
Chapter 50 Disguise

Chapter 50 Camouflage

Special Forces, the essence of personal disguise...

When camouflaging, one must take into account that there are certain shapes that are unique to humans.For example, military helmets, black leather boots, walkie-talkies with antennas, and tools allow humans to defeat nature, but at the same time, these things also make humans want to be incompatible with nature.Seeing these things, let alone a seasoned special soldier, even if the opponent is just a rabbit, he will immediately become vigilant!

So the highest level of camouflage technology, simply put, is to find ways to make yourself look like a human!


Fengyinglou slowly opened the firepit that Li Fan and the others had extinguished with wet mud. He grabbed the mud mixed with wood ash and wiped it on his face little by little.

Fengyinglou wiped it very carefully and carefully, watching his movements, as if he was using his face as a platform to create art.

Many people have watched military movies and know that special forces will use black camouflage oil to smear their faces on their faces before going to war. Professional soldiers look like a bunch of ghosts just crawled out of hell.

And some third-rate directors, the films made by special forces have become synonymous with "playing handsome and cool". They are all murderous intentions, if you are not careful, you will die in the Asura Realm, which will never be reborn on the battlefield. Which professional soldier has extra energy to care about his appearance? !

The biggest reason they use camouflage paint on their faces is that human skin oozes oil, which under the sun's rays will reflect more striking light than the surrounding environment.Such a small flaw, of course, can't be caught by ordinary professional soldiers, but if two equally well-trained and experienced special forces meet on the battlefield, the soldiers on both sides carefully hide and protect themselves while staring at each other. Keep your eyes wide open and try to catch the target. At that time, the smallest flaw will attract the most fatal blow!

The forehead, nose, cheekbones, and ears are more prominent on the head of the human body and are easier to be spotted by the enemy. Therefore, when using mud mixed with wood ash for camouflage, Fengyinglou chose the darkest mud.

The eye sockets and the lower side of the chin are slightly sunken, so they should be filled with lighter-colored wood plaster to break the outline of the human head.Doing this seems to be hard work, but human beings' ability to capture familiar things, or the ability to sense instinctive intuition is amazing. Only by breaking this "mental image" can we truly "invisibly" completely!

After treating his face, Fengyinglou dug out a few burnt charcoal sticks from the firepit, and used them as pens to draw 45-degree slanted stripes like zebra crossings on his arms exposed to the air. .

As for the green t-shirt, its camouflage color alone isn't enough.When Fengyinglou cut off a few pieces of bark with a fighting saber, his movements suddenly paused slightly. For some reason, a smile with a bit of nostalgia slowly rose on his face.

"Just take out the fibers in the bark, put the two together, twist them into a suitable fishing line. As for the hook, you can use tacks, curved back needles, sewing needles, wire, and even It's wood, made of turtle shell..."

Before Zhou Yuqi's eloquent reciting was over, Fengyinglou handed Zhou Yuqi a piece of bark he had just peeled off, "I'll figure out a way to hook it, so please help me make a two-meter-long fish first." line."

Zhou Yuqi was immediately dumbfounded.


Six years ago, a group of children with an average age of less than ten years old had not formally entered the school, let alone formally come into contact with special operations, but they participated together with an elimination rate as high as 50.00%, which can definitely be called shameful and abnormal. Dacheng's "Gate of Soul" test.

At that time they were really good at cooking, they didn't understand anything, although Fengyinglou could barely memorize the entire field survival manual, but Kong used the theory of combining circles with forks and forks, they even made the simplest fishing line not come out.

Today, under the guidance of Mo Tian, ​​Fengyinglou has been able to create booby traps that even veterans who have experienced many battles dare not be careless. In the dense forest, the classmate who single-handedly beat him dozens of times was exhausted. Logically speaking, he had already succeeded, and he could already be proud of his achievements. However, for some reason, Fengyinglou was happy Can't get up.

It was in this inexplicable silence that Fengyinglou used bark to make a rope that was strong enough to support a certain weight and was more resilient, and finally used the rope he kneaded to connect some chopped branches together to create Produce a camouflage clothing that is woven from branches and bark plus some branches taken from bushes.

Fengyinglou put on this poncho-like camouflage clothing that can cover the whole body. When he finally used various means to perfectly blend with the mountain under their feet and the trees around them, this one was eliminated. The arena used by the students for the last make-up exam has become a hunting battlefield dominated by Fengyinglou!

And there is only one target that Fengyinglou wants to hunt and kill...[

When Chen Bubu finally found out that something was wrong, a real combat saber was already on his neck. The cold and sharp texture made Chen Bubu's hairs stand upside down involuntarily, and Fengyinglou The hoarse voice was transmitted directly into his eardrums from behind, "Don't move, you will die if you move!"

No one dared to ignore Fengyinglou's warning, and no one dared to ignore the knife already on his neck!

Faced with this absolutely unexpected scene, the team members walking around Chen Xuxing raised their weapons together, and there was a series of sounds of pulling the bolts around them.

"All of you have automatic rifles. The safety has already been engaged, and the bullet can be fired with a single pull of the trigger. Why do you pretend to yank the bolt there?"

Fengyinglou didn't look back. At this time, he was obviously in a tight siege, but he really said like a knife: "In the urban anti-terrorist war, if you encounter thugs who take hostages, use the action and sound of pulling the gun bolt to deter the thugs, so that Because of the instinctive fear of death in the face of creatures, the target's body stiffens in an instant, and then captures the fighter. I understand this set of psychological tactics, so you don't have to use it against me anymore."

The team members who stood around Fengyinglou and raised their weapons at him couldn't help being dumbfounded.

The blade was pressed so tightly that Chen Bubu couldn't turn his head. He could only use a weird movement to turn his eyes, and from the corner of his eyes, he took a look at the place where Fengyinglou ambushed him.

The location where Fengyinglou hides is a pile of mud mixed with weeds, smelling the rotten smell of Fengyinglou's body, even if he knows that if he speaks, his throat may be scratched by the blade Injured, but Chen Bubu still asked questions, "We walked all the way to your ambush point, it took at least 5 minutes, how do you breathe while hiding in there? Don't tell me, you got a pipe Ventilation, if there is such a thing, you will never escape our observation!"

"Didn't you notice that I'm not even wearing pants? Oh, I'm sorry, the position where I'm standing now is a blind spot for your observation."

Fengyinglou, who has been taciturn in school for six full years, is like having an intimate conversation with an old friend at this time, absolutely answering all questions, "I took off the military pants, wet them with water first, and then blow them Although there will still be air, but after all, the place where I hide is just a quagmire, not a pool of water, and the air stored in the legs of my trousers is enough to support me until you throw yourself into a trap!"

That's right, Chen Bubu couldn't see it, but the team members around them could clearly see that the current Fengyinglou not only wore a T-shirt on the upper body, but also only a pair of army green shorts on the lower body. Looking at the camouflage clothing woven from bark, branches and weeds on his body, as well as the mud all over his body, it really looks weird and funny beyond words.

But his own captain was successfully ambushed by the opponent single-handedly, and he put a knife directly to his neck. Faced with such a result, who can laugh?

"Well, we did learn how to tie military trousers into knots in special operations and make them float to cross the river forcibly."

Under the eyes of everyone, Chen Bubu continued to ask: "There are more than a dozen people in our team, and you are lying in the mud all over. How can you be sure that the person who just walked past you was me?"

"None of you in the school are willing to talk to me. During the recess time, I can only sit in the classroom stupidly by myself. After talking, I play various games with myself. One of them is to listen to the footsteps." Who is the voice identification? Excuse me, I remember your footsteps most clearly!"

Don't think that Fengyinglou is getting carried away at this time, boasting to Chen Bubu, and don't even think that Chen Bubu is really driven by curiosity, and that's why he is in this situation when someone puts a knife on his neck , chattering like a mother-in-law.

One seems to take the absolute initiative, and the other seems to have the possibility of fighting back, but there are more than a dozen armed players around them who may launch a surprise attack at any time. The situation between Chen Bubu and Fengyinglou is like walking on a tightrope. The balance in the world may be reversed in an instant due to a small change at any time.

So Chen Bubu put on a modest and studious attitude, and asked one question after another, just to paralyze Fengyinglou and let Fengyinglou automatically expose his flaws in his complacency.

And Fengyinglou always answered every question, trying to hit Chen Bubu's self-confidence and weaken his counterattack psychology.

Both of them are outstanding elites among the students of the same age of the Fifth Special Forces. Although they are both underage, they already possess the traits of a strong man who can stand on Mount Tai without changing his face.In this seemingly impossible situation, there were questions and answers there, and there was even a faint smile on their faces, but in fact, only they knew in their hearts. He clearly understood that between the two of them, there had been repeated confrontations in terms of psychology, will and intelligence.

"Also, don't think that I am out of character, just lurking beside the road you walked. I can tell you the truth, in four hours, I have ambushed you six times, of which Once, one of you stepped on my right hand, fortunately, he thought it was because the ground under his feet was soft after being soaked in water, so he didn't pay more attention."

Seeing that the face of a team member across from him turned red, he didn't need to ask Chen Bubu to know that it was this careless ghost who had already stepped on the right hand of Fengyinglou, but he didn't find the target they were going to kill. Obediently lying on the side less than one meter away. [

In his heart, he secretly called out "awesome", but Chen Bubu still had a fearful expression on his face, and even raised a pity expression on his face, "Fengyinglou, if this is a real battlefield, I must Congratulations, you went straight in and used an assassin-style attack to successfully grab me, the enemy's supreme commander. But now, I have to remind you kindly that this is a make-up exam to eliminate students. I, the captain It doesn't matter if you die in battle, anyway, this game doesn't have any impact on me, but as long as a shot hits you, every time you take an exam, you will definitely be in the bottom ten underachievers, and what you are facing is Reversible fate of elimination!"

Fengyinglou's attack was ruthless enough, and Chen Bubu's counterattack was quite fierce, and what he said was the truth, even if Fengyinglou dragged him, the enemy's top commander, to finish with him, in reality, only Fengyinglou would be affected in the end That's all.

After Chen Bubu said these words, he had already started to inhale lightly. He was waiting, as long as Fengyinglou hesitated in the face of this refutable fact, and there was a gap in his movements. Chen, who had received strict close combat training, would Walking on foot may launch a counterattack in an instant.

But the fighting saber on his neck was still impeccably stable.

"That's right, the two of us were hit by the quilt, and I was the only one who wanted to get out and go home. In this case, you, the commander-in-chief, why didn't you order the surrounding subordinates to shoot directly regardless of 21? I Waiting!"

Having said that, Fengyinglou pressed the fighting saber in his hand slightly downward again, forcing Chen Bubu to only raise his chin, and he gently dragged the blade, as if to touch Chen Bubu's throat , like sawing off a little bit, "But I also have to kindly remind the high-ranking squad leader Chen Bubu that I don't have any protective clothing on me now, and I don't even have a military uniform. The weapons in everyone's hands, even though they are equipped with weapons, can't kill you. Human special rubber, but at such a close distance, I still feel pain when it hits me. Please think about it, if I shake my hand subconsciously in pain, what will happen? s consequence?"

Chen Bubu's eyes suddenly widened. This kid was threatening, naked, already a real threat!

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