As the Buddha's alms bowl was thrown out, the horns of battle between the two sides that were originally confronting each other immediately started. These people are the top powerhouses in the prehistoric world, although the strength of several families will be on the same level as that of Buddhism. Above all the Buddhas, but those Buddhist disciples are not easily defeated!

But amidst the flashes of energy and brilliance, Lin Sen did not participate in the battle, but hid his figure and quietly sneaked towards the golden mountain!

The Mosquito Taoist was able to hide from the eyes of Jieyin and other saints in the past, but now he can naturally block Lin Sen's breath, and the people around him who are fighting fiercely at this time are naturally even more invisible!

It's just that there is a Buddhist restriction on the golden mountain peak. Although Lin Sen can forcibly break into it with his strength, it will expose his whereabouts. But no one noticed that there were two faint brilliance, which were slowly sweeping over the golden mountain!

However, amidst Lin Sen's investigation, he suddenly heard a muffled groan, followed by a violent wave of spiritual energy. Lin Sen looked in that direction, but he could see it. Meng Tian and several members of the witch tribe joined forces, but they suddenly strangled the Buddha who thought it was Da Luo.

Seeing the relic slowly flying into Meng Tian's hand, Lin Sen's eyes flashed a slight brilliance. It was Da Luo's relic. He has accumulated so much now, but there is only one that burns the lamp. , and looking at the past at this time, all the Buddhist Buddhas have become individual relics!

However, even though he was a child, Lin Sen turned his eyes back in a hurry. The Eight Treasures Merit Pool is not comparable to those relics. What he is doing right now is to speed up the exploration of the restriction. With the death of the Buddha, Lin Sen's time is getting less and less!

Where there is the first one, there is the second one. Although those Buddhas are all profoundly cultivated, the ones facing them are not ordinary people, not to mention the overwhelming number of people. At this time, those Buddhas are completely unable to resist each other. They had to die one by one, turning into golden relics one by one, and being taken into the hands of others!

But among them, no one noticed that on the golden mountain peak, a small relic also quietly flashed out, emitting a faint brilliance that disappeared in a flash.

But in that unnoticed brilliance, Lin Sen has already entered the mountain without knowing it. After all, the Eight Treasures Merit Pond is the place of rebirth for Buddhist monks, so even though the restriction is It is tyrannical, but there is a loophole, but it doesn't work on the breath of Buddhism. If it weren't for this, how would the remnant souls of those Buddhist monks come back into the pool!

And it is precisely because Lin Sen discovered this that he came in so easily. Although he does not have any Buddhist supernatural powers, he now has tens of millions of Buddhist relics in his hands. Borrowing the breath of Buddhism, Lin Sen has already quietly slipped in!

"Looks like it's going to be faster!" Looking at the unilateral rape that was about to end outside, Lin Sen immediately laughed softly in his heart, and then hurriedly went to the Eight Treasures Merit Pool in the mountain!

The Eight Treasures Merit Pond is located on the top of the mountain. The pool is not big, but it is only three feet square. It is golden in color and full of gods and Buddhas. On the pond above, there is a colorful pool of water, but the shining brilliance reflects the entire sky is colorful!

The battle outside was coming to an end at this time, Lin Sen smiled slightly, and lightly touched the eight-treasure merit pool with his palm. Although the eight-treasure merit pool has unparalleled supernatural powers, it has no offensive and defensive abilities. Yes, on weekdays there are saints harvesting, so there is no restriction above it!

The moment Lin Sen touched it, he saw the Eight Treasures Merit Pond suddenly flicker, but it completely disappeared from this world, and the colorful brilliance that filled the sky also disappeared!

But those things quietly appeared in Lin Sen's small world. After confirming that the Eight Treasures Merit Pool had been collected, Lin Sen smiled slightly. From today onwards, this thing will change its name to Lin Sen. up!

The colorful brilliance disappeared suddenly, and it was easy to notice even if the crowd was fighting vigorously, not to mention that the fighting was about to end, and several families were planning to snatch the Eight Treasures Merit Pool.

But now that the colorful brilliance has disappeared, everyone can see that on the golden mountain in between, the Eight Treasures Merit Pond still disappeared at some point. Taking a quick look, they could also see the other party's expression of dislike.

"Buddha bless... but I have taken back the most precious treasure of my Buddhism..." Seeing the disappearance of the Eight Treasures Merit Pond, it was the Daluo Buddha who was talking between seeing it, and immediately sighed with his hands clasped together, and at the same time, his face was full of embarrassment. His expression was full of relief, but he didn't know that the Eight Treasures Merit Pool that suddenly disappeared had nothing to do with his Buddha!

"Kill...not one left..." The Eight Treasures Merit Pond was about to be obtained, but it suddenly disappeared at the last moment, the pale complexion became gloomy at the moment, and the moment in the mouth was coldly said, and then looked at The pious Buddha immediately said in a soft voice, "Could it be that he was taken away by the guide? Impossible!"

It's just that the voice was too low, and no one heard it except himself, but under suspicion, a sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and his murderous aura soared into the sky, unparalleled A sword cut straight down from the top of the mountain, not only splitting the golden mountain in two, but also crushing the broken mountain with its incomparable murderous aura!

And after destroying the mountain, after confirming that no one has tampered with it, Bai Qi slowly withdrew the sword in his hand, but the puzzled look on his face was stronger at this time, and there was a little worry in his mouth He said softly, "Could it be that the receptionist took it away?"

Then he suddenly raised his head, and said to the people around him, "Don't delay any longer, let's make it quick!!" If it was really the Eight Treasures Merit Pool that was received and taken away, since it is powerful enough to take back that thing, it is natural The return is not far away, if the saint is approaching, the most urgent thing is to make a quick decision!

But Lin Sen came out quietly from his own small world at this time, but when Bai Qi drew out his sword, he realized that something was wrong, so the first thing he did was to escape into that small world to hide. Although Lin Sen could catch that mighty sword, his whereabouts would undoubtedly be exposed if he said that!

Under Bai Qi's urging, he also took the lead, the sharp sword in his hand was murderous, and under the siege of the group, how could the remaining Buddhas stop such wolves and tigers, one by one? In the fall of the dead, only the golden relic that has been cultivated for a lifetime is left, falling into the hands of others!

Seeing this, Lin Sen smiled slightly at the moment, and then his figure quietly disappeared, turning into a beam of light and flying thousands of miles away. This was after he showed his figure and made himself so tall that he was very embarrassed. He turned around and pretended to let go of the way he rushed over, and hurriedly flew to the place where everyone was fighting!

At this time, the crowd had just finished killing, but they saw Lin Sencai hurried over, but they saw that Jiao Mo Yaosheng immediately asked, "Why did you come so late? But what happened?"

And this is also the reason why Lin Sen turned his head back. With his cultivation base, he can't see the secret of the Sea of ​​​​Bitter Formation, and it is impossible to come here through the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness. No one will find out, but after the fact, someone will definitely notice something is wrong!

Hearing that Jiao Mo Yao Sheng wanted to ask at this time, Lin Sen immediately smiled in his heart, and then he said hastily, "I met Ran Deng in the formation, and he pretended to be the quasi-sage, and he attacked me unexpectedly, I It’s hard to get rid of it and rush over, but I didn’t expect that everyone has already solved it!”

Then he slowly swept over the unrecovered relics in the hands of everyone, a trace of envy flashed in his eyes, and then he asked again, "I see that many remnants of Buddhist monks in the formation are all sent to Coming in this direction, but I don’t know what’s so strange here?”

Seeing Lin Sen asking this question, the doubtful expression in Bai Qi's eyes dissipated slightly. After all, Lin Sen's current cultivation level is not as good as his, and when he was in Huashan in the past, he was so silent. The breathless concealment technique made it memorable!

Flood Demon was the one who changed the matter, but after he finished speaking, Lin Sen opened his eyes in astonishment and exclaimed in the air, "Eight Treasures Merit Pond? Is it really this thing? Buddhism is vicious for a short time!! "After being so amazed, he asked anxiously again, "But I don't know who will get such a treasure of merit and virtue in the end?" Go, look like guessing who gets it!

"I'm ashamed to say it!!" Hearing Lin Sen's question, a look of embarrassment flashed across the faces of several people at the same time, but it was the Jiaomo who saw him who said, "I'm incompetent. The Eight Treasures Merit Pool has slipped away!!"

"What?" Lin Sen spit out the two words subconsciously. He might think that the expression of astonishment was true, and then he felt that his words were inappropriate, and looked at the embarrassing Jiao Demon, this is the one who frowned and asked, "With the cultivation of a few of you, how could someone take away the Eight Treasures Merit Pool from your eyes... Could it be...?"

As soon as Lin Sen said this, everyone's eyes suddenly widened! (To be continued.)

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