Although none of them showed their true strength, the combination of the attacks of the four people just now is a very tyrannical force. It can be seen that this Dharma figure can withstand such an attack, and the four of them couldn't help but say "Hey!" " softly exclaimed. .

After they all retreated to their respective positions, Kong Qiu laughed and said, "Sure enough, it is worthy of being a sage. Even if it is only supported by some ordinary monks, it is so tenacious!" There was no worry or anxiety on his face. !

"It's not bad!" Kunpeng also nodded slightly, others are not in a hurry, why is he in a hurry, and Ying Zheng also had a flash of brilliance in his eyes, and then he didn't say anything, as if he was not in a hurry to act look!

Seeing this, Lin Sen frowned slightly at the moment. Although it was just the expressions of a few people, Lin Sen could see something!

Kunpeng is naturally not in a hurry. After being told by Lin Sen that the saints might be held back by something, Kunpeng is not in a hurry at all now, especially after seeing the saint's Dharma, he is even more convinced that Buddhism is destroyed. Right now, the second sage of the West turned out to be unable to do even a single thought to prop up this mountain. Kunpeng is now certain that the sages must have been held back by something!

Therefore, it is completely understandable that he is not anxious about Lin Sen, but Kong Qiu Ke Yingzheng also showed the same lack of anxiety on his face. From Lin Sen's point of view, this expression is absolutely inappropriate, after all, for them For me, the big stone of the Second Saint of the West has always been pressed in my heart, but now it seems that Lin Sen believes that they definitely know something!

Among the four, only Styx is the one who is impatient. Seeing the expressions of the three, Styx frowned slightly and said, "Don't hide them all at this time. Breaking the law, Dividing up the Buddhist sect, it is better for everyone to go to different places, otherwise, when the reception and quasi-reporting come, it will not benefit you at all!"

Among the four people, only Patriarch Styx may not know the reason of the matter, but he felt it more or less, but although he is the master of the sea of ​​blood, he lives the same life as the world, the sea of ​​blood never dries up, Styx Immortal, almost the same as a real saint!

But compared with the saint, there is still some gap. Even if he cannot be killed, he can be sealed in the sea of ​​blood. Besides, he is not in the sea of ​​blood now, so he is still a little anxious!

"Styx, didn't you say you were going to open the way for us, why are you urging us now!" Kunpeng has always been displeased with Styx, but now seeing him a little anxious, he said coldly, "It's still Styx!" The words of the ancestors just now are just words!"

If it had been for a long time, he would naturally not have provoked Styx like this. After all, this time is not the time for infighting, but the four of them didn't try their best just now, and it was just because they didn't want to show their strength!

The four of them are all great powers in the prehistoric world, but the eyes of each of them are extremely poisonous. Those who move the Dharma image are countless disciples of Buddhism. Although the cultivation base of each of them may not be very strong, but that But they are all Buddhist practitioners who have preached and given to the world over the years, and each of them has a strong atmosphere of merit!

It would be fine to kill some of these people, but in the spiritual mountain, there are countless monks and bhikkhunis who survived being chased and slaughtered by various countries, and they are gathered in this spiritual mountain at this time, but it is also a huge number.

These preaching monks gather together in one place, and the merits and virtues on their bodies are incomparably strong and rich. If they forcibly break this formation, those ordinary monks will probably suffer countless deaths and injuries. People die at the hands of their disciples. Although there are a large number of people, there are not many people who share it. However, if such a person who has been recognized by the heavens and bestowed merits and virtues dies at the hands of himself, wouldn't it be a waste of himself? merit!

At the same time, they all secretly scolded Buddhism for its insidiousness, and turned out to use this kind of mediocre cultivation, but they are all mortal monks who have meritorious virtues because of preaching, as a shield!

But it was because the four of them were hesitant just now, otherwise, with their surnames, how could they have damaged their arrogance for no reason!

And hearing what Kunpeng said, Minghe's complexion turned cold at the moment, a pair of eyes full of killing intent fixed Kunpeng's eyes fiercely and said, "Kunpeng, what do you mean by that?" , live the same life as heaven and earth, immortal.What he cares about is only that little face, and what Kunpeng said just now is undoubtedly damaging the face of his ancestor Styx!

Seeing the majesty of Styx, Kunpeng was not afraid at all, but looked back with even colder eyes, and said straight out of his mouth, "I said you didn't believe what you said, so what..."

"Demon Master, don't say that!!" The two who had seen him were about to pinch, and Kong Qiu hurried forward to comfort him, and at the same time praised with a smile, "The Patriarch Styx is a great power in ancient times. He actually said that he wanted to open the way for me, so naturally he wouldn’t break his word, the patriarch was just thinking of a good solution, so it’s better for the demon master not to be in a hurry!!”

When Kong Qiu first spoke, there was a slight smile on the face of Styx with the look of helping him, but when Kong Qiu finished speaking, his face became ugly, this Kong Qiu obviously He was setting himself a trap, but now in front of so many people, he can't shirk it. If he pushes it away, and with Kunpeng's beak, maybe there will be some words about him!

At this time, Styx was pushed to the head of the bar by the two of them with a few words, and if he didn't go up, he went up. The face was gloomy at the moment, but at this time it was even more ugly, his eyes turned to the person who was on the Lingshan mountain. Looking at the quotation, there was a hint of ruthlessness on the face, and he said softly in his mouth, "Isn't it just a little loss of merit, I don't care about the old ancestor. In this case, with the soul of hundreds of millions of Buddhas, the old Zu, I just accepted it!"

After saying this, the fierce divine light in the eyes quietly appeared, and the Dharma signs were arranged. In the Lingshan, there were at least hundreds of millions of Buddhist believers supporting them. These Buddhist preachers walking in the world, Although the cultivation base is very low, but because of years of comprehension, the soul is extremely powerful!

If the spiritual thoughts of these Buddhist believers can be sunk into the sea of ​​blood, it will certainly be able to give birth to many strong men from the Asura clan!

As for the imprints of the Buddhist sect on each of the souls, as well as the aura of the Buddhist sect, it is not an easy task for his ancestor Styx! (To be continued.)

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