Tianlong's scourge of martial arts

Chapter 8 Entering the Shaolin Temple

Chapter 8 Entering the Shaolin Temple

"I've heard Feng'er say your thoughts, you tell me why you want to go to Shaolin Temple." Xuan Ku said.

"I heard people say that if you go to Shaolin Temple, you don't have to be afraid of being killed by others." Zhang Feng said innocently.

The corner of Xuan Ku's mouth twitched, and he asked, "Why are you afraid of being killed by others?"

"A bad person came to my house and killed my parents. I'm afraid!" Zhang Feng cried, and two lines of crocodile tears rolled down his face.

"What's the name of your parents?" Xuan Ku said.

"Mom and dad are called mom and dad, what's their name?" Zhang Feng looked at Xuan Kong suspiciously.

Xuan Ku was helpless, changed the subject, and said, "Then why didn't he kill you?"

Zhang Feng cursed in his heart, do you fucking want me to die?There was a hint of complacency on his face, and he said: "I play hide-and-seek with him, we go around and around in the forest, he can't catch up, but I'm also lost."

Xuan Kong stared closely at Zhang Feng's eyes, seeing that Zhang Feng quickly got rid of the shadow of his parents' death, and there was no trace of murderous intent in his eyes.Guessing that his child's hatred is gone quickly, and he is not attached to hatred, and most of his guard is gone.

"Do you want to learn martial arts?" said hard.

"Think, if I learn martial arts, others won't be able to bully me." Zhang Feng's eyes lit up, and he nodded repeatedly.It would be hypocrisy to say that he didn't want to, if he said he would practice martial arts and then go to revenge, then Xuan Ku would definitely tell you to go back from where you came from!

"Practicing martial arts is to strengthen the body, but practicing martial arts is also necessary for self-protection!" Xuan Ku clasped his hands together and said.I didn't see anything from Zhang Feng's face, it was because Zhang Feng's acting skills were really superb, and even the bitterness of the old fritters was over.

"Where's your family?" Xuanku asked the Feng brothers.

"Our parents died a long time ago, and my younger brother and I grew up in a beggar's nest. My younger brother fell ill a few days ago, but Brother Feng was kind enough to go out and pay for his medical treatment. We are grateful for his recovery, Seeing that he is going to become a monk in Shaolin Temple, we will become monks with him, although we don’t know what monk means.” Feng Lin said firmly.

Feng Shan nodded in confusion.

Xuan Ku couldn't help looking at Zhang Feng in surprise, this little guy has a very good heart at such a young age.With Xuanku's eyes, it was natural to see that Feng Lin hadn't lied, and Zhang Feng hadn't done anything wrong either.

"You really want to join my Shaolin Temple? Don't you regret it?" Xuan Ku glanced at the faces of the three of them sharply.

"No regrets!" Zhang Feng and the three said loudly.

Xuankong looked at it seriously, then nodded.

"Feng'er, you go back first, I will take them to Shaolin Temple." Xuan Ku said.

"Congratulations, little brother, for joining the Shaolin Temple as he wished." Qiao Feng clasped his fists to congratulate Zhang Feng, and said.

"Congratulations!" Zhang Feng looked like a decent student of Qiao Feng.Following Zhang Feng's example, the Feng brothers clasped their fists nonchalantly.

"Eh!" Qiao Feng didn't know where he was so happy?Just treat him like a child.

Xuan Ku personally inspected and found nothing, so it is safe to join Shaolin Temple.

Entering the Shaolin Temple, seeing the monks coming and going respectful to Xuan Ku, Zhang Feng thought about it and said to Xuan Ku: "Master, I will follow you from now on, okay?"

The seniority in Shaolin Temple is Xuan, Hui, Xu, and Kong.If you worship under Xuanku's door, you are from the generation of Hui, and there are a lot of young people below.In order to curry favor with himself, those guys don't offer martial arts cheats with both hands?The worst thing is to become an empty character generation.

"I don't accept apprentices anymore, don't worry, I will arrange a good master for you." Xuan Ku shook his head and said.Xuan Ku was already quite old, and he didn't want to take on apprentices anymore. He had no choice but to take on Qiao Feng before, and the abbot even spoke up.

Zhang Feng had no choice but to secretly pray that he would be a good master.

When he came to Zhengdaoyuan, Xuanku's meditation room, Xuankong asked the little novice to call his disciple, Hui'an.

After a while, I saw a middle-aged monk walking quickly.This monk holds a rosary in one hand and a Buddhist scripture in the other, looking very refined.

"Huian, these three little fellows met outside as a teacher, and you will be their teacher from now on." Xuan Ku said.

"Yes, master." Hui'an put his hands together and said respectfully.

"Master!" Zhang Feng took the hands of the Feng brothers and walked up to Hui'an and said.

"Okay." Hui An nodded, then looked at Xuan Ku and said, "Master, is there anything else I can order?"

"No more, go down!" Xuan Ku closed his eyes and said.

"Yes." Hui'an said respectfully, and then said to Zhang Feng and the others: "You three come with me."

The next three were ordained and given dharma names.Zhang Feng Xuyun, Feng Lin Xuling, Feng Shan Xudu.

Touching his bald head, Zhang Feng's face was bright and sunny, he looked like an innocent little monk, very cute.Of course, if someone knew what was going on in his mind right now, they would definitely be shocked.

'Leave your hair but not your hair, keep your hair but not your head.Shave my hair and lose your heads from now on. 'As a big devil, the more righteous others are, the more accomplished monks, the more Zhang Feng wants to kill.

The Xuanku lineage is very important to Buddhism, unlike other monks who regard martial arts as extremely important.As for his disciple, Hui An's Buddhism is the most advanced, and he was arranged to be Zhang Feng's master, because he hoped that Zhang Feng would become an eminent monk in the future.

Hui'an is really deeply loved by Xuanku. Zhang Feng asked him to send the "Shurangama Sutra", "Diamond Sutra", "Mahaparinirvana Sutra" and "Lotus Flower Sutra" to Zhang Feng on the first day In front of the three of them.

"I've recited it, and I will explain it to you when I am familiar with it." Hui'an sat in front of Zhang Feng after finishing speaking.

Zhang Feng opened the Buddhist scriptures in a decent manner, and read them with relish.

But he didn't know that Hui'an's face was already dark, and he said: "You held the book upside down."

"Oh!" Zhang Feng said, turning the book over.

"Understand?" Hui An asked.

"I don't understand!" Zhang Feng said confidently.In fact, he understands it, but he just wants to be angry with this master, he won't teach me martial arts.Zhang Feng learned all those characters at home before, and Zhang Zhexuan is very proud of this.

I don't understand why you still enjoy watching it so much?Hui'an thought to herself, but in desperation she had no choice but to call Sanxiao Xizi,

After five days.

"Master, when will you teach us martial arts!" Zhang Feng came to Shaolin to practice martial arts, but the old monk just kept silent.

"Study Buddhism for two years first, and then I will teach you Arhat boxing as a teacher." Hui An said calmly without raising his eyes.

"Oh!" Zhang Feng snorted.

Two years, Zhang Feng can't wait that long.On this day, Zhang Feng took the Feng brothers to visit Luohan Hall in his free time.

"Who are you guys? What are you doing sneakily outside the Arhat Hall?" A pockmarked monk saw Zhang Feng and the other three standing at the door watching the people practicing in the Arhat Hall, and shouted.


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