With the sound of Sanskrit singing, the entire Lingshan Mountain in between is suddenly filled with infinite brilliant Buddha light, and that Buddha light is integrated with the Buddha light of the Holy Land of Lingshan Mountain, which is the brilliant light in between. Guanghua, however, envelops the entire Lingshan Mountain.

But in front of everyone's eyes, that brilliant brilliance slowly turned into a skinny old monk. His skinny body stretches for thousands of miles, and his suffering and peaceful face seems to be unable to bear to see the misery in the world, and pity all living beings and all things. .

The old monk formed by this golden brilliance was lying on a resplendent lotus platform and sleeping with his eyes closed, holding his palms up, it was the Daleiyin Temple on Lingjiu Peak, and it was that huge temple, It's all under the world of the cage in the palm of your hand!

bump! ! !There was a loud noise, and the water of the sea of ​​blood surging upwards was indeed released. Under such a hardening, it hit the golden body protecting the golden body outside the Lingshan Mountain, even though it was the golden body His body also trembled slightly from the collision, but under that collision, the incomparably powerful counter-shock force was only for a moment, but it didn't know how much Asura died in the sea of ​​blood!

What's more, there are countless Asuras who were just newborns, but they didn't even cry out, and their bodies were torn to pieces by the force of the impact!

Invisibly suffered a dark loss, but Styx's complexion immediately became gloomy. I don't know if it was because of the sudden collision of Fangcai, or because of the loss of the Asura clan, or because of the Both!

"Receive and guide the Dharma..." Kunpeng and the others frowned slightly when they saw this.

The golden brilliance that protects Lingshan is the true founder of that Buddhism. Today's Amitabha Buddha, the former guide Taoist, and the head of the two Western saints, can be said to be the real prehistoric top powerhouse, and Now even if it is not the deity, but just a Dharma image, it still makes everyone frown slightly!

And after watching it for a while, everyone raised their brows one after another. Although the Buddha's light is condensed on the Dharma Appearance, it is only four things. If it is here, or it is a shot Release this Dharma image, everyone will absolutely say nothing now, and evacuate immediately!

But now, it's just a group of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the Daleiyin Temple to support and guide the Dharma. Although it is very real, the power is also good, and the sudden appearance of Fang just caused the blood sea to suffer a dark loss , but it made everyone feel relieved, as long as it doesn't get better by attracting relatives, and such a reaction of sticking to Lingshan, it also reveals that Buddhism still has no cards!

The Kunpeng and Zhulong who saw it smiled slightly at the moment, and then saw that Kongqiu came over with a smile, and said to the two with a smile, "I don't know who the two demon masters are. Faxiang!!"

Although what he said was abrupt, Lin Sen also understood in his heart that this kind of dharma is not a formation, but more like a supernatural power, a supernatural power that guides Taoists to stay in Lingshan to protect them, although it is not a big formation to protect the mountain , but it is even more difficult to deal with, without the power of attack, but the defense is absolutely unparalleled!

It is true that this dharma image has already divided the Lingshan and the Earth Immortal world into two worlds!

And if you want to break it, it's not like the ordinary way to break the formation, you can find the eye of the formation and break it, and the easiest way is of course to break it by force, and such a forced formation naturally requires a very tyrannical force Cultivation, it is obvious that each of the four families is required to produce a strong man, and they will join forces to break this formation, and this is to guide the Dharma. Seeing the gloomy face of Patriarch Minghe, it is obvious that he is going to do it!

And Kong Qiu also looked like he was going to make a move, which made the Yaozu not only want to exclude the strong, but also had enough weight, but seeing that Kunpeng immediately smiled and said, "In that case, then I will change out this old bone." Let's get active!"

"It's time to thank the demon master!" Kong Qiu smiled slightly at the moment, and then retreated to the town.

But I saw the four families of Lich, Confucianism and Blood Sea, surrounded by Lingshan as the center, and at this time, there were four figures standing in the front. Yingzheng of the Witch Clan, these four can be regarded as the top powerhouses of the prehistoric, even among the quasi-sages, they are also due to the peak existence!

But now the four of them attack at the same time, which shows that everyone attaches great importance to the introduction method, and at their level, every move is boundless. At this time, there is no need for any preparations, but the ancient vine cane in Kong Qiu's hand The diameter is whipping, and the ancestor of Minghe is the incarnation of hundreds of millions of blood gods. The eagle claws condensed in Kunpeng's hands are shining with green light, and Yingzheng is the simplest, but it is just a punch compared to it. Smash it on top of the law!

Bang bang bang! !There were four muffled sounds in succession, no mistake it was the four muffled sounds, but it made everyone's complexions involuntarily wrinkle slightly. The joint attack of these four top powerhouses still only caused the golden Buddha to grow Waves of golden light ripples.

And as the rippling ripples subsided slowly, the golden body still stood intact in front of everyone's eyes, but everyone was surprised by the result!

It's fine if the person who broke the formation is someone else, but the four of them took out one at random, and the whole prehistoric desert was a character that would tremble a little. Such a combination of four people still couldn't win the lead. Faxiang, even if the two saints of the West have not appeared, everyone will fail at this time!

Like everyone else, Lin Sen frowned slightly, but he quickly relaxed again, with a smile slowly appearing on his face, since the blow just now seemed to be powerful, but All of them have not displayed their strength, not to mention comparing with others, even the Heavenly Demon Killing God Claw of Demon Master Kunpeng, which was far less powerful than before!

And the Patriarch Minghe just bit the blood god son, and he was not as domineering and intimidating to the world as he saw in the Longevity Mountain in the past. Show your true strength in front of you!

And after such an attack, although the Dharma Aspect was still resplendent and resplendent, Lin Sen could see that the Da Leiyin Temple, which was protected in the palm of the Dharma Aspect, had bloomed a little under the blow just now. blood flower!

After all, this dharma is not to be personally urged, and the monks in Daleiyin Temple are of different strengths. Of course, it is easy to say that the tyrannical ones are easy to say, but how can they be resisted? As long as four people attack at once, there will be countless monks who have been shocked to death in the mountain! (To be continued.)

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