Although Kunpeng's words were addressed to Styx, the meaning of blood washing Lingshan still rang clearly in everyone's ears. Hearing this, Vipashen Buddha did not get angry, and his face was still the same. With such an indifferent expression, his eyes slowly swept across Kunpeng, and then he folded his hands together and said, "All fellow Taoists have appeared around the prehistoric world for many years. It seems that today you have made up your mind to do something with my Buddhist sect." It's time!"

"Since we're here, why bother talking nonsense!" But Ying Zheng, who was in the chariot, said impatiently, "After today, Buddhism will definitely be removed from the prehistoric world!!" After finishing speaking loudly, what came out of his mouth was coldly uttering the word "Kill..."

But as soon as his words came out, they suddenly ignited the aura of the soldiers and horses of the entire Wu tribe. Most of the soldiers of the Wu tribe in western Zhejiang were Daqing soldiers and horses. Zheng is alone, and Ying Zheng's words are the supreme sacred order for them. Even if a saint is on the opposite side, they dare to charge, let alone now!

However, following Ying Zheng's words, all the soldiers of the Wu clan raised their violent aura one after another, and merged with their respective commanders, and the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses were completely integrated, soaring into the sky. There was only one cry that shocked the world, "Kill..."

Styx, who was displeased just now when the Witch Clan made a move, was blocked by the Viposi Buddha from absorbing his soul, already couldn't accept it, and now he sneered and said, "Kill them all, the blood stained Lingshan..." And As the creator and supreme lord of the Asura clan, the Asura clan naturally would not hesitate, and in the monstrous death and the tumbling sea of ​​blood, with a ferocious or lustful smile, greeted that group. All the Buddhist disciples rush forward!

"Such heretical, unfaithful and unfilial people should be destroyed. I, the Confucian school, should be responsible for the education of the world!" It was only a faint sentence from Confucius, and the group of enthusiastic and fanatical scholars , They all rushed forward in swarms, and in the magnificent purple air all over the sky, endless Confucian chapters flashing with golden brilliance flashed, and each huge text was the essence of Confucianism. In the middle, the purple air collides with the Buddha cloud, and the golden characters compete with Sanskrit. This is a confrontation of cultures, and it is also a contest of faith!

"What are you waiting for! Kill..." But Zhulong and Kunpeng looked at each other, they both saw the determination in each other's eyes, but now is not the time to procrastinate, if there is something to do, kill all the disciples of this Buddhist sect first After all, who knows if those saints will come back suddenly!

The shouts of killing soared into the sky, and all the monsters around the two of them couldn't wait. At this time, Zhulong gave the order, and there was still a little bit of hesitation. At the moment, everyone was roaring and howling. Go towards the Buddha cloud in the sky!

Seeing this, Zhulong and Zhulong were full of relief, but their eyes were slightly worried. After all, the ten princes were not here, and half of the demon clans who had to join Buddhism in order to survive were missing. While Long shouted, Kunpeng gave Bai Ze a slight wink.

And Bai Ze also nodded slightly at the moment to indicate that he understood, and then led many monster soldiers and generals in Beiju Luzhou, and quietly disappeared amidst the crowd's charge!

Although the auras of the siege from all sides are different, they are all murderous at this time, completely in the posture of bloodbath Lingshan!

Seeing such an imposing manner, the Vipassin Buddha also sighed slightly, and said softly, "My Buddha is merciful...bless my Buddhist family to survive today's catastrophe..." Then he slowly raised his head , Shouting loudly, "The survival of Buddhism is only one stop, and the sea of ​​bitterness is standing..."

Following such loud shouts, one can see that in the clouds of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas behind the heads of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, the small worlds each opened up for their own believers are shining with brilliance, and hundreds of millions of them have already Believers from various sects who were waiting in full force also rushed out of that small world in a swarm at this time.

And the group of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, monks, and King Kong all shouted the Buddha's name "Amitabha..." and then they are all interdependent to form a small Buddhist fundamental seal, and this one A small and blocked swastika was transformed into seven giant swastikas around the past seven Buddhas, across the sky to correspond to the enemy!

As the believers in the small world rushed out, the hundreds of millions of soldiers and horses of the allied forces were far behind at this time. Although surrounded by four sides, the besieged Buddha Yun in the middle It is getting bigger and bigger!

Although the number of people is not dominant, how can everyone feel fear in their hearts, even amidst such loud shouts, the brilliance from all sides hit the huge Buddha cloud in the middle fiercely.

But as early as the charge, Lin Sen had already gathered millions of monster soldiers in Xuankong Mountain, and the people in Xuankong Mountain also followed closely, and then got up like a huge long shuttle and sent straight to the Buddhist gate. , and as the top of the long shuttle, Lin Sen was naturally the first to fight against Buddhism!

But Ujinsuo appeared in his hand, and with a swift wave, that Ujinsuo flew out as an endless stream of light, and the unknown Buddhist Bodhisattva standing in front of Lin Sen, although he was a golden immortal, was the one who could He was able to stop a murderous man like Lin Sen, and before the panic appeared on his face, Wu Jinsuo passed through him, and his body turned into a mummy, but it was only for an instant, and the blood essence and soul of his cultivation base were all shattered. The ones extracted by Wu Jinshuo are clean!

As soon as Wu Jinsuo passed through, the castration did not stop at all, the diameter was just to go into the formation, penetrating Lin Sen one by one, it was too late to see the figure, and even after that It turned into a golden centipede with short and short arms, constantly rushing and killing in the Buddhist cave, every time that Wujin's brilliance flashed by, it would definitely leave a place of mummified corpses!

And Lin Sen also rushed into the Buddhist camp at this time, and he was not polite at the moment, with countless arms showing around his body. With his current body of the Da Luo Jinxian, he rushed in like a tiger. Like a flock of sheep, he smashed all the Buddhist disciples around him into a pulp. As for the Buddhist disciples who came besieging him, they couldn't do any harm to his body at all!

But Lin Sen rushed into it first, and all the disciples behind him also rushed in, but it was seen that each of them was also holding the weapon, and while waving it, they took away one after another Buddhist sects **.

Now such a group battle, once the battle is surrounded by endless crowds, at such a time, it is too late to cast any supernatural powers and spells, the most effective, and it is the most primitive hand-to-hand combat!

However, the spear of Lin Senxuankong Mountain was just one of the many spears inserted into the Buddhist camp at this time, but some rushed in, and some were blocked by the Buddhist gate, but most of them fell behind. Still rushed into the formation of the Buddhist gate!

Seen from the sky at this time, it is covered with a bright golden auspicious cloud over an area of ​​thousands of miles. At this time, countless long needles shining with all kinds of brilliance appear from all directions. Insert it in, and from a distance, it looks like a huge cake full of spikes!

It’s just that the Buddhism is over, among other things, although there are hundreds of millions of soldiers and horses in the coalition of all the families, but before the giant of the Buddhism at this time, there are no fewer than tens of billions of believers who appear at this time. A hundredfold gap.

But with the rushing of the coalition forces of all families, the Sea of ​​​​Bitter Formation was slowly operating at this time. Lin Sen still didn't understand why the formation had such a name before, but now it is clear. Tens of billions of Buddhist disciples are like a boundless ocean. .

Even at this time, he has already moved out with thousands of hands, thousands of thunders, and tens of thousands of lives will be wiped out with a single sway, but in this boundless sea of ​​people, it is still like a drop in the ocean, completely submerged by the crowd , and with the countless thousands of characters in the formation slowly running, the group of monster soldiers from the Hanging Mountain who were following behind Lin Sen were gradually divided!

Once you enter this formation, it is like falling into the boundless and endless sea of ​​suffering. Buddhism says that the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and you will be right when you turn back. At this time, the great formation of the sea of ​​suffering is just like the sea of ​​suffering in the world of mortals. To be overwhelmed by the relentless and endless crowd!

And it is not only Lin Sen's family who encounter such a situation at this time, indeed, the countless spikes inserted into the Buddha cloud like a huge cake are slowly becoming apparent at this time, and then they are in it. As the pattern on the Buddha cloud slowly rotated, the sharp thorns all melted and shattered slowly, turning into dense black spots on the huge cake!

The countless small ten thousand-character seals are like countless small millstones, unless they can instantly strangle all the people who make up the ten thousand-character seals, otherwise, they can only be in the indistinguishable rotation. , was slowly decomposed, and then eroded!

Even if compared with the huge Buddha cloud, it is just like a thin long needle, but behind each of them are hundreds of thousands, millions of soldiers and horses, and the slow speed of differentiation, in that huge group Above the number, it is hard to detect at all, but after the gap, they are still divided!

When Lin Sen, who was constantly reaping his surname, found that there were fewer people behind him, only five or six million of the millions of demon soldiers in Hanging Mountain were left behind him. After all, millions and five Although the gap of 60 is huge, but standing together in the boundless large area, there is no difference at all. If Lin Sen's divine sense is not strong, it will only take a while until the number of Taoists is obvious. Reflect!

But even so, Yuan Nie, Hong Haier, Yuan Lang, Chen Xiang, and Xiong Ba, the most belligerent commanders of Hanging Mountain, still disappeared behind Lin Sen. It was obvious that they hadn't noticed it just now when they were on the rise. The only thing is that they were slowly divided, and when they reacted, there was still an endless sea of ​​people around them! (To be continued.)

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