Walking to the place Yuan Lang pointed out, the water grass was green in color, with thick leaves, dancing with the flow of the sea water like a living thing, but it was no different from other places.

Lin Sen pinched the magic spell with his hand to attract the sea water and the undercurrent, and a huge force of water hit the aquatic plants, but the seaweed was extremely flexible, under the impact of the undercurrent, it didn't exert any force at all, it just swayed from side to side with the current Flying, when the undercurrent calmed down, there was no damage at all.

"Huh!" Lin Sen immediately gasped in surprise. He could smash even a huge boulder in a mountain and river without hurting any aquatic plants. There are many strange things under this deep water, and it is this ordinary one. Aquatic plants are also not to be underestimated!

The big seal of Bichan suddenly flew out, but it only grew to the size of half an acre. After a slow pause and among the aquatic plants, it began to spin rapidly under Lin Sen's control.

Although the water plants were flexible, they were uprooted one after another under the spinning and tearing of the big green toad seal. It didn't take a moment for the water plants to connect with the black mud on the bottom of the sea and dance all over the sky with the sea water!

In the extremely turbid seawater, a small seal slowly flew back, fell into Lin Sen's hands and disappeared.

The following Confucian monks were full of envy, and even Qin Wei sighed, "Last time, I already felt that the big seal of my little friend is extraordinary, but today's pass is even more unexpected by Qin! Ha ha!"

This is thousands of feet deep seabed, the huge water pressure force, not to mention the activation of the ordinary magic weapon, will be destroyed by the deformation of the pressure when it comes out of the water cover, and Lin Sen's seal has just been transformed. One can imagine the pressure it endured when it was half an acre in size, but it was not damaged at all when it was taken back at this moment, and its texture is as good as one can imagine!

"The kid's leisure work, but it made the senior laugh!" Lin Sen smiled modestly, but it surprised everyone in the Confucianism, such a treasure was refined by himself.

"Little friend! What a great opportunity!" Qin Wei immediately sighed deeply. Others have the treasure of heaven and earth, but he is envious of it!

"Senior, this water-proof bead is a treasure from heaven and earth, this is a good opportunity!" Lin Sen immediately returned with a smile and compliment.

"Hahaha!!" Qin Wei immediately burst out laughing, but it was so, even though others have great treasures, he is not bad at all!Then he said, "We're going to show off to each other, why don't you take a look under this seaweed, what is it!" Then he flicked his sleeves, and the surrounding muddy sea water suddenly flowed rapidly, and within a short while, a dark hole appeared. Appeared in front of everyone.

The entrance of the cave was facing the sky, straight down, and under the rotation of the big seal of Bichan just now, the width of the cleared area was about half an acre. Even under the light of the water-avoiding drops, it was still deep and dark. With my eyesight, I can't see how deep the black hole is, and the seemingly non-existent fluctuations are coming out of this black hole!

After what happened just now, Lin Sen didn't dare to use his divine sense to investigate underwater again.

"I didn't expect that the East China Sea Immortal Mansion is actually in this water eye, good! Let me make a breakthrough later!" Qin Wei looked at it for a moment and then laughed proudly.

Just as he was about to control the water-avoiding beads to dive downward, in the pitch-black sea at this time, a half-generation drunken voice clearly entered the ears of several people, "Old man Qin, your speed is very fast!"

Following the sound of a small yellow dot, in the deep sea, it rapidly magnified in front of everyone's eyes. When the words fell, the ball of light had stopped opposite Lin Sen and others.

The ball of light is about the size of a dozen or so battles, and I don't know what it is. It is light golden yellow and smooth, like a sun rising from the east, majesticly illuminating the dark sea water. At first glance, Lin Sen just felt it and told himself , the treasure that forms this air mask is extremely extraordinary!

In the light film, there are a dozen or so Taoists, old or young. At the front of the crowd are two Taoists, a man and a woman. The man is dressed in sloppy clothes and holds a wine gourd. The sloppy Taoist who confronted.

The woman was a middle-aged Taoist nun, holding floating dust in one hand, and a small square magic weapon in the other. There was a handle on it, which seemed to be made of bronze. She was dressed in a plain Taoist robe, even in this deep sea. The misty meaning of the wind and the clouds.

"Qianyuan Niubi, you are not slow!" Seeing that the Kunlun people were only half a step slower than him, Qin Wei's expression did not change at all, he greeted in a bold voice, his eyes quickly searched among the Taoists, Finally, he stopped for a moment on the square magic weapon in the hands of the middle-aged Taoist nun, and said with a smile, "I know you old drunkard, when did your nose become bright? So you brought this treasure! It seems that the old guy is It is inevitable!"

"I have a lot of disciples and grandchildren in the old way, but there are only a few of the guys who took advantage of it, and I am the only one who got out the old bones!" Qian Yuan said drunkenly, scanning the dark sea around him with a pair of hazy eyes. Shui Dao "If I don't move anymore, people in this world will probably forget about my Qianyuan methods!"

"Since that's the case, then you and I will each use our own means!" After finishing speaking without talking about Qian Yuan, he controlled the water-avoiding beads to sink into the dark water eyes.

"What magic weapon is in that Taoist nun's hands, senior?" Lin Sen asked in a low voice suspiciously, and the Confucian disciples and Yuan Lang also looked curious.

Qin Wei had a dark face from the beginning, and now he saw Lin Senxiang asking, and said, "Do you know what Sinan is?"

"Of course I know!" Lin Sen nodded and said, "It's made with the power of Yuan Magnetic, and people in the world use it to point out the direction!"

"Then do you know when the first Sinan came from in this world?" Qin Wei then asked viciously, looking unwilling!

"It is said that in the battle of chasing the deer, Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor..." Lin Sen suddenly stopped at this point, his eyes widened, and he said incredulously, "No way!"

Hearing Qin Wei's meaning, the thing in the hands of the Taoist nun is the first Sinan in the world that was refined by Emperor Xuanyuan against Chi You?

"Why not!" Qin Wei said angrily, "Although the Taoist sect is avoiding it now, but his Kunlun does not show the mountains and does not show the water, but he has a great career. Don't say that it is such an acquired merit, it is an innate magic weapon, a spiritual treasure, I don't know how many there are!"

When the old man Qin Wei said this, he was angry but his tone was full of sourness. Although he was unwilling but also helpless, who made him an authentic Taoist!

"I think that air mask is also extraordinary, I don't know what magic weapon it is!" Lin Sen looked up, although the distance was very far, but the smoothness of the yellow mask still shone in the dark cave without any weakening.

"That's old man Qianyuan's personal magic weapon!" Qin Wei said unwillingly, "it's an innate magic weapon, called Jinglun, which is made of the essence of the great sun. It has both offensive and defensive capabilities, and is very powerful. If it were not for this A magic weapon back then... hum..."

As soon as the old man Qin said something, he realized that it was wrong and hurriedly stopped it, but Lin Sen and the others could clearly hear it, and obviously regretted that the old man had suffered at the hands of Qian Yuan back then!

A group of Confucian disciples hurriedly looked at their noses and their hearts, pretending not to hear, Qin Wei also hurriedly changed the subject and said, "There is another magic weapon called the Moon Jinglun, which is the same as this Jinglun, but it is It has been lost for many years!"


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