Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 804 Eight Treasures Merit Pool

However, apart from the Vajra Indestructible Buddha who had been beheaded by him before, Lin Sen still has no shadow of those simple Buddhas, even the Avalokitesvara whom he had seen once before has disappeared!

"Could it be that they are all in the great formation of the sea of ​​bitterness?" Seeing Lin Sen like this, he was slightly puzzled. Could it be that the Buddhas didn't set up the last line of defense like the Bodhisattvas as Lin Sen guessed, but Has it already merged into the sea of ​​bitter formation?

After all, with such a vast and boundless formation, if the dozens of Buddhas really merged into it, it would be a thing of the past for Lin Sen to meet only one Vajra Indestructible Buddha!

It's just that if those Buddhas really merged into the big formation, wouldn't it be a wilderness after that? Lin Sen felt that it was impossible to feel those spirits who had no power to fight back. He thought that he hadn't entered far enough. It just turned into a light, and quickly followed the direction of those spirits!

This formation is really too big, not only covering an area of ​​tens of millions of miles, but also using the supernatural power of the palm world of Buddhism to expand this space infinitely. Lin Sen didn't know how long he had been flying. The ground is still empty, but the denser and denser souls let Lin Sen know that he has not gone in the wrong direction, and he is getting closer to the center of the formation!

Just as Lin Sen was getting closer, from the distant horizon, a murderous aura that Lin Sen was very familiar with came from, but Lin Sen frowned immediately, and said in his mouth, "Bai Qi..." The murderous aura Although it is faint, Lin Sen has a deep memory, this is definitely Bai Qi's breath!

Right now, Lin Sen's figure was slowly disappearing, and after a burst of Wujin brilliance, Lin Sen's aura also disappeared completely, but he had already used the ability of the Wujin Shuoying to hide his breath completely, and at the same time he was even more Quickly rush to the place where the breath came out!

And after Dao Linsen felt it, as those figures appeared in front of his eyes, Lin Sen couldn't help being slightly taken aback. There were not many people present, and Lin Li's figures were only about a hundred or so in total. What Sen was slightly surprised was that not only the masters of the Wu clan were present, but there were also many masters of the Confucianism.

Although Lin Sen didn't know much, judging from the aura on his body, he was also a master of Da Luo Taiyi, and the combined strength of the two sides was no less than the strength of the Buddhas of that Buddhist sect!

Although the number of these people is still far less than one billionth of that in the Sea of ​​​​Bitter Formation, the aura gathered there is still larger than that of the Sea of ​​​​Bitter Formation!

The Witch and Confucian families seem to be still in the peace alliance, but surrounded by the two Gaoshuo families, it is a golden mountain exuding colorful brilliance, and around that mountain, it is densely covered with Lin Sen who has always been there before. Those Western Buddhas who were very worried, and the countless remnant souls gathered from all directions, also rushed to the colorful mountain peak at this time!

It's just that when passing through the siege of the Wu Confucian family, they were all shocked by the breath of those two masters!

And the scattering of every soul made a trace of distress appear on the calm face of the Buddha. It's just that the strengths of the two sides are not far apart at this time, but neither of them dared to act rashly. The group of Buddhas are all very anxious at this time, why is the ancient Buddha Dideng not coming!

According to the original plan, led by the quasi-sage Ran Deng, they can indeed kill any personality here in the shortcut, but now facing the opponent's strength, they have no confidence in winning, so even though they can see the souls of each one Flying back to be annihilated by the crowd, but he still endured his heartache and waited for the arrival of Randeng!

But they didn't know that the ancient burning lamp Buddha they were expecting was still beheaded by Lin Sen.

Under the cover of Ujinsuo, Lin Sen came to the crowd silently, his ultimate purpose was to look up the golden mountain, but he was curious in his heart, what exactly was it? It is possible to let some Buddhas guard here!

Lin Sen couldn't help being slightly taken aback by this sight. The golden mountain peak was nothing at that time. Although it was a Gengjin product, it was just abnormal perseverance, but there was nothing special about it!

But the pool above the golden mountain was the source of Lin Sen's stupefaction, and it was also the source of the colorful brilliance on the golden mountain!

"Eight Treasures Merit Pond..." Seeing the colorful golden pool, Lin Sen immediately screamed in surprise, and suddenly understood!

This eight-treasure merit pool is one of the treasures of Buddhism to suppress luck. Although it is an acquired thing, it is a well-known treasure of merit even in the wild!

In the seven-color pool water, nearly [-]% of the merits of Buddhism are condensed, and the merits and virtues accumulated by the trillions of Buddhist disciples and the world are an extremely large and terrifying amount, and the introduction is even more. The power of vows, the power of faith of the trillions of believers in the world is condensed in it, coupled with the collection of the spiritual veins of the entire West, and the luck of receiving the blessing of the heavenly Tao at the time of sanctification, it is the supreme treasure of merit that has achieved this party!

It does not have the invincible defense of the Tiandi Xuanhuang Gongde Pagoda, the decisive killing of the Qingping Sword, and the power of attack and defense, but it has an attribute that defies the sky. No matter how many injuries you have suffered, as long as there is still a ray of remnant soul, turn around the Lingshan Mountain and enter the Eight Treasures Merit Pool!

It is to be able to reshape the golden body with the aura of boundless merit in the pool of merit, and even the lost cultivation can be repaired and perfected. Seventy percent of the reasons why Chanjiao's disciples rebelled into Buddhism were due to this The Eight Treasures Merit Pool can restore their cultivation levels that were abolished by Yunxiao in a very short time!

In the past, the West was barren, so it was necessary to lead Zhunti's disciples, and there were few disciples, so naturally I didn't want to lose anything, but the prehistoric times of that time can be described as perilous every step of the way, and the slightest carelessness would mean death, unless one escaped from the world. , otherwise it will always cause trouble, but how can the great teaching prosper if you can't hide from the world, so it is the time to establish the Buddhist great teaching and get the supreme merit from the gods with great wishes. Then luck is condensed into this treasure!

And as the Buddhist sect grows larger and the disciples become more numerous, the merits of human enlightenment also become greater, and as more and more merits are accumulated, the Eight Treasures Merit Pool becomes even more frightening As long as the remnant soul is needed, it can be revived, which is indeed one of the reasons why Buddhist disciples are so brave and fearless! (To be continued.)

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