
Chapter 49 Disguise

Chapter 49 Camouflage

Li Fan's loophole was that the Fengyinglou continued to operate uninterruptedly in the mountainous area full of various dangers under the torrential rain for four and a half hours.Of course, Fengyinglou wanted to regain the weapons before the rain stopped, so during this period, he had already found two other participating teams. Going to gamble for life, but Fengyinglou also remembered the coordinates of the two participating teams.

When the torrential rain that had lasted for four and a half hours finally stopped, after the rain washed, the whole mountain revealed a bright freshness, and the lush green made people feel comfortable when looking at it.The water droplets are still slowly rolling on the long and narrow leaves, and the unknown birds are already shaking some wet feathers on their bodies, singing beautiful songs to the colorful rainbow rising from the sky, and those who are hiding In his own lair, the small animals that had finally survived the baptism alive also began to flicker with their heads.

It is in this fresh world after the rain that even the air inhaled into the lungs becomes sweet, a group of pigeons spread their wings and fly, drawing small circles in the air that imply certain laws.

Looking at this little-understood "pigeon dance", Fengyinglou's face slowly raised a trace of surprise, he lowered his head and looked at the simple map he had drawn with a pencil again, yes, there is indeed the first new trio The combat team has appeared on this field! [

Li Fan's tactics against Fengyinglou sound very effective, but as he himself said, they are still a group of recruits who lack actual combat experience, and the wisdom of the battlefield requires not only talent, but also the accumulation of daily life experience. Release, therefore, Li Fan's judgment, like Fengyinglou's tactics, must have loopholes due to his youth.

Li Fan did not expect that after getting rid of their pursuit, Fengyinglou would continue to operate uninterruptedly in the mountainous area full of unpredictable dangers under the heavy rain.Until the other two participating teams were found, Fengyinglou did this, of course, to obtain the weapons he needed most now from these students who were better at dealing with them.

But no matter what, the other party is also an elite who has received six years of military training in the school. Facing the fate of being eliminated, they have stimulated all their potential. Even if the heavy rain is pouring down, they have also taken necessary precautions , Fengyinglou has no chance at all, let alone launch a surprise attack on them, but at least Fengyinglou remembered their coordinates on this field and drew them into their own map.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..."

The army rats around Fengyinglou suddenly began to squeak non-stop. Looking at their movements, they seemed to be full of irritability and restlessness.

Turning his head and looking a few hundred meters away, a wisp of mist mixed with water vapor slowly rolled up, Fengyinglou's face became as calm as water, and he whispered: "Amazing!"

Fengyinglou really didn't expect that the other party not only saw through the communication between himself and the military pigeons, but also communicated in the most extensive way, and also saw through the strengths and weaknesses of the military mice behind him.

In jungle warfare, smell is also an important source of intelligence.Professional soldiers who have experienced many battles will never use washing powder or soap to wash their clothes when they are fighting in the jungle, because doing so will cause the wind to spread their smell far and far.They also don't eat foods with strong pungent odors such as garlic, and they don't smoke or chew gum.

For example, Mo Tian, ​​the official master of Fengyinglou, when he was in restricted special operations, his favorite thing to do was to take a bath with water filled with tree bark and plant petals, making it look like a royal concubine taking a bath.He even collected the most common plants in the area, boiled them into a thick juice, and put them in a small plastic bottle with a nozzle, and sprayed it on his clothes every once in a while.

Under such circumstances, even the most rigorously trained military dogs could not distinguish the smell of Mo Tian.

What Mo Tian can do is far more than that, he chews bamboo leaves every day.To be honest, this kind of national treasure giant panda likes to eat it the most. It smells like something that exudes a fragrance. It is definitely not the same thing when you put it in your mouth. It is astringent and bitter. Normal people just need to chew it a few times. It is estimated that it will be spit out immediately.

But Mo Tian can chew with gusto. If he finds mint and other wild plants on the ground, he will stretch out his hand carelessly, pull out such things, throw them into his mouth and chew them vigorously together.If he is in a good mood, he will even swallow these grasses and branches into his stomach.

The reason is very simple. These things can make Mo Tian's breath smell like plants, especially bamboo leaves and mint, which have strong smells, can disguise the smell of human beings within two to three hours. breathe.

Without this extremely strong camouflage technique, how could Mo Tian have survived on the front line alone for two weeks and killed hundreds of enemies when he lost the main battlefield and all his comrades around him were killed?You know, the enemy they faced at that time was fighting the Soviet Union first, and then the United States. They had already accumulated rich practical experience and were more proficient in tropical rainforest combat. Elite special forces!

And a few hundred meters away, the billowing smoke was not only demonstrating to Fengyinglou, but also blocking the olfactory tracking of several army rats around Fengyinglou!You know, animals in nature, those animals with a keen sense of smell, are most afraid of the smell of thick smoke!

I believe that under the cover of these thick smokes, the three-person combat team who does not know who is leading it, but its ability must not be underestimated, has begun to use plants to make technical camouflage for itself. I believe that when they start to act again, they will completely Disappeared from the army rat's scent-tracking net.

Special operations are by no means as laymen imagine, where everyone hides behind bunkers and competes whose marksmanship is better, whose weapon firepower is sharper, and whose sniper is more beautiful.

Penetration and reverse osmosis, tracking and anti-tracking, this is the real essence of special forces technology, which is ignored by most people.

If it hadn't been for the Fengying Building to collect the camping positions of the other two participating teams under the heavy rain, so that he could obtain the most important information from the very beginning, he might really have had a potentially fatal big blow in front of this three-person team. deficit! [

"A military mouse is an animal whose sense of smell is several times more sensitive than that of a military dog. It is not easy to get rid of its olfactory tracking. Therefore, there are some rules that you must remember."

Li Fan looked at the two team members behind him, and said in a deep voice: "First, if you haven't found Fengyinglou and are sure you can attack him, never run. Because running will make you step on the soil under your feet and make the vegetation scattered The smell is stronger than the surrounding. Also, when you run, the adrenaline will accelerate, and the sweat will seep from the skin. Even if we have used plants to camouflage our own smell, it is very likely that we will suffer from it. , and show flaws."

"Second, when marching in the jungle, you must keep up with me and walk the 'z'-shaped road with me. Although this will take a lot of walking and consume a lot of energy. But if Fengyinglou finds us, And if the army mouse wants to carry out anti-tracking on us, or even launch a sneak attack on us, he will follow the 'z'-shaped road we walked, and catch up all the way, he will be dizzy and his speed will change. Slowly, his nerve response will be slow, facing the repeated turning back and turning, he will even doubt the way the army mouse led out."

"Third, don't be afraid to follow me to an area where the view is wide and it is easy to be sniped by the enemy. Fengyinglou has no weapons in his hand. Even if he sees us, it is impossible to throw the combat saber in his hand as a throwing knife In an open place, the wind circulates very smoothly, and it will blow all the scent clues we left to the vegetation. If our scent camouflage technology is not good enough, Fengyinglou can still track me with military rats. There is an ambush point, and a counter-ambush will be carried out against Fengyinglou who was led astray by the smell!"

Speaking of this, Li Fan glanced over Ye Yuanzhe and Chen Zian, and saw the doubts on the faces of these two team members. He said calmly: "This is the content of the intermediate special operations discipline. Although I can't be like Fengyinglou Similarly, as soon as I entered the school, because of various opportunities, I got along with several heavyweight instructors and got their careful teaching, but I studied carefully from the instructors every day, tried to draw inferences from one instance, asked them my doubts, ran to the library more, and followed them. It is also normal to know some intermediate special operations skills!"

Li Fan and the others left.

What they didn't expect was that 15 minutes later, Fengyinglou actually appeared in the area where they lit the fire and used the smoke to block the trace of the army mouse's smell.

What Li Fan wanted to block was the tracking of the army rats, so he focused all his attention on the smell.

But Fengyinglou is different. If he wants to disguise, he should pay more attention to the visual aspect.

Fengyinglou has a camouflage uniform with sufficient camouflage effect, as well as his helmet, which have all been equipped on the "stump man", although the military T-shirt he wears inside is also green.But frankly speaking, facing a master who can use scent to camouflage and isolate the tracking of army rats, it is far from enough to only rely on pure green T-shirt lining as a camouflage!

"Visual camouflage, the biggest two elements are color and texture!"

At this time, the words of Instructor Mo Tian clearly echoed in the ears of Fengyinglou, "Whether it is jungle, snowfield, desert, or mountain, these terrains have their own unique colors and textures. Needless to say, the colors, of course It is what you can see with the naked eye, and the texture is mainly the outline and edges of the surrounding objects. You must not let yourself lie there, making people feel weird and out of place with the surroundings. An effective technical camouflage, Not only must it match the surrounding colors, but it must also match the unique texture of the terrain. Otherwise, in the face of a master, your camouflage will be like a child's pile of building blocks, which is totally vulnerable!"

"Simply put, in a temperate deciduous forest, you should use a spotted camouflage; in a conifer forest, or a normal forest, you should use a diagonal camouflage; In the north and south poles of ice and snow, you should use spot-shaped camouflage; in grassland or areas with a wide view, you should use diagonal stripes to camouflage."

After saying these words, Mo Tian stretched out his hand and scratched Fengyinglou's nose, "Don't ask me the reason. With your age and knowledge structure, it is difficult for me to explain to you clearly. You just need to remember now, these coordination Brief guidelines for geomorphology will suffice!"

It wasn't until that time that Fengyinglou realized why the fifth special unit had four different colors and different patterns on it. It was said that the camouflage uniforms made to suit the characteristics of different battlefields could be chosen.

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