Xiong Ba's words made the people present burst into laughter, but it also expressed the hearts of the people present. Which one of the people present is not a monster who has been around for thousands of years, but he has already lived enough. There must be casualties, but among the monster clan, there is never anyone who is afraid of death!

Seeing everyone like this, Lin Sen also smiled slightly at the moment, and then said, "Although it is true, I don't want to hurt the people in the mountains, and this time happens to be some gains, so this is the preparation." Improve your strength!"

As soon as Lin Sen finished speaking, everyone present was slightly stunned, and then saw Qingling chuckle in his mouth and said, "Brother, what chance did you get, but it is still important to improve your strength, as long as your strength If you are tyrannical, we will naturally have no worries!"

And everyone nodded again and again, obviously they didn't want to share Lin Sen's opportunity, but Lin Sen smiled slightly and said, "Where are so many particulars, since we are a family, we have the benefits, and how can we do without you?" Yes!" He smiled slightly at that moment, stretched his palm slightly, and drew out a wisp of Pangu's essence blood like a strand of hair from his palm!

As soon as the blood essence appeared, the powerful power within it was completely displayed in front of everyone, and Yuan Nie, who was the most knowledgeable among the crowd, immediately asked doubtfully, "What kind of blood essence is this? It turned out to have such a powerful power... this feeling..." After savoring it carefully, Huan Wu suddenly said, "Could it be the blood essence of the ancestral witch..."

After that thing came out, Yuan Nie couldn't think of anything else whose essence and blood had such power!

But as soon as he finished speaking, everyone shook their heads again and again. If it was something else, it would be fine. The essence and blood of the ancestor witch is extremely precious. Even if Lin Sen can get it, it is limited. How can everyone collect it!

"Although it's in the middle, it's not far behind..." Lin Sen said with a slight smile at the moment, and everyone was relieved, it wasn't that the blood of the ancestor witch had improved.

Also... such a precious thing, after the death of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, is there anything in this world of immortality that is still talked about!

"This is... Pan... Ancient... Essence... Blood..." Lin Sen said these words slowly with a smile, and then looked at the faces of the people with more interest, and waited until he saw it. At this time, everyone had an expression that their jaws were about to drop to the ground, but Lin Sen showed a satisfied smile on his face!

There was no time for everyone to refuse, and the immediate smile said, "You don't have to worry about me, I have my own share!" Then the ones shouted "Yuan Nie, Pipa, Chi Yun, Xiong Come on... you four come forward!!"

And the four people who had been intimidated by Lin Sen for a long time also walked forward blankly, but they saw that the ray of blood in Lin Sen's hand immediately split into four parts. Under the envious eyes of everyone, They all went towards the four golden fairies on the Hanging Mountain. At the same time, Lin Sen also said with a smile, "Since you four joined my Hanging Mountain, I haven't prepared any gifts. Today's blood essence is pure blood." Treat it as a gift for me to make up for the four of you!"

The four people were still sluggish at this moment, allowing the Pangu's essence and blood to fall into their bodies, and after feeling the huge power, they were sure that they were not dreaming. , said excitedly, "Thank you, Mountain Lord, for the gift!"

"You and I are brothers, so there is no need to be so polite!" Lin Sen smiled at the moment, but what he gave to the four of them was not the essence and blood of Ujinsuo, but the fierce surname that Kunpeng once refined and established. If it weren't for the power of that Pangu's blood essence, it would only take a moment to explode a few people,

And even so, Lin Sen took out [-]% of the remaining [-]% and turned it into four points and divided it among the four people. This is the limit that everyone can bear now. After all, there is no one here. A peerless monster like Kunpeng.

Then he looked at the envious crowd, and immediately smiled again, "Yuan Lang, Hong Haier, Liu Boqin, Chen Xiang, you four come up!" It showed a trace of essence and blood, but it shocked everyone again!

This is Pangu's blood essence. It is still a miracle to get such a trace. The rest of the people thought that they had no part for themselves, so they were all envious at this time, but they did not expect that Lin Sen was holding it in his hand at this time. Another trace appeared, but Lin Sen smiled and said, "The four of you are all my disciples, and I haven't bestowed any treasures on you. If you got this blood essence today, you must have a good sex in the future, don't fall into it." The majesty of my Hanging Mountain!"

"Thank you, master!" Yuan Lang said with surprise on his face at the moment, and all of them smiled and took back the blood in their hands. Yuan Nie and Honghaier are both golden immortals, and Chen Xiang is the real Immortals, that is, Liu Boqing is the peak of Xuanxian, but with this blood essence, their cultivation base can be improved rapidly, especially Chen Xiang, who has the blood of the witch clan, which was originally Pangu's blood, and got this blood essence , not only can improve the strength, but also can completely change the potential, reborn from the root!

After doing this, Lin Sen saw a trace of blood in Lin Sen's palm, and this time he said to Cha Nongying and the others, "Sister Cha, these are indeed for you!" Turning into four points, they flew towards Zha Nongying's master and apprentice, Qingling, and Xiaoyu respectively!

Seeing that she even had her share, Xiaoyu hurriedly thanked her, and Zha Diewu also said sweetly, "Thank you, senior!" As for Zha Nongying, she just gave Lin Sen a thankful look. Her strength came in very fast, and she still reached the level of a real fairy, but having this thing can save her a lot of time and effort!

"Brother, I don't like sex either. It's a waste for me. Brother, keep it for yourself!" Seeing a stream of blood flying towards him, Qing Ling refused softly, although Lin Sen and Da Like a cabbage, she took out the blood one by one, but she still knew how precious this thing was, so she still refused!

"Qing Ling, don't worry!" Lin Sen said with a smile at the moment, "My current strength is not inferior to the power of this trace of blood!" In the body!

But after this, there was only Hu Qi present, his congenital deficiencies, after reaching the level of immortals, it was difficult to survive, so he had no chance of repairing, although the Hanging Mountain was always looking for treasures to make up for his congenital, but Such a thing is so easy to find!

Seeing this, Lin Sen immediately smiled slightly, and the same trace of blood in his hand flew away, not entering his body, and at the same time said softly in his mouth, "This Pangu's blood is enough to cover your congenital deficiencies. , not only can improve your strength, but it can also make you able to fight in the future!"

Feeling the aura in his body, Hu Qi's eyes were filled with tears, he bowed down in front of Lin Sen in a hurry, and shouted in a hurry, "Thank you, Hu Qi!! Thank you, Mountain Lord!!"

No one knew, although he didn't show it on the surface, but in his heart, he longed to be as sexy as others, and now this wish has finally come true! (To be continued.)

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