"Junior, I will kill you in the future..." Feeling that the Dinghai beads flying around in the world under Dawlin Sen's control collided with each other, and the moment the lamp was lit, he said loudly, this is his treasure, he How can I not feel distressed, the current thing is to concentrate and control the Dinghai beads one by one, so as to prevent them from colliding!

It's just that even with Ran Deng's concentrated control, it is still difficult to completely prevent those Dinghai beads from colliding with each other. After all, once Dinghai beads enter the void, they lose contact with him temporarily, and there is only time left for him to react. The moment Ding Haizhu appeared!

Therefore, the Dinghai Pearl, which would appear suddenly at some time, made Randeng unable to completely control it, and had to collide with Lin Sen's smile again and again, and the brilliance bloomed after each collision, but it was always It made Ran Deng's heart tremble, and while controlling it more and more carefully, he also cursed Lin Sen countless times in his heart!

I just felt that the Dinghai God Bead was constantly colliding fiercely in this world, and the more anxious Ran Deng didn't even have the thought of cursing, he just kept fully controlling the Dinghai Bead to prevent them from colliding, and at the same time try to Let those Dinghai pearls stay where they are!

It's just that how can Lin Sen let him get what he wanted? While speeding up the collision, he also admired it in his heart. This Dinghai Pearl is indeed a congenital treasure. There are no traces of crash, and there is not even a little crack!

And Ran Deng seems to have discovered this, so he controlled his resistance without any anxiety!

And even if Lin Sen wants to destroy it now, there is nothing he can do, but Lin Sen absolutely does not allow people like Dieng Deng to be in his own world. If it takes a long time, God knows if he will find anything Loophole, so today must let him die here!

There was a fierce look on his face, and he was not in a hurry to let those Dinghai beads collide again, but kept controlling the space so that those Dinghai beads would not listen to the Taiyin who was at the center of the formation. The two stars of the sun rotate around, constantly feeling the power above those two stars!

Lin Sen's two stars are not only born with innate aura, but also with the help of the candle dragon, their brilliance is still the same as that of the real lunar star and sun star, one is dark and the other is hot, but in such a constant interlacing of cold and hot Underneath, the Dinghai Pearls are still shining brightly!

Seeing that the Dinghai pearls were not colliding, Ran Deng thought that Lin Sen had given up on this idea. After all, those Dinghai pearls had collided with each other thousands of times without any trace of damage. At this time, he thought that Lin Sen had no other choice. , ready to trap it here, so it is also to start exploring this space!

The two of them were doing their own things like this. Lin Sen controlled the 24 Dinghai beads, and he didn't know how long he had been around the lunar star and the sun star, and he didn't know how long these [-] beads had gone through. How many alternations of heat and cold!

Just when Ran Deng had gradually penetrated into the formation formed by this world, suddenly, a fierce smile appeared on Lin Sen's face, and the 24 Dinghaishen beads were all of a sudden. At the top of the world, 24 pieces appear simultaneously.

Come from all directions, but they all gather in one place!

Ka Ka Ka! !There was a crackling sound, and then there was a loud noise that condensed into a loud noise. Before that, it was the burning lamp whose face changed in shock. This is when he opened his eyes, but he heard the sound that seemed to be his heartbreaking, but he could only see it again. The top of this world is the top, the Dinghai Pearl that is constantly changing between hot and cold!

Under such a sudden collision, fine cracks were produced one by one, and then turned into gorgeous fireworks, dissipating in this world, and the fragments scattered all over the sky in all directions!

Within each Dinghaishenzhu, there is the power of the sea, and with the shattering of the Dinghaishenzhu, extremely huge water elemental forces also swarmed out, and at this time these unowned water elemental forces, But it was quickly absorbed by this world, and at the same time scattered in all directions along with those fragments!

But the power of the world contained in the period, under the collapse at this time, caused Lin Sen's world to shake rapidly. The power of the world that originally belonged to the world of 24 heavens flew away from the Dinghai Pearl at this time. He quickly integrated into Lin Sen's small world!

And with the addition of the power of these worlds, Lin Sen can clearly feel that his world is constantly expanding, and the stars that have absorbed the power of these worlds are also growing rapidly. After all, this is a burning lamp. The power accumulated and developed over countless years!

Although most of the power of these worlds dissipated, it more than doubled the size of Lin Sen's world. After all, none of the 24 heavens knew that Lin Sen was a million miles away. How big is your small world!

But amidst the brilliance scattered by the Dinghaishen Pearl, Ran Deng had already been sluggish. The twenty-four heavens were his fundamentals, and they were shattered in front of his eyes.

Even his whole body's cultivation base is mostly attached to the Ding Sea God Orb, and with the shattering of the Ding Sea God Orb, his whole body's cultivation base has rapidly retreated, not only the guardian's 24 Heavens Barrier Disappeared, even if the cultivation base of the whole body has slipped from the level of the first-time quasi-sage to the level of the Da Luo Jinxian!

Ran Deng used the powerful power of the heavens and worlds among the 24 heavens to forcibly reach the quasi-sage level, but now with the collapse of the Dinghaishen Orb and the disappearance of the 24 heavens, his own strength is instantly The only thing in between is being beaten back to its original shape!

"Monster, I will never die with you today..." Among the gradually scattered fireworks, Ran Deng said with red eyes, gritted his teeth, and his body turned into a six-foot-long golden body of Buddhism, and flew towards Lin Sen. It was as if he wanted to fight Lin Sen desperately!

If he had the power of a huge world before, Lin Sen would still be afraid of it, but now the lamp is purely based on the cultivation of this Buddhist golden body, but it is still not as good as the previous Vajra Indestructible Buddha, but even Is it like Lin Sen, or is he not prepared to fight head-on with him at all?

The figure slowly dissipated in the air, and what greeted the burning lamp were bright stars one after another. These stars, which he could easily resist, are now extremely heavy. Knowing how he swayed the Buddha's light , It is also hard to think of oneself as a fate surrounded by stars!

Seeing the burning lamp that looks like a madman among the stars, Lin Sen smiled at the moment. If he continues to find this trend, it won't take much. Lin Sen didn't want to waste the last bit of time.

Wu Jinsuo, who was trapped by the lamp with the power of the heavens and the world before, after the power of the world dissipated, Wu Jinsuo naturally escaped from the trap, and the silent black light quietly attached to the man who looked like a madman at this time On Ran Deng's body, the black gold rod was reborn like flesh, and immediately the huge blood essence of Ran Deng's body poured into the black gold rod!

And with the loss of essence and blood, the movement of the lamp could not help but slowed down, and finally turned into ashes and disappeared among the stars, leaving only a golden Hunyuan relic, together with the Wujin rod Fly into Lin Sen's palm!

Looking at the relic of the Da Luo Jinxian who was burning the lamp, Lin Sen immediately laughed. At this moment, the relic can give Xuankong Mountain a master. As for the burning lamp soul, it is The smoke that had already been strangled by Lin Sen disappeared!

The figure slowly emerged from the small world. Lin Sen has been fighting with Ran Deng for a long time, but the surrounding area is still empty, and it can't be filled in a short time. Lin Sen immediately prepared to enter the boundless crowd to find Qing Ling and the others.

It's just that he started to step up, but stopped again. Although the millions of demon soldiers looked large in number, they were actually not enough to kill a Da Luo Jinxian. Seeing the real masters in the Buddhist sect, if you take them with you, it will be really dangerous!

Although suffering in the sea of ​​bitterness, it is better than being wiped out by a single blow when meeting a powerful person. Thinking of this, Lin Sen stopped immediately, and then turned around and walked towards the deepest part of the formation. Now the distance from the deepest part of the formation is not too far, as long as he breaks through this formation, Xuankong Mountain and all the monster soldiers will naturally be out of danger, and at the same time, it will announce the destruction of Buddhism!

Under the divine sense, Lin Sen followed the direction of those gods and souls. Lin Sen walked all the way, but he was unhindered all the way. There was no human figure, only remnants of souls passing by, and most of those remnants were As a Buddhist disciple, after Lin Sen was sure that he was going in the right direction, those remnant souls who were flying were all smashed into ashes by him!

Although I don't know where these Buddhist disciples flew to, but in the end, nothing good happened, and they were destroyed directly!

And after walking like this for an unknown amount of time, Lin Sen became more and more strange as he walked, but the Buddhas of the Buddhist sects he was worried about never appeared.

It's just that this really made Lin Sen more and more confused. Although Buddhism claims to be three thousand Buddhas, there are only fifteen main Buddhas. The dozens of people behind the Buddha, the rest are just some famous Buddhas!

And don't underestimate these 50 people, many of them have the cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian, and the rest are all Jinxian. As the highest title winners of Buddhism, these talents are the real high-end power of Buddhism. (To be continued.)

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