Following Lin Sen's words, the densely packed stars began to revolve immediately. The stars transformed by Lin Sen's spiritual thoughts are the most fundamental and soul existence in this space, and those bright stars are just These stars are just extensions!

Although Lin Sen didn't want the stars transformed by his thoughts to meet head-on with the Ding Haizhu before, but now Lin Sen really doesn't have the slightest burden to use the stars to hit the burning lamp. You must know that after being tempered by the innate yin-yang and five-element qi, Lin Sen's The divine thoughts one by one are no weaker than that of Ding Haizhu!

Even the most important ones, once played out, may be more terrifying than the Ding Haizhu, but after all, Lin Sen is concerned that the world is still in its infancy, and everything is still at its most vulnerable, so he is worried that in case If something goes wrong, I'm afraid it will damage the foundation of Dao, but it's not worth it to damage the foundation for a burning lamp!

Those stars, each of which is considered to be a million miles in size, are full of the power of the bright stars. At this time, such a diameter hit the burning lamp, not to mention that it was brought by the terrifying size. It is already a terrifying destructive force. .

And if one day, Lin Sen can truly evolve this star into a huge red and yellow star, and to deal with an opponent like Ran Deng, it only takes one star to crush him, and he can make his body and soul Crush to pieces!

Even though it is far from the real gigantic prehistoric stars now, even if the quasi-sage Dieng Deng's strength can withstand the impact of this star, there is not only this star in Lin Sen's space, Although the main stars of the sun, moon, four spirits and 28 constellations were not activated!

But the 360 ​​five auxiliary stars also surrounded the small body of Ran Deng, passing by one by one. Although he was tired, he was able to exhaust him to death inside!

It's just that facing such an impact, Ran Deng was not in a hurry, but instead smiled ruthlessly. While resisting the impact, a stream of light flashed behind him and rushed straight to the star in front of him. With absolute confidence, as long as these stars are destroyed and this formation is broken, even if this is Lin Sen's world, he will be able to kill him!

However, he used himself as a reference, but obviously underestimated Lin Sen's control over this world. Although he also tempered the 24 sea god beads day by day, it was comparable to Lin Sen's own sea of ​​consciousness. In this world of transformation, Lin Sen doesn't need any tempering at all, he is an almighty god here!

How can such a small action like burning a lamp be hidden from Lin Sen's eyes, but the star that was hitting the lamp just now became a fantasy after being hit by Ding Haizhu. The urgent and incomparable blow, but it only caused ripples!

Seeing such a slight change in Ran Deng's complexion but then quickly returning to normal, he did not expect that Lin Sen could control this world to such a fine extent, that he could even detect such a small movement. Just even so..

The 24 Dinghaishen beads that are flying outside are all turning rapidly, turning into a circular formation around it and rotating. Whenever there is a star approaching at that time, Dinghai beads will be the first to hit it. Lin Sen just turned the stars into nothingness helplessly, and Ran Deng laughed immediately, "It seems that you are very afraid that these stars will collide with my Ding Haizhu! Haha!!"

As if he had discovered Lin Sen's flaw, Ran Deng's favorite thing was to laugh out loud, and immediately said with a smile, "I have Haizhu in my hand again, you stars can't hurt me at all, after I analyze you This world, when the time comes..." Saying this, the voice immediately turned cold, "Your treasure, your chance, your world..are mine..mine..hahaha!!!"

The implication is that Lin Sen has nothing to do with him, and he can see the importance of some stars in this world. If these stars dare not collide with Ding Haizhu, then the remaining starlight is completely I can't help myself, he is a quasi-sage, not those useless bastards of Buddhism!

Although Lin Sen is trapping him now, he can't help him. When he analyzes the main formations in this world, it's time for him to fight back.

It's just that the lamp is still not recognized. This formation is the Zhoutian Xingchen formation. As the most complicated formation in the prehistoric world, even if it is only a foundation, it is the essence of Lin Sen's research for so many years. How could it be him? It's so easy to see through, not to mention how Lin Sen allowed him to stay in his own world so comfortably!

Hearing Ran Deng's words, Lin Sen sneered slightly at the moment, and then said softly, "The Dinghai Pearl is an innate treasure, not only able to evolve the world, but also its invincible quality, which few treasures in the prehistoric world can surpass." Compared with it, there are few things that can break its supernatural power."

And when Lin Sen said this, Ran Deng smiled at the moment, as if you were right, and then smiled and said, "Although there are a few treasures in the prehistoric world that can break the sea pearl, but any of them See, you can't get them!" Most of those treasures are in the hands of saints, even if they are not saints, they are all ancient strongmen who existed in ancient times. Although Lin Sen is strong now, he is still a Naxi. I can't afford it!

That's why Ran Deng has such self-confidence. As long as Lin Sen can't break Haizhu's protection, then he is safe, unless Lin Sen really keeps hurting and uses those stars to head-on, but from Lin Sen's attack just now From the perspective of his attitude, he would never do this to cherish these stars!

Seeing his own tone of voice, Lin Sen immediately smiled and said, "The ancient Buddha of Dieng Deng is wrong. As far as Lin Sen knows, there is something here that can break Haizhu's supernatural power!"

Ran Deng sneered at the moment, he would never believe Lin Sen's words, and said with a smile, "Such words want to affect my mind, but you look down on me too much!" How can he be in a state of confusion when he burns the lamp because of other people's few words, and how can he give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it!

"Since the ancient Buddha doesn't believe it, let's just wait and see!" Lin Sen said with a smile like this, and the huge stars surrounding the burning lamp crushed towards the burning lamp with unparalleled momentum! (To be continued.)

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