Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 788 Vajra Indestructible Buddha

The number of the four coalition forces is far from being comparable to the billions of monks and disciples of the Buddhist sect, but at this time they are trapped in this large formation. The result is conceivable, it will definitely be divided and eaten by Buddhism!

Even if such a tyrannical cultivation base as Lin Sen and others can charge without any scruples and survive, the backbone of each family's formation will be exhausted!

And Lin Sen didn't allow the people in Hanging Mountain to suffer any damage, so before coming, he didn't hesitate to use the extremely precious Pangu blood essence to improve everyone's strength. Thinking of this, his face turned slightly cold at the moment!

"Ang..." There was a low howl like a cow in his belly, but Lin Sen's body grew rapidly, and in an instant it turned into the real body of the thousand-armed sky demon with a body hundreds of feet tall and towering into the mountain. Swinging, swiping the giant tail, and swaying endless thunder, just for a moment, the Buddhist monks who were murdered by Lin Sen numbered no less than one hundred thousand!

But even so, amidst the sea-like crowd, it was just like a small wave, and Lin Sen also radiated out from his body, and the various divisions of the Hanging Mountain that were split up instantly became the same. It was reflected in his heart for a while, and the spiritual thought suddenly fixed that sentient being who was a Buddhist monk who was against the various tribes of the Hanging Mountain!

It could be a punch, or a flick of the tail, or a thousand thunderbolts, or a flash of black light, in short, it is a sudden and purposeful killing, but it is slowly gathering together a kind of monks from the Hanging Mountain who have been divided into flowers. !

It's just that Lin Sen's obvious killing here won't attract the attention of people in the Buddhist sect. One of the buddhas I saw is very thick, but his face is different from the other buddhas, and he is very majestic The ferocious golden Buddha rushed towards Lin Sen immediately. .

The body turned into a tall golden giant, with arms in all directions, and there was no compassion and peace in the waving of Buddhism, but it was very violent and fierce, and at the same time he shouted loudly, "Young boy of the monster race, stop!" You have to kill my disciples of the Buddha, watch me fight you!!"

While shouting furiously, those eight arms struck Lin Sen at the same time.

"Good time..." Lin Sen also yelled violently at the moment, raising his fists to fight without fear. Just now Lin Sen and the crowd fought, and Da Luo Jinxian's strength was undoubtedly displayed. If the strength is insufficient, naturally it is not good He would rush over to make fun of himself, but the angry-eyed Buddha here is exactly the Daluo monk among the Buddhas of that kind of Buddhism!

But it is also very special, it is also like Lin Sen, because he is born with a fleshy body, the difference is that Lin Sen is the real body of the sky demon, while the Buddha's body is the four-faced demon. With such a special body, such a cultivation base, and such a temper, even if the other party has no self-registration number, Lin Sen can still guess his identity!

Presumably this is the Vajra Indestructible Buddha known for his physical strength among Buddhists, and his golden body is tough, Lin Sen's physical body is also very strong, and the immediate loud shout is not just the eight that came over at the same time. The arm caught it, and then at the moment when the fists and fists met, but at the same time, relying on his many arms, he not only killed many Buddhist monks around him, but also punched several times on his golden body!

And being coaxed and beaten by Lin Sen these few times, although the Vajra Indestructible Buddha was beaten back and forth by Lin Sen, his body was not damaged at all, but the angry look on his face was even more powerful, I don't know if it was because of Lin Sen's punches on his chest, or because Lin Sen brutally killed Buddhist disciples in front of him!

What was in his mouth at the moment was Yisheng shouting "Little demon, you are looking for death..." An angry shout, on the eight arms suddenly appeared a golden weapon, sword, hammer, wheel Wait, presumably it's because he used the secret method of Buddhism to condense with his own Buddha essence!

Seeing this, Lin Sen's face became slightly serious at the moment. This Vajra Indestructible Buddha is one of the earliest disciples among the Buddhist sects. He doesn't know what became the Tao. Anyway, this physical body really gave him great fortitude. It can be said that it is already one of the famous Buddhas in Buddhism!

And it was also as early as the rise of Buddhism after the conferred gods, he had cultivated to Da Luo's cultivation base, and it could be said that he was a veteran Da Luo powerhouse in the prehistoric, and although Lin Sen's cultivation base was growing rapidly, after all, the time It's superficial, and one needs to be cautious when fighting against such a veteran powerhouse!

So the immediate thing is to shout to those people in Xuankong Mountain who have been slowly gathered by him in one place, "Fight in formation, don't be scattered and fall into the crowd!!"

Everyone has experienced the feeling of being alone and helpless in the sea of ​​people, and now they all remember it fresh, and they all put away their arrogance at the moment, and each of them is commanding their own troops, Form a circular formation against the enemy. '

Lin Sen intensively studied Zhou Tian, ​​and when he preached on weekdays, he would also mix some formations to explain the truth, and after everyone had some understanding, they would naturally experiment and practice in each part, so for this formation, Xuankongshan The heavy monster is still very familiar, so there is no sense of unfamiliarity in the formation at this time!

Seeing that the formations of various ministries in the Hanging Mountain had already turned from the isolated and unfavorable meeting that was caught in the crowd just now, Lin Sen finally calmed down and prepared with all his strength to meet the attack of the Vajra Indestructible Buddha!

"Little demon bastard, die..." It was seen that Vajra Indestructible Buddha, who had been repelled by Lin Sen's fists just now, was rushing forward again at this time, but it was different from the last time, this time the other The eight weapons in his hands are all shining with heavy brilliance!

Even though Lin Sen was physically strong, he didn't want to see whether it was his own body or the weapons in other people's hands. What he wanted to do now was to deal with it with all his strength, stretch out his hand to block, and at the same time punch the golden light indestructible Buddha!

Just now Lin Sen was hit suddenly because of his many arms, how could he fall on the same opponent again now? Lin Sen's fist swung at him!

In this way, Lin Sen was able to withdraw his fist and hit with another arm at the same time, while the Vajra Indestructible Buddha kept waving the weapon in his hand, constantly blocking Lin Sen. The attack, but when Lin Sen wanted to retreat, he hurriedly entangled him!

And it is also thick and thick. Under Lin Sen's dense arms, even if he is able to block the attack, it is unintentional to be hit a few times. There is no gap to kill in the formation. (To be continued.)

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