Everything starts from the gourd baby

Chapter 815 It turned out to be...

Yun Xiao kept teasing all the way, and only stopped when he was outside the main hall, and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation, and the smile on his face, it was obvious that the secret was in the main hall, and Lin Sen was no longer polite at the moment , with a slight smile, he walked into the hall with big strides, but when he entered, he was suddenly stunned!

There was no shocking horror scene in it, but there was a figure sitting cross-legged on the main hall. Seeing Lin Sen coming in at this time, there was a slight smile on his face.

It's just that this figure made Lin Sen Zhuoran stupefied. Although it was Bai Ban's guess, he never thought that this person was actually here!How could this one be here?

Lin Sen hardly believed his eyes, but the scene in front of him actually existed. After the sudden sluggishness, Lin Sen's face was filled with astonishment, and he hurriedly stepped forward to bow down. Said, "Lin Sen pays homage to Lingbao Tianzun..."

The person who sat at the top and smiled at Lin Sen was the former master of the sect, the master of Lingbao Tianzun Tongtian!

Seeing Lin Sen's astonished look, Yun Xiao, who followed behind, also smiled slightly. Obviously, his concealment all the way was naturally because of the expression on Lin Sen's face, so he stepped forward and bowed down, "See you, teacher..."

"Get up!" Tongtian also smiled slightly, and said with a soft smile in his mouth!

"Thank you, Master!" "Thank you, Teacher!!" After the two thanked each other, they slowly got up, and Lin Sen still had a look of astonishment on his face, and said in doubt, "Master... Master..." Although there are thousands of doubts, but now I don't know how to ask them!

"You want to ask me why I'm here?" Seeing Lin Sen's embarrassment, the leader of Tongtian just smiled slightly, but Lin Sen felt a little uncomfortable with that intimate look, and this is the only way he can feel right now. He nodded slightly, and at the same time said, "Lin Sen guesses, the leader should...should..."

Lin Sen wanted to say that he was bound by something, but he suddenly realized that his words were disrespectful to the saint, so he hastily shut up!

"Hehe..." Master Tongtian smiled slightly, and then he said softly what Lin Sen didn't dare to say, "I should be bound now, not only me, but all saints should be bound now." Binder, right!"

Lin Sen nodded in embarrassment when Tong Tian said it, but after he nodded, he heard Tong Tian's leader laughing, "It's just like your guess, I shouldn't appear here, but I have appeared now. ..." Tongtian said with a slight resentment in his mouth, and then he smiled at Lin Sen, "With your ability, you should be able to see the difference in me!"

After being told by Tongtian, Lin Sen started a large number of Tongtian sect masters. Who dared to stare straight at the saint before!

But after looking at it like this, Lin Sen immediately found something wrong. The smiling Tong Tian in front of him, although his aura was extremely oppressive, compared to what he saw in Biyou Palace last time. At that time, it was completely different, but Lin Sen felt that what he was facing was not a saint at this time, but a domineering peak quasi-sage!

This kind of change made Lin Sen even more astonished. As one of Pangu's primordial gods, Master Tongtian, a natural saint, can be said to refer to one of the oldest saints in the prehistoric world. How could he be a quasi-sage? Lin Sen began to doubt his eyes for the first time!

It's just that the astonished look in Lin Sen's eyes still exposed the shock in his heart. Seeing such a great deal, he smiled and nodded and said, "But as you can see, I'm not on the holy throne now!!"

Tong Tian's simple words caused Lin Sen's heart to set off a huge wave, and he said in an unknown way, "How is this possible, how can someone be able to take out the saint's Hunyuan Dao fruit!" Such a person, what kind of Chengdu will he be terrified of?

Hearing Lin Sen muttering to himself, Tongtian immediately smiled and said, "Others can't, but I can!!" Speaking of the words of Master Tongtian, there is a firm determination, even more It was revealed that this holy position was actually deprived by himself!

Lin Sen suddenly froze. How could someone deprive himself of his holy position in this world? You must know that it is the Hunyuan Dao Fruit standing on the top of the prehistoric world!

Seeing Lin Sen's stunned look, Tongtian smiled slightly, and after Lin Sen stood there for a while, he slowly turned around, and then respectfully saluted the leader of Tongtian, "Lin Sen is not I understand, please ask the leader to clarify!" He really couldn't understand this!

If it is said that the leader of Tongtian is here because he forcibly took off the Hunyuan Daoguo, what about Nuwa?What does Nuwa look like now, and what is it that the persecuting Tongtian leader is so decisive?

"Do you know the number of holy positions in this world?" The Master Tongtian asked with a smile!

Lin Sen immediately replied, "Three Qings of Taoism, Second Saints of the West, Nuwa of my Yaozu, Patriarch Hongyun, there are seven saints in total!" Know!

"Wrong!!" Lin Sen finished answering confidently, but Tong Tian said coldly, "You forgot the first one, Daoist Hongjun!" He called Hongjun instead of teacher, but it made Lin Sen feel a little nervous. I was stunned, but then I was puzzled and said, "Didn't Daozu fit the Tao with his body? How could it be?"

Since Hongjun has filled the vacancy of the way of heaven with his body, he is naturally a part of the way of heaven, but he is not counted among the saints!

Hearing Lin Sen's retorted question, Tong Tian sneered slightly, "We thought so too at first!!" Then he asked, "Do you know how many saints there should be in this prehistoric world?"

Lin Sen was asked by one of them, and he shook his head slightly in doubt, but he smiled and said, "Nine is extremely numerous, but there should be nine saints in this prehistoric world, and this ninth saint When it appears, it will be the end of the Great Desolation!"

Hearing what he said, Lin Sen nodded slightly at the moment. He really didn't know such words, but after nodding, he suddenly became suspicious, and said in his mouth, "If you say that ancestors It is also among the holy thrones, there were originally eight saints between heaven and earth, but in the past when Kong Xuanying broke the law of heaven, wouldn't there be ten saints?"

"You only know one thing, but you don't know the other thing!" Tong Tian sneered at the moment, "If it wasn't for Kong Xuan and I, the three of us would still be unable to cut off Hunyuan and escape!"

The more he said this, Lin Sen became more and more puzzled. In the mouth of Tongtian Cult Master, how could this Primordial Peak, the Hunyuan Dao Fruit that everyone envied, seem to be a prison, and what he said He was not talking about himself, but three people, and these three people must be the Sanqing of that sect.

And above that holy place, what is the matter that made the three venerables of this sect keep giving up Hunyuan and wanted to get out, but now the disappeared Nuwa, Hongyun, is it because of For such a reason, I was trapped and couldn't get out!

However, Lin Sen's eyes suddenly lit up, and he subconsciously said, "The disappearing Heaven's Punishment Thunder Tribulation?" After the Master Tongtian finished speaking, Lin Sen immediately remembered the unprovoked incident in the past. The disappearing Heavenly Punishment Thunder Tribulation, and if he said this, wouldn't it mean that the person behind the scenes is Hongjun Patriarch?

"You are really smart!" Master Tongtian smiled softly at the moment, "The two of Kong Xuan were punished by heaven, and we took the opportunity to escape, and we are mutually beneficial, but we don't owe each other!" Only then looked at Lin Sen and said with a smile, "Speaking of which, this matter is also related to you!"

"Me?" Lin Sen was taken aback for a moment, he thinks too much of himself, the stalemate between these saints, what qualifications do he have to participate in it!

"It's you!" Tongtian Sect Master nodded slightly and said, "If you hadn't helped Hongyun come back to life, how could there be so many incidents now, but that's fine, and that's how we understand the whole story!" There was also a slight sneer on his face.

The more he said this, the more confused Lin Sen became. Why did this matter get mixed up with Hongyun Patriarch? What does it have to do with Hongyun's resurrection? It seems that it fell into a big place a long time ago!

Seeing the puzzled look on Lin Sen's face, Tong Tian immediately smiled and said, "Do you know how Hong Yun came back to life?"

"Three souls and seven souls are compatible..." Lin Sen opened his mouth and was about to say, but after he finished speaking, he stopped involuntarily, and his face was slightly puzzled. , but it is so simple, among other things, if there is no one to deceive the sky, not only how many people in the earth fairy world are always searching for the trace of the red cloud!

Others don't mention it, just the Patriarch Minghe, once he finds the trace of Hongyun, even if he is still in the human world, he will be able to come from a distance, and completely kill Hongyun and the human world. How can there be such a day when the red cloud is sanctified!

"The leader said that the resurrection of the ancestor Hongyun was arranged by the Taoist ancestor?" Lin Sen murmured at the moment, and Tong Tian also showed a teachable look on his face, and said with a smile, "It's not just Hongyun borrowing Resurrected by your hand, Hongyun's sanctification was also arranged by Hongjun, if not, sanctification would not be so easy, but it is just sealing the turbid air of the earth, how can such great merit come from!"

But Lin Sen was still completely stunned at this time. All of a sudden, he only felt a chessboard covering the sky slowly appearing in front of his eyes. With a flag, he took a deep breath, and after calming down, he said, "Lin Sen begged the Patriarch to clear up the confusion!" (To be continued.)

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