Styx is not that stupid, he jumped into it even though he knew it was a pit. Compared with the others, this merit is nothing to him. If he can turn all these hundreds of millions of monks into Asuras, then his strength in the sea of ​​blood will really increase immediately!

Therefore, although the face is full of gloomyness, but the heart has already begun to plan and prepare, but the two big sleeves inlaid with gold on the blood-colored robe in between dance, and two bloody lights fly out of it immediately, as if Like a startled rainbow from outside the sky, it passed by in a blink of an eye, and when it appeared, it had already turned into two blood-colored flood dragons, biting away at the Dharma image that received it!

But it was the killer weapon of the ancestor Minghe, Yuantu Abi, and the two Dao-killing demon swords, but it was the blood-colored dragon in between, and the murderous intent soared into the sky, suddenly centered on Lingshan In the tens of thousands of miles of land, the temperature immediately dropped extremely, and almost all living things couldn't help but feel a chill at this time!

Even if they are sober after being affected by the breath, let alone the Buddhists who are facing the pair of magic swords at this time, although they are protected by the method of receiving and guiding, they will not be disturbed by the murderous aura. The pressure on the body is still shared on every body that supports the dharma. Even if it is shared by so many people, they are still pale from being suppressed at this time!

"Hey..." Seeing this, Styx sneered slightly at the moment, and in his big sleeves, his hands slightly changed the magic formula, and the pair of magic swords between them suddenly flashed, and they pointed straight at the magic figure. In the middle, he rushed over. Although the dharma appearance was tyrannical, it was just a dead thing after all. If it was here, Styx would naturally turn his head and leave. Patriarch's attack!

But the two blood lights in between suddenly shot into the Dharma image, even if the magnificent Buddha light rising above the Dharma image, it is hard to be the brilliance of the two blood refinements at this time, Although slightly slow, but still rushed in without any resistance!

The dharma was broken, and the killing intent was soaring, but this time, not only how many Buddhist disciples were shocked to vomit blood and died, after all, the power of the Styx Patriarch was really not something they could resist, and seeing that Styx was so indifferent at the moment It's a stern smile, since the law has been broken, now is the time to harvest!

The pair of blood-colored swords, not only did not take it back, but swayed in the air, turned into a rain of hundreds of millions of blood, and sprinkled it to the hundreds of millions of monks in the Lingshan Mountain, obviously wanting to kill all the monks together. Kill them all, and then use the sea of ​​blood to refine his primordial spirit!

As for Patriarch Minghe's actions, the rest of the people did not intend to stop them. After all, this Patriarch has brought down the sins of breaking the formation, and he always wants to let others get some benefits, so it is just Sit on the sidelines!

It's just that I don't care about it here, how can the Buddha in the Lingshan of the Western Heaven watch his disciples be killed like this at this time, seeing that the other party is going to destroy the method of receiving and leading at the expense of his own merits, obviously he will not die endlessly With the momentum coming, Buddhism is no longer lucky. With such momentum, it can only be a desperate fight!

So when the rain of blood splattered down the sky, all of a sudden, I heard a resounding Buddha's name "Nan... Wu... A... Mi... Buddha..." from the top of the Lingshan Mountain. While holding the name of the Buddha in this lifetime, suddenly a cassock was born from the Daleiyin Temple, which stretched against the wind and turned into a force to cover the sky. Blocking it, that's when I heard an old and quiet voice in the mountain saying, "Tianzhu is gone, my Buddhist sect is gone, and the disciples and disciples are all gathered in the mountain, so why do you benefactors press each other so hard!!"

Now that the country of Zhu has been destroyed, most of the Buddhist monasteries in the earth fairy world have also been destroyed, and most of the disciples of the missionary disciples have been killed, and the remaining ones have trekked thousands of mountains and rivers to come to this spiritual mountain. It can be said that his strength is almost completely destroyed, but it has been accumulated in this spiritual mountain for so many years, if he can't destroy everyone, how can he rest assured.

Besides, the true strength of the Buddhist sect lies in this spiritual mountain, and there are only some miscellaneous soldiers outside!

"Vi... Po... Corpse... Buddha..." Gritting his teeth, he snorted coldly, full of venom, Styx's pair of swords were blocked by the cassock that covered the sky, although it was quickly He took back the pair of precious swords, but the cassock had already disappeared with the rest of the buddhas wrapped around it. Even when he broke the dharma form just now, the remnant souls of the tens of millions of monks who were shaken to death by the Styx also disappeared. Obviously they were all taken away!

The dharma was broken, and the merit was lost, but when the harvest was reaped, it was interrupted by someone. At this time, Styx's complexion was almost as red as the water in the sea of ​​blood!

"The monks in Lingshan have billions if not tens of billions. When you start fighting, you are afraid that you will have no souls to reap!" Seeing Styx like this, it was Kunpeng who spoke. Although it seemed to be comforting, those pair of His gloomy eyes are now staring at the figures appearing on the Buddha clouds above the Great Leiyin Temple!

Back then, Hongjun Daozu sealed the Four Swords of Zhuxian and Zhuxian Formation with the West, but the demon ancestor Luohu used the power of dragon and phoenix to forcibly reopen the seal, but the high West was withered and barren. Mentioning this is why we want Buddhism to enter the East, because even if there is Tianzhu in the West, which is based on Buddhism, Buddhism will not be able to truly prosper!

Although the West was barren back then, after the catastrophe, the monks would naturally not be the only two monks left, but compared with them, most of the people who were silent were lacking in cultivation and could not go to the Zixiao. In the palace, after being introduced to establish religion with the West, the few remaining monks who have achieved great success in the ancient catastrophe also took advantage of the opportunity to worship in the Buddhist gate!

And the Vipassin Buddha who spoke just now is one of them. If it is considered, he can be regarded as a monk of the same generation as Styx and others. After the West, their cultivation was insufficient, and they could not go to the Zixiao Palace. After entering the Buddhist gate, such a powerful person had a systematic practice, and his cultivation naturally took a sharp turn, but it became the most important thing in the past seven years in the West. The first Buddha among Buddhas!

Now sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform in the air, it seems to be the cultivation base of a quasi-sage, but since it is the first to light the lamp and the last, there are seven Buddhas sitting cross-legged side by side from left to right, all of which are shining with Buddha light and full of jewels. And one by one, with the Buddha's dizziness in the back of their heads, they all subtly show their own paradise, and among them are the believers and disciples who have taken in them.

In every world, the number of people is probably not less than hundreds of millions, and the Buddhist monks who can enter the bliss are all perseverance and tyrannical people. Therefore, the addition of these seven people is already one A terrifying force.

What's more, beside the past seven Buddhas of this Buddhist gate, there is also this Buddha sitting cross-legged quietly, accompanied by the sun and the moon on the left and right, with a faint fragrance of medicine all over his body. Buddha, the cultivation base of quasi-sage is clearly displayed.

And in the Buddha cloud behind his head, this bright brilliance is also generally appearing at this time, and he also claims to be a realm during the period, and there are countless disciples of the same disciple, and he can vaguely see it at this time, all of them are in the Be ready!

These eight alone are already the eight quasi-sages of Buddhism, with hundreds of millions of disciples, not to mention, there is a kind of Buddhist powerhouse that Lin Sen doesn't recognize, and they are all Buddhas and Buddhas. There are more than 40 people, most of them are Taiyi's cultivation level, but there are also seven or eight Buddhas with Daluo's cultivation level mixed in among them!

And behind this kind of Western Buddha, standing is the Bodhisattva of Buddhism. Among them, the eight Bodhisattvas of Buddhism, except for the dead Ksitigarbha, Manjusri, Puxian, Avalokitesvara, Mahasthama, Void Store, Sunlight, and Moonlight are all present. , and in the brilliance behind these few heads, there are also countless disciples!

There are also nearly a hundred Bodhisattvas whose names Lin Sen does not know, but presumably they are all elites in the Buddhist sect, each of them is also a golden fairy, and the cultivation bases of Taiyi are all quiet at this time. He folded his palms quietly and stood behind the seven Bodhisattvas.

After that is a kind of arhat, although the eighteen arhats who are the first among all arhats are sealed by Zhen Yuanzi and are in the earth veins, but there are hundreds of arhats present, which is still a strong force in Buddhism. There are countless monks, monks, king vajras, and others. I don't know how many people there are. At a glance, you can only see a piece of Buddha cloud, full of human figures, and endlessly occupying half of the sky!

Seeing all these people, they frowned slightly at the moment. Lin Sen saw that the boundless Buddha cloud and the shining Buddha light were all due to the mutual echo of the sun. The originally large number of people At this moment, the national coalition forces seem a bit dwarfed by comparison!

If it is purely based on the number of people, in the small worlds controlled by the seven past Buddhas, there are more believers than everyone else, not to mention the powerful people of Buddhism and the believers of the disciples.

Seeing Lin Sen like this at this time is the only way to understand why Buddhism has been so prosperous in recent years. This kind of grand occasion is even worse than that of the Ten Thousand Immortals who came to court in those days!

But even those who were present were far from the real power of Buddhism, Lin Sen slightly lowered his eyes and glanced across the faces of each of them, not to mention the absence of Shakyamuni, the lord of Buddhism. Even the future Buddha Maitreya is not there, besides, among them, none of the Tantric sect members of the ten princes are missing, and the Peacock King Ming lineage, if such pity is down, all the people present are the real backbone of Buddhism!

As the saying goes, if you want to fight against the outside world, you must first secure the inside, and it is possible that the external forces that will defect and cause accidents must have been controlled at this time. (To be continued.)

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