The fighting in the formation calmed down outside the formation, and the formation that the seven quasi-sages gave up their cultivation bases and did not know was so easy to break.

Therefore, even Zhulong and the others outside had no choice for a while, but at this moment, the fall of the Da Luo Jinxian in the formation, there was a vision outside the formation!

When Lin Sen turned around to kill Ran Deng, because he was in his own small world, there was no abnormality from the outside world, but when the strong guards of the Eight Treasures Merit Pool were besieged and killed by everyone, the power of heaven and earth The cloud of blood and rain in the room immediately became more intense.

This kind of vision made Zhulong people jump at the beginning, I am afraid that Ran Deng had already begun to kill Da Luo monks in the formation, which gave birth to such a vision, but after a little calculation in his heart, it was immediately Knowing the reason of the matter, since the people from the Buddhist sect died, they were all too late, even if they broke the formation, they stopped!

He just smiled and looked at the few people in the formation, and the seven quasi-sages of Buddhism who supported the formation naturally knew what happened in the formation at this time, and they were slightly surprised and puzzled on their faces at the moment, and at the same time They also hurriedly started to contact Ran Deng in their hearts. After all, they were allowed to enter it to sit in the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, but no matter how they contacted, there was no news of Ran Deng!

At the moment, the few people in the room couldn't help but smiled wryly from acquaintances. Could it be that today is really the day when my Buddha is destroyed? My Buddha is merciful. Could it be that they really just watched my Buddhism perish? I prayed with my heart, just let them pray however they wanted, but the miracle never appeared!

Lin Sen in the formation expressed the doubts in everyone's hearts with one word, and immediately everyone left in a hurry, rushing back to the sea of ​​bitterness formation again.

Although the Sea of ​​​​Bitter Formation is a good one, it is just some ordinary people in the Buddhist sect. The return of these strong people is announcing the beginning of the revolution. Thousands of living beings dissipated, but the difference is that they now don't have the reincarnation of the Eight Treasures Merit Pool!

How can these disciples be able to withstand the rush of such a strong man? Although the number is tens of billions, the vast and boundless sea of ​​​​people is being killed out of the gaps under the leadership of the strong men. And each of these gaps is rapidly expanding, merging with each other, until each of these gaps completely swallows all the crowds!

As the Buddhist disciples were continuously slaughtered, the fighting gradually ceased, and the rest were just sporadic struggles, but the boundless space was filled with the remnants of the Buddhist disciples. Under the traction of the six realms of reincarnation, unconsciously go to that reincarnation!

Under the splash of blood, the Holy Land of Lingshan has completely become a stretch of blood-colored mountains and rivers, with boundless sorrow and bloody aura, which makes Lin Sen and others look at it at a glance. Can't help but feel terrified!

It's just that even this group of people obviously didn't intend to let go of these remnant souls. Each of them exerted their supernatural powers, and they were either beaten to death, or swallowed by the roaring blood sea, corroded by the blood sea water and turned into newborns one by one. Shura 1

Collecting so many Buddhist souls is a great harvest, but there is no joy on Styx's face. The loss of the Asura clan this time far exceeded their expectations. He lost hundreds of millions of blood sea Asuras, and even the most precious Daluo Asura King died, how could he not feel distressed!

The battle for the remaining balance really doesn't need Lin Sen's people to participate at this time, and the current changes are all slowly flying into the sky, and the boundless sea of ​​people surrounds those ancient Buddhas in the middle!

But in the sea of ​​people, Lin Sen hurriedly searched for one figure after another, until he was sure that the people on the Hanging Mountain were only lost, and then he was relieved. It's all a little ugly. Although these tens of billions of Buddhist disciples were killed, the losses of each family are not small!

As far as Mount Hanging is concerned, although the 130 million demon soldiers at the time of the attack seemed to be a large number, they couldn't even make a single wave in the sea of ​​bitterness formation. Nearly 80 employees have been reduced. Even so, his Xuankongshan may be one of the few companies with the least loss!

At this time, since the Great Formation of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness is broken, the seven Buddhist quasi-sages no longer need to support the light curtain that covers the sky, but even though the light curtain dissipates, the relics that condensed the cultivation of these seven people are also transformed The dots of light all over the sky disappeared.

And the painstaking practice of those seven people's countless yuanhuis has also come to naught today!

"Amitabha..." Several people clasped their hands together, and they all gave a pious Buddha's name, their eyes swept over the boundless remnant souls below them, even if they were profound in Buddhism and all four things were empty, they were endlessly slightly Somewhat distressed, then the Vipasi Buddha who actually saw him looked at Kunpeng and the others, and said lightly, "All the disciples of my Buddhist sect have died here, but your long-cherished wish has been fulfilled!"

After finishing speaking, there was neither sadness nor joy on his face, as if he had completely resigned to the destruction of Buddhism!

"These should have been expected by Vipasin Buddha!" ​​It's just that he just finished speaking like this, and Kong Qiu who heard it said softly with a smile!

"What the benefactor said, Vipassi is stupid, but he doesn't know what it means!" Hearing Kong Qiu's words, Viposie's expression did not change at all, and he still said softly!

"Ten billions of people, endless souls, treasures of the Buddhist sect, and the power of the Buddhist sect is almost completely burned. Such a loss of almost complete annihilation is just for cover, but the heart of the ancient Buddha is even admired by Confucius. !” Kong Qiu said like this, but there was a look of admiration on his face!

And until this time, Viposhi's complexion changed slightly. Hearing what he said, Lin Sen frowned slightly. Kong Qiu said that such a loss was just to cover, so what was it to cover?

"Using such a near-annihilated loss to make us feel at ease, but to divert the real Buddhist elite disciples away. The ancient Buddha's thoughts are really cruel!" After Kong Qiu finished speaking with a smile, he was confident again. He smiled and said, "Such an arrangement is not ingenious, it's just a pity..."

In the midst of such a soft sigh, everyone only listened to it, a clear sound of birdsong, the sound was crisp, straight into the sky and following that sound, a golden cloud could be seen in the far horizon. come!

But when they got close, everyone could see what kind of golden cloud there was, but a huge golden peacock, and behind the peacock, there were no less than a million Buddhist monks following them, cultivating one by one. The reasons are all very profound, and Lin Sen even saw the figure of the Golden Winged Peng King in it!

And as the golden peacock landed in front of everyone, it turned into a handsome general in golden armor, slowly standing beside Kong Qiu, and the breath of the million Buddhist monks behind him also changed rapidly , with hair growing on the top of his head, and the monk robes on his body have also turned into pieces of Confucian long gowns, which are included in the Duoluo after Confucius!

Just when the golden peacock arrived, Vipassin Buddha was already stunned. At this moment, he stared blankly at the golden armored general beside Kong Qiu, and said with a face full of disbelief, "King Peacock Ming? Why? Possible!! Impossible!!! You were raped by Zhunti Buddha’s mother, how could you run out!! Impossible..."

"There are still many things you don't think about!!" King Peacock Ming in golden armor said quietly. Although his voice was clear, it was as cold as metal. After he finished speaking, the golden brilliance on his body flashed. A burly golden figure appeared in front of everyone's eyes 1

But he was holding a rosary in his hand, hanging a cloth bag, he was wide and fat, and he was smiling all the time. It was Maitreya Buddha, the future Buddha of Buddhism who Lin Sen wondered why he was not there before, but the smile of Maitreya Buddha was still the same, but at this moment Everyone can see that Maitreya is only a shell left now, but Maitreya Buddha has long since fallen!

"Maitreya..." The moment Maitreya Buddha appeared, the calmness on Vipasik Buddha's face disappeared suddenly, and then he stared at Peacock King Ming and said, "What did you do to them..."

He was asking them, not him, and everyone now understands what Confucius said just now. The previous discussion between the Viposhi and the others should be the loss of this holy land of Lingshan and the loss of tens of billions of money from the Buddhist sect. It is to quietly send away the children of the elite in the sect. Although it will lose a little face, at least the foundation is still there!

If the sea of ​​bitter formation hadn't been for the accidental death of the lamp in Lin Sen's hands, if he had the talent to sit in the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, how could everyone break through the formation so easily? If the reincarnation continues, it must be consumed Most of the combat power of several companies!

At that time, even if these tens of billions of disciples are lost, as long as the elites of the Buddhist sect are still there, there will always be a chance to make a comeback, and the person who left with a group of Buddhist disciples must be the one who made Viposhi look angry. Maitreya Buddha, the future Buddha of Buddhism who has undergone great changes, and now that Maitreya is here, the fate of the remaining elites can be imagined!

"The soul flies away..." King Peacock Ming slowly spit out the four words that made Viposhi stand still. If those elites who were taken away by Miller died, then the Buddhism is really over!

"Nan... Wu... Ah... Mi... Tuo... Buddha..." Standing blankly, tears could not help but flash in the eyes of the seven Buddhas of this Buddhist sect. It was a long shout of the Buddha's name, but seeing Vipassi Buddha looking up to the sky and crying, "Buddha!! Do you really want to abandon us and ignore us?" (To be continued.)

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