During the question and answer between the two of them, Yunxiao also looked puzzled. Obviously, the leader of the Tongtian Church hadn't said anything before, and now he saluted and said, "Yunxiao is also unclear, please clarify the confusion, teacher!"

Seeing such a slight smile from Tongtian Sect Master, he said again, "In this case, I will tell you the whole story today..." Then he sighed softly, "If it wasn't for Hongyun's sanctification, I would wait for you now But they are still in a big dream!!"

Then he said again, "I cleared my heels, and you are naturally direct sellers!"

Lin Sen nodded fiercely at the moment and said, "Sanqing Daoist was transformed by Pangu Yuanshen. Even I, a person who has ascended from the lower realms, knows about such things!"

Master Tongtian then asked Lin Sen with a slight smile, "Since we are the primordial spirit of Pangu, and this world is Pangu's physical body, do you have any associations?"

"Could it be...?" Asked by Tongtian, Lin Sen's eyes suddenly lit up, but he hadn't said it yet, but the leader of Tongtian already knew what he was thinking, and immediately nodded slightly and said, " This matter has to start from the time when Pangu opened the sky!"

But it is said that Pan Gu opened the sky in the past, as the creator of this world, this is his born mission, but he is also destined to fall after this opening of the sky, which he already knew when he opened the sky!

It's just that when he stood upright and separated the pure and turbid qi, he still knew that he was about to fall, and the world he created was naturally controlled by Pan Gu. Although it was God's fate, Pan Gu was dying. At that time, he still separated his own soul, and wanted to let him take charge of this world on his behalf!

But the way of heaven is determined, and how can there be Pangu who is doomed to fall, but even if Pangu is about to fall, his power cannot be resisted by the way of heaven, so Pangu still splits the primordial spirit out, just Due to the obstruction of the Dao of Heaven, the Pangu Yuanshen was drawn out and divided into three, which became the three Qings of the Taoist sect, the Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Tongtian Sect Master!

Although the past is all cloud and smoke, the three people transformed by Pangu's great power are all natural saints. Three, but one day I will be able to control this prehistoric world!

And how could Tiandao allow such a thing to happen? As the ruler of this side of the world, it was still a failure to let Pangu's primordial spirit draw it out, and now naturally he will not let Pangu's primordial spirit seize his control of the world Quan, so under the way of heaven, two innate gods, good and evil, are derived to assist him in controlling the reincarnation of the way of heaven!

"It's Hongjun and Luohu!" Lin Sen immediately realized that the two great gods born under the Dao of Heaven are the most suitable for them!

"That's right!!" Tong Tian nodded slightly at the moment and said, "It's just that I hate that I was ignorant and ignorant back then, but I didn't know the calculations of heaven at all. It's just that after the calculations of Tao that day, I didn't expect that there was also a mistake! !” At this moment, Master Tongtian sneered slightly!

But it is said that Na Hongjun and Luo Hu, one for the good of heaven, is in charge of the good fortune jade butterfly, assisting the reincarnation of heaven, and rewarding the world's merits, and the other is for the evil of heaven, in charge of the four swords of killing immortals, cultivating the supreme way of killing, and bestowing the world to kill!

These two people, one mountain and one calamity, are born to oppose each other, but they are inexhaustible with each other. Although they are both in charge of the supreme artifact, it is because the two are born to oppose, but they are balanced under the law of heaven run.

Just like that day, Dao is the king, and those two people are courtiers who play with balance skills and are all powerful courtiers. They seem to be majestic, but they are all under the control of Tian Dao!

It's just that Tiandao didn't expect that Hongjun would be able to kill Luo Hu. If he had the Four Swords of Jade Immortals in his hand, although Luo Hu was only the pinnacle of quasi-sages in the past, once the sword formation of Jade Immortals came out, he would be one of the four. The pinnacle of quasi-sage is unbreakable!

In order to kill Luo Hu and get rid of the constraints, Hongjun also sealed the Four Swords of Jade Immortals under the West one after another, but Luo Hu used the supreme murderous aura of dragon and phoenix to kill and robbery, and forcibly broke the spiritual vein of the West. Sword, but because of this, the west became a barren land again!

However, he did not expect that Na Hongjun actually found four quasi-sage peak powerhouses, the Qiankun Patriarch, the Yin Yang Patriarch, and the Immortal Raising His Eyebrows. Even though the four of them joined forces, they still could not break Zhu Xian. Instead, the three quasi-sage powerhouses of An were seriously injured and left!

It's just that Tiandao didn't expect that Hongjun, who was in charge of the good fortune jade butterfly, would be able to get rid of his control, and use his three incarnations to withstand a magic sword, and then not only broke the Zhuxian sword formation, but also borrowed Integrate those three incarnations into himself with the power of Zhuxian Sword Formation, become the Supreme Saint, and kill Luo Hu with one blow!

Rahu died, but Hongjun, the two gods of good and evil under the Dao of Heaven, was left. He was out of balance, and without Rahu's restraint, Hongjun, who was in charge of the jade butterfly of good fortune, immediately became Beyond Heaven's control.

Even instead of getting rid of it completely, on the contrary, it was the jade butterfly of honor, and began to compete with Tiandao for the control of this side of the world.

After all, if this area of ​​heaven and earth is compared to a fairy mansion, Pangu is the one who created it, and the way of heaven is the artifact spirit derived from it spontaneously, and the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly is the decree of the boundary monument in charge of this fairy mansion!

Naturally, Tiandao did not expect that Hongjun, who was originally derived from him to fight against Pangu Yuanshen, would turn around and compete with him for control of the world, but now it is too late to make up for it. Since it has been broken, Hongjun who is in charge of the good fortune jade butterfly, how can he allow this world to appear again to restrict his own existence!

And when he was fighting with the Dao of Heaven, he naturally understood the reason why the Dao of Heaven derived himself from the two of them through the good luck jade butterfly, and he also knew that Pangu Yuanshen was a threat to even the Dao of Heaven.

After finally getting all of this, Hongjun naturally couldn't let him lose it, indicating that he had thought of a way, perhaps to prevent the appearance of Pangu Yuanshen, and Tiandao was also happy to see what he did to Pangu Yuanshen , is also showing weakness at the moment, allowing him to use the good fortune jade butterfly to rule the way of heaven!

"Hongjun Daozu's method is to preach to Zixiao Palace and take Pangu Yuanshen under his sect?" Lin Sen said in a deep voice at the moment. Sanqing was originally a natural saint, even if there is no Zixiao Palace, Without that majestic purple energy, it is only a matter of time before Sanqing can become a saint, and at that time, Sanqing will naturally know the cause and effect of this matter! (To be continued.)

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