The Confucian disciples had their own secret method to determine the positions of the three of them, and within a short while they flew to the three of them, calling them Master or Uncle Master, and paid homage respectfully!

"I don't know if there will be someone watching behind you when you come?" Lin Sen asked after finishing the ceremony. After all, everyone knows that Confucianism is stationed on Guiyun Island. It is inevitable that someone will set up a hidden pile near Guiyun Island to observe Confucian movement.

"Don't worry!" The speaker was none other than the island master Guiyun, with a Confucian style and modesty, he said with a smile, "Master's letter says that this trip is confidential, so I brought a group of brothers and sisters from Came out from the secret passage on the bottom of the sea, and only drove the clouds here after leaving Guiyun Island!"

Lin Sen was relieved now, but his heart was filled with admiration. All the disciples were meticulous, and it was no wonder that Confucianism was strong and dared to challenge Buddhism.

"Haha! Now that everyone is here! Then let's go into the sea!" The old man Qin Wei laughed heartily and sacrificed the water-preventing bead. Where the sea water is open, but it seems to be completely integrated into the sea water, and I can't feel the slightest pressure!

"This water-avoiding bead is indeed a treasure of the sea. It's really amazing!" Lin Sen looked at the invisible membrane around him and exclaimed in admiration. It contains the law between heaven and earth. It is not that the water-avoiding beads prop up the sea water, but the sea water spontaneously dodges the light of the water-avoiding beads.

Lin Sen is the first to see this underwater world. From time to time, there are schools of fish swimming past, and there are groups of sea turtles and jellyfish. At first, he was very interested.

However, as the dive got deeper and deeper, there were fewer creatures, and the surrounding waters gradually changed from blue to pitch black. Occasionally, some creatures swam by, even some deep-sea beasts.

Although these ferocious beasts have no intelligence, they have lived in the bottom of the sea for many years. Under the pressure of the deep sea, each one of them is terrifying and abnormal. The ferocious beast has never noticed the existence of these people, otherwise it would take a lot of energy just to deal with them.

There are few people in the deep water, even practitioners, there are countless rare and rare grasses. Every time the group dives for a few minutes, they can find some spiritual roots of heaven and earth on the nearby deep sea reefs.

Knowing that he is of the blood of the water ape, Yuan Lang would rush out of the water shelter at this time, swimming in the water like a big white fish, and put the spiritual creatures in his arms.

Lin Sen was amazed at the magic of this water ape's bloodline, and he was worthy of being the darling of the sea.

On weekdays, Yuan Lang was always in the sea, but he never dared to cross the thunder pool in this deep sea. There were fierce beasts running rampant here, and if one came out at random, it was not something he could deal with now!

Suddenly, a gust of ferocity seemed to come from the ancient wilderness, as if someone had invaded the territory, not to mention Yuan Lang in the sea, even Lin Sen and others in the water shelter couldn't help beating a shudder.

That Yuan Lang was swimming in the water, but all of a sudden, he just felt the hairs all over his body explode, and a chill came over his heart. He lived in the sea since he was a child, so he didn't understand the original reason, and he didn't want to activate the water control talent. Like a white train, it rushed straight towards the water shelter.

Although Yuan Lang is fast, the thing swimming in the deep sea is even faster, as if in a blink of an eye. The first moment he just felt the breath, and the next moment = he could vaguely see the huge black water in the dark sea. film.

How could Lin Sen stand by while his apprentice was suffering, and he didn't care about the huge pressure under the water surface. His spiritual thoughts rushed out, and as soon as he released the air mask, Lin Sen's teeth trembled, his body trembled, and huge water pressure came from all directions. , I felt a splitting headache in an instant.

Seeing this, Qin Wei hastily sacrificed the black ruler, and under the blessing of strong physical strength, he actually cut a gap in the sea water in front of him. The huge pressure in the deep sea is Qin Wei, an angel, and his face turned pale for a while. flushing.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Sen's spiritual thoughts suddenly appeared beside Yuan Lang, pulling him back into the air shield. After a generation of Yuan Lang was safe, Lin Sen had no time to learn, so he hurriedly used his inner breath to adjust his breath, and waited until his brain I opened my eyes only after the acupuncture pain subsided.

At this time, the huge black shadow clearly appeared before his eyes. His body was smooth and slender, without limbs or scales, like a snake or a fish. His huge head was almost completely occupied by a big mouth. Two slender beards stood in front of him. The water swayed slightly, adding to the viciousness.

The ferocious and brutal aura is almost condensed into substance, but this thing has no eyes. It seems really strange why the aura that existed just now suddenly disappeared, shaking his head and tail, venting the anger in his heart, stirring up in the dark sea water. There are countless surging undercurrents.

"What is this?" The boundless power of the ominous creature in front of the water is even that of the dragon.Lin Sen still really didn't know much about these ferocious beasts, so he asked softly.

"It's a dragon loach!!" Yuan Lang panted heavily in shock. He almost thought he was going to die in the mouth of the giant beast with the desperate breath just now.

"Dragon loach!" Lin Sen suddenly exclaimed, and hurriedly looked at the black shadow in the water, but he knew the name. It is said that in ancient times, dragon loach lived in the deep sea, its body was like a loach, it was huge, and it ate dragons , so it got its name, but I didn't expect to see it here today.

"This kind of ferocious creature in the deep sea has lived for countless years. If it has spiritual intelligence, it will have the power to reach the sky!" Qin Wei said with admiration behind the two of them.

That water-avoiding bead is worthy of being a spiritual object of heaven and earth, the undercurrent is surging outside, and the sea water is churning, but inside the air cover of this water-avoiding bead, one can't feel it at all, and it remains calm.

After venting the anger in his chest, he seemed to be sure that there were no creatures around him, so the dragon loach shook its head, wagged its tail, turned around, and slowly disappeared into the pitch-black sea water.

This trip was for the Eastern Sea Immortal Mansion, although there were more ferocious beasts swimming past after Long Loach, the few people stopped provoking them and concentrated on sneaking into the deep sea.

Although rare treasures from that day and place still appeared around from time to time, Yuan Lang didn't dare to go out to pick them after the adventure just now!

Gradually, the surrounding area became darker and darker, and even the traces of some ancient beasts gradually disappeared!

In the dead and dark sea water, only the soft brilliance of the water-avoiding beads shines underwater, illuminating one side,

There are fewer and fewer creatures, but the aquatic plants are becoming more and more luxuriant. The grass leaves are thick and smooth, shining emerald green under the light of the water-proof drops. They are continuous and endless, and they sway slightly with the flow of sea water.

Seeing this, Yuan Lang pointed to a water plant and said with a smile, "After passing this water plant, we can reach the bottom of the sea! That's where the waves come from!"

ps: Audacity to ask for tickets to collect!Weakly ask for a reward!Dear friends, if you think this article is worth reading, please support Yue!Thank you March!


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