Chapter 9 Xu Zhu

"Sorry, let's go now." Zhang Feng smiled.

"Stop, tell me your background, I suspect you are spies who sneaked into the temple." Monk Mazi shouted.

'Your grandpa's. Zhang Feng was upset, but he smiled and said: "We are the disciples of Master Hui'an of the Taoist Academy."

Hearing what Zhang Feng said was reasonable and well-founded, the monk hesitated for a moment and waved Zhang Feng to leave, but at the end he still didn't forget to threaten: "Next time, don't sneak around and peek, or I'll make you look good."

"This guy is really hateful, I really want to beat him up." Feng Lin clenched his fists and said indignantly.

"Then let's talk about it after practicing martial arts!" Zhang Feng said lightly.

"Hmph! Master, why doesn't he teach us martial arts? I heard that Shaolin disciples have to learn 'Arhat Boxing' when they become masters." Feng Lin said with some dissatisfaction.

The first set is to learn "Arhat Boxing", and the second set is to learn "Wei Tuo Zhang", and then proceed step by step.As long as it takes 40 to 72 years of effort, you can achieve [-] acupoints.

But Zhang Feng obviously couldn't wait that long.

"If he doesn't teach, it doesn't mean we can't learn." Zhang Feng glanced at him and said.Shaolin martial arts are all hidden in the Sutra Pavilion, but Zhang Feng never dared to set foot in that place.

There is a kind of bewitching power in Buddhism, which makes Zhang Feng, who is dark in his heart, uneasy.Moreover, the old floor-sweeping monk in the Cangjing Pavilion can subdue even Xiao Yuanshan and Murong Bo, two black bosses with strong martial arts.Zhang Feng didn't believe that his small arms and legs could stop him, and of course Zhang Feng didn't know whether his disguise could hide it from him.Once the old monk gets up suddenly and tells him about the supreme truth of the Shi family, it will be too late for Zhang Feng to cry.

Known as the most mysterious existence in Tianlong, Zhang Feng really has no confidence, it is better to stay away from him.As for the future, let's wait until the martial arts are strong. Before that, we can stay as far away as possible.

Passing the Bodhi Courtyard, Zhang Feng was stunned suddenly. He suddenly remembered that there was a secret in Shaolin Temple that no one knew——the Yi Jin Jing.

All conditioned dharmas, like dreams and bubbles, like dew and electricity, should be viewed as such. ——It was like a dream.

Even Xuanci, the abbot of Shaolin, thought that the scriptures hidden in the Bodhi Court were the Dharma written by the senior monks in Shaolin, and the Dacheng Buddhist scriptures that enlightened the world, so the guards guarding the Bodhi Court were not particularly strict.

The scriptures in the original book were stolen by A Zhu, and the Shaolin monks didn't take it seriously, otherwise, just the three words "Yi Jin Jing" would drive those monks crazy.

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng's eyes were full of thieves, and he wished he could steal the Yi Jin Jing immediately and betray Shaolin Temple.

Touching the loose powder in his arms, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, but he quickly restrained the greed in his heart.He doesn't have Ah Zhu's disguise technique, if he snatches the Yi Jin Jing, Shaolin Temple will investigate, Zhang Feng will definitely not be able to escape.

'Wait until the day Lao Tzu betrays the temple, and then come to get it. Zhang Feng glanced at the Bodhi Courtyard, and then left with the Feng brothers.He already knew that monks who are beginners in martial arts are not allowed to step out of the mountain gate.Judging from the step-by-step practice of Shaolin Temple, Zhang Feng didn't know when he would be able to go out, so he had the idea of ​​betraying the temple.

The Shaolin Temple was indeed wronged enough, and when it accepted a disciple, it actually thought of betraying the temple in its heart, and even wanted to snatch the Buddhist treasure Yi Jin Jing.

A nine-year-old monk suddenly walked out of a corner in front of him. He lowered his head and muttered, completely oblivious to the person in front of him.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Walking as deep as...prajna paramita for a long time. Seeing the five aggregates...the five aggregates are all empty. Save... save..." Zhang Feng vaguely heard the little monk chanting sutras, and the stumbled listeners felt tired.

"Seeing that the five aggregates are all empty. Overcoming all hardships. Relic. Form is not different from emptiness. Emptiness is not different from form. Form is emptiness. Emptiness is form." Zhang Feng rolled his eyes and read casually.He has an extraordinary memory, he can memorize some Buddhist scriptures while listening to those monks chanting scriptures every day in Shaolin Temple, although many of them don't know what they mean.

The little monk was startled for a moment, and then looked at Zhang Feng with shock, and looked at Zhang Feng with admiration and envy.

Although this young monk is young, he has thick eyebrows and big eyes, a big flat nose, and looks a bit ugly.

Zhang Feng glanced at him, he felt a sudden pause in his heart, it seems that Xu Zhu is so big, and also looks ugly, could it be...

"Hi, senior brother, my name is Xu Yun, may I ask your senior brother Gao's name?" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Hello Junior Brother, little monk Xu Zhu." Xu Zhu clasped his hands together and said.

"Your grandpa, this bastard's life is so damn good." Zhang Feng nodded with a smile, but cursed him to death in his heart.

"Junior brother, I have a merciless request, this..." Xu Zhu said with some embarrassment.

"Senior brother, let's listen to it." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"It's like this, I'm stupid, I forgot a few Buddhist scriptures, can my brother remind me a little bit?" Xu Zhu looked at Zhang Feng anxiously.At such a young age, Zhang Feng actually got a lot of Dharma, Xu Zhu felt that Zhang Feng had a heart of Buddha.

Zhang Feng was speechless, since he didn't know, he went back to read the book and asked me if I had a fart?Lao Tzu has only been in Shaolin Temple for three days, but he still pretends to be very happy and nods.

Xu Zhu said a few words of Buddhist scriptures, but Zhang Feng happened to know it, so he said it out, which made Xu Zhu very grateful.

"Senior brother, seeing your steady steps, you want to be strong in martial arts, can you teach me a thing or two?" Zhang Feng said.

Feng Lin also looked at Xu Zhu eagerly.

"The practice of monks is the foundation, and learning martial arts is the last. It doesn't matter if martial arts is not improved. Moreover, the martial arts of a monk is low, and a set of Arhat boxing can only know the first three moves." Xu Zhu said.

"Brother, this is your fault. Since the master taught us martial arts, we should naturally not be lazy. We should practice more diligently. Otherwise, how can we be worthy of the master's teaching?" Zhang Feng shook his head. "Besides, we practice martial arts to strengthen our bodies. Having a good body can make us less sick. In this way, don't we have more time to study Buddhism?"

Xu Zhu's three-style Arhat Fist, Zhang Feng is not too little, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, it accumulates slowly.

Xu Zhu scratched his bald head, feeling a bit wrong, but he felt that what Zhang Feng said was reasonable.Unable to figure out why, so Xu Zhu demonstrated the three-style Arhat Fist he knew for Zhang Feng.

Simple Arhat boxing, Zhang Feng will be able to read it once, which makes Xu Zhu admire him even more.Envious in my heart, why don't I have such a good understanding?

"Senior Brother, Master taught us the route of internal energy movement yesterday. I forgot, Senior Brother. Can Senior Brother tell us about it?" Zhang Feng said with a smile.

Xu Zhu is nine years old, he must have imparted internal strength.

There are many kinds of internal energy in Shaolin Temple, Mind and Qi Hunyuan Gong, also known as "Shaoyang Divine Art", is the basic internal energy for beginners in Shaolin Temple, it belongs to the kind of foundation building, and its power is average.Generally, it is an entry-level kung fu for lay disciples or half-way monks.

And Shaolin Temple also has a kind of introductory internal energy, called Shaolin Boy Kung Fu, this kind of Kung Fu is learned by children who entered Shaolin Temple since they were young, and they must maintain the body of a boy.Therefore, it is generally cultivated by monks who are determined to become a monk and serve the Buddha for life.

If Zhang Feng was going to be taught internal skills, it would probably be this kind of Shaolin Boy Kung Fu, because he lied to Xuan Ku before, saying that he would stay in Shaolin Temple all his life.As for Xu Zhu, he grew up in Shaolin Temple since he was a child, and he has definitely learned this kind of boy's skill.

After a while, poor Xu Zhu was willingly wiped out by the cunning Zhang Feng.For this reason, I am also grateful to Zhang Feng, who was really sold and paid for the money.


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