, he was amazed at the change in Lin Sen's strength in such a short period of time so big!

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