Seeing that Master Huanglong was still unaware at this moment, and the smiling Master Huanglong, Lin Sen couldn't help cursing inwardly, but this Master Huanglong really didn't know whether he was alive or not.

As expected, it was exactly as Lin Sen had expected, and what he said was that Meng Tian, ​​who had a very handsome complexion in front of the chariot, immediately smiled slightly, and then looked at the real Huanglong He laughed and said, "Brother Gui's cultivation is so profound that he can compete with Lord Wu An so much. Since Daoist Huanglong is also one of the Twelve Golden Immortals, Meng Tian is here to ask the Daoist for advice!"

"No way! My cultivation level can be compared with that of a very senior brother!" Immediately, Master Huang Long waved his hands in a slightly flustered manner. Although he was among the Twelve Golden Immortals, his cultivation level was still He can't compare with many three-generation disciples who explain teachings, and they don't have any powerful magical treasures in their hands, so how can they be compared with Daoist Yuding!

It's just that since Meng Tian proposed it, and because he can tolerate the real Huanglong's refusal, his figure flashed, but the shadow of the fist punched the real Huanglong, and at the same time he said with a smile, "The real person is too modest, please enlighten me!" It seems that there is no room for real Huanglong to refuse!

But now the only real Yuding who can save him is still fighting with Bai Qi at this time. Although his strength is very strong and his swordsmanship is even more profound, he has already fallen into a disadvantage at this time, so how? Can save real Huanglong, why should others go to this muddy water at this time?

That Huanglong real person is only Taiyi's cultivation level, although he has practiced for a long time, but at this time there is Meng Tian's punch that can withstand it, and under the shadow of the fist all over the sky, his face is full of panic. Besides, the slices of jade-clear celestial light and divine thunder that spewed out from his hand couldn't resist Meng Tian's attack at all!

If it goes on like this, it will naturally have no other result except death under Meng Tian's hands, and in the turbid air of the earth, even if there is a soul left behind, it is impossible to get out of the turbid air of the earth. go out!

But at this moment, seeing Meng Tian's fist, easily shattering pieces of fairy light, divine thunder, went straight to Huanglong and hit him, and just when Huanglong was about to be hit by Mengtian, it was A figure suddenly appeared in front of Huang Long, and he also swung out a hundred punches suddenly. Although he was beaten back and forth and retreated a few steps, he still blocked Meng Tian's attack and at the same time Daoist Huanglong was saved!

The panic on Huang Long's face gradually dissipated, and then he looked at the black figure in front of him, and immediately said Jishou again and again, "It's the Lord Lin Shan who saved his life, if it wasn't for Lin Shan Lord, Huanglong is in danger today!"

The person in front of him who was attacking him at the moment was Lin Sen. At this time, he saw that Lin Sen did not turn his head back, and just said, "You are welcome, I am very close to Erlang Zhenjun. Even Yang Yuchan is the same." Living in my mountain, it is true that Lin Sen can't watch real people and things happen in front of his eyes!"

Then he looked at Meng Tian and said, "General Meng Tian, ​​since Master Huang Long already thinks he is not as good as he is, why bother to kill him like this, besides, Master Huang Long will not make any hindrance to you, why not forgive him How about forgiving people?"

Meng Tian glanced at Lin Sen with a slight smile in his eyes, and then looked at his fist with a little strangeness, but when he and his fist just now, the feeling on his hand was very strange, like that The feeling of being soft and powerless, as if what collided with his fist was not Lin Sen's fist, but the void!

Then he looked at Lin Sen and said with a smile, "Since Fangzhu Lin is willing to stand up for this real Huanglong, Meng Tian will give you this face!" But it was not because of Lin Sen's face, but because Meng Tian gave Zhulong Kunpeng an indifferent look, He also knows that if he fights with Lin Sen, then these two will definitely make a move, so it is better to focus on the overall situation, anyway, a real Huanglong is insignificant, but now he feels more and more affection for Lin Sen interest!

"You were a little impulsive just now!" After Lin Sen turned around, Kunpeng said with a slight frown. As a demon master, he was a little dissatisfied with Lin Sen's reaction to Fangcai. As an emperor, how could he be so disregarded? For the overall situation, acting rashly, and for a person who has almost nothing to do with it, if an emperor can't maintain a calm heart, then he is completely unqualified, and Lin Sen's reaction, in his opinion, is nothing unqualified 1

"Lin Sen knew he was wrong, and he won't do it in the future!" Lin Sen's answer with a faint smile on his face made Kunpeng slightly stunned, and he was still ready to argue with Lin Sen, but it was I didn't expect Lin Sen to admit his mistake so straightforwardly, and the smile on his face really didn't look like he was being reprimanded!

At the moment, he had no choice but to frown slightly and said, "Since you know! That's fine over there! I won't talk too much!" Kunpeng said softly at the moment, and then stared at the lotus flower bone in the flames, Always be ready to snatch Pangu's blood essence when the lotus flower is in full bloom!

Seeing this, Lin Sen immediately smiled slightly. The smile on his face made the people around him very strange. They didn't understand why Lin Sen was so happy because he just saved Huanglong!

Lin Sen is very happy now, one can even say that he is very excited, if not for the fact that his heart has already been tempered and matured, he would have already raised his head to the sky and screamed!

And why he was so happy, of course, it had nothing to do with saving Huanglong, but it had something to do with this matter!

As early as when Kunpeng said that the lotus flower bone contained the essence of Pangu's blood, Lin Sen's heart skipped a beat, and suddenly his own Ujinsuo sounded. It has a natural restraint on all blood things. .

And when he thought of this, a thought came from Lin Sen's mind to get angry, and after this thought appeared, it was constantly enlarged in Lin Sen's mind, until he couldn't resist the temptation at all. But even so, Lin Sen still suppressed the impulse in his heart!

There is only one reason, but it is because everyone's eyes are focused on this matter, not to mention Kunpeng Zhulong, Kong Qiu and Ying Zheng are both extremely powerful, even if Wu Jinsuo's strange and lifeless life, But how could flying over like this be hidden from everyone's eyes!

So even though he had such a thought in his heart, Lin Sen had been resisting his urge all the time, and when that Meng Tian was attacking the real Huanglong, a thought suddenly crossed his mind, and with extreme Confirmed at a fast speed, and almost at the same time, Lin Sen also made a move, rushing to save the real Huanglong!

Of course, this kind of saving action is just his cover up, the main reason is because when he rushed towards the real Huanglong, he happened to pass by the lotus stamen not far away. At the moment when Lin Sen's body intersects with Lin Sen's body, in the blind spot of everyone's sight, the Ujin Shuo in Lin Sen's hand slipped out quietly!

The Ujinsuo was refined by the sage, and completely inspired the silent character of the Taoist Mosquito, and also has the infinite capacity of the undead insect. Although the time is very intermittent, Lin Sen is very nervous. Even with his heart hanging in his throat, he still had to maintain his composure to prevent his heartbeat from betraying him!

But at the moment when they intersected, the Wujin rod smoothly landed on the lotus stamen, and disappeared into the flames, and Lin Sen also rushed from the side, saving the real Huanglong!

Lin Sen was still worried before. After all, the lotus was a restriction set by the Taoist ancestor. Although Taoist Mosquito's mouth is tyrannical and weird, that kind of restriction is still beyond its scope. If you want to experiment, it is normal if you don't sink, but if you succeed, then your harvest will be huge!

Perhaps it was because the purple flame after the fusion of the three lamps of the earth, the earth, and the people still opened part of the restriction. The little centipede that was transformed into the black gold rod, although it was twists and turns, let it go through in the end. The epidermis, following the breath veins in the lotus stamens, went straight to the Pangu blood essence in the middle of the lotus stamens!

But when Lin Sen returned to Kunpeng and reprimanded him, the Wujin rod still rushed all the way into the blood essence of Pangu, which was full of endless energy during that time, but it made Lin Sen I was so excited that I almost wanted to shout loudly, if it wasn't for his very peaceful heart, I'm afraid he would have lost his composure by now, and there would still be a faint smile on his face like now!

At this moment, Lin Sen looked at the burning lotus, but his heart was full of smiles and love, and he just hoped that the lotus would bloom as soon as possible.

But it's just because the Wujin rod, which is like an incarnation of oneself, has already begun to extract the power in the blood essence of Pangu at this time, but the power in the blood essence is too tyrannical, even though it is only the size of a human head One ball, but even with the gluttonous extraction speed of the Wujin staff, it still takes time for a stick of incense to be able to inhale a drop into the Wujin staff!

As the owner of the Wujin Rod, Lin Sen can clearly feel the powerful force that is constantly being sucked into the Wujin Rod, and as more and more blood essence pours into the Wujin Rod, Lin Sen Sen looked at Lian Rui, but the smile on his face couldn't help but become brighter and brighter!

Now he only hopes that the lotus stamens will bloom as soon as possible. With one of these lotus stamens every night, his Wujin staff can extract a trace of Pangu's blood essence. After waking up, Lin Sen probably didn't have the slightest chance, but at this time, before everything else, he quietly began to collect the Pan Gu's essence and blood! (To be continued.)

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