(The next chapter, The Conferred God War will really start, this one is irrelevant, so you don’t have to read it.)

Among the ten models that Di Xin looked at, the first one was to dismantle the deer platform.He said: "The construction of the deer platform has cost infinite money and food. It would be a pity if it is demolished today. This matter will be discussed later. The second piece of 'cannon fire' is allowed. The third piece of 'basin' is allowed. OK. Five pieces, 'relegated to the Empress of the Soviet Union', the empress Daji has a leisurely virtue and no loss of virtue, so how can she be relegated? Let's discuss again. Six pieces, the Chinese doctor Fei and You are both meritorious and innocent, why? If you are a slanderer, how can you kill him! Except for these three things, the following will be done."

Seeing this, Grand Master Wen Zhong was very anxious. These three things were the most important. If Lutai is not demolished, how will the lost popular support come back.If Daji, Fei and You are not excluded, no matter how good the government is in hiding in the future, the government will be corrupted. Immediately, he hurriedly said: "The deer platform has made great achievements, it is a waste of money for the people, and the people are deeply resentful. The reason for the demolition is to eliminate the hidden hatred of the people in the world. The queen remonstrates with your majesty." Inflicting this cruel punishment, the gods are angry and ghosts complain, and the souls have nothing to say. Begging to demote the queen quickly, the gods will be happy and the ghosts will be relieved, and the souls will rest in peace, so the resentment in the sky will disappear. When Fei Zhong and You Hun are surveyed and killed, the court will be clean. If there is no slander in the country, and the Sacred Heart is not in danger of confusion, then the government will be cleared up without delay. I hope that your Majesty will give it to you quickly, and fortunately there will be no hesitation to make a mistake in the affairs of the state, and the ministers will be very fortunate!"

No matter what Wen Zhong said, Di Xin would not allow it, which made Wen Zhong anxious and angry.At this moment, Fei and You were ignorant of current affairs, and jumped out to accuse Wen Zhongheng. Wen Zhong hit him with three punches and two feet, and ordered the warrior to hold them down.But why did Di Xin let the two of them die, so he had to plead with Wen Zhong.Wen Zhongben didn't want to pay attention to it, but he caught a glimpse of fear in Di Xin's eyes. He is also a loyal person, and thought to himself: "Although I am loyal to the country, if the king is afraid of his ministers, I have to deceive him first." Your crime!" He had no choice but to order the two of them to be imprisoned in a dungeon.Then they dispersed.

This Fei and You are also aggrieved, they have always been the one and only masters in the court, when will they be sent to prison.The two of them became officials after Wen Zhong went to war. In the past, they heard that Wen Zhong was great, but they only thought they were talking big, and they didn't care much. Today, seeing Wen Zhong, he even participated in the performance of himself face to face. How can he hold back and dance quickly? Come out and beat him up.I thought Di Xin would protect me without fear, but I didn't expect that even Di Xin couldn't protect me. Hearing Wen Zhong said that they were going to kill them, the two were so scared that they almost peed their pants.Fortunately, Di Xin was still thinking about their friendship, and pleaded for mercy, but in the end he didn't die, but was sent to prison.Taking a long breath of relief, Fei and You looked at each other, and they both saw happiness in each other's eyes!

But Huang Feihu, the king of Wucheng, just arrived at the mansion when he came to report the rebellion of King Pingling in the East China Sea. Negligent, sent someone to send the military report to Taishi Wenzhong's mansion, and Wen Zhong also rushed to Huang Feihu to discuss it. In the end, it was the same.Reported to Di Xin on the second day, Di Xin was overjoyed, wishing to hear that the Grand Master had gone and not to disturb him in front of him, his heart was very pure.Immediately ordered to send out Huang Yan and Bai Yue, and went with Wen Taishi to raise troops.

Afterwards, Di Xin immediately got up and drove out of the east gate of Chaoge, and personally poured the wine for Grand Master Wen Zhong, but Wen Zhong didn't want Wen Zhong to give the wine to Wu Cheng Wang Huang Feihu first, saying: "There is no one in the court, it is all thanks to the general. If there is one today For matters of great injustice, courtesy should be admonishing directly, and you should not be tongue-tied, as it is not the heart of a minister to love the emperor." After Huang Feihu agreed, he turned around and asked Di Xin for admonition, regardless of whether he listened to it or not, he took 20 The army went to the East China Sea to suppress the rebellion.

It is said that as soon as Wen Zhong left, Di Xin immediately released Fei Zhong and You Hun, regardless of the dissuasion of civil and military officials, and the officials were reinstated.

But in Xiqi, Jiang Ziya heard that the school had come to report that Chonghouhu had bewitched Sheng Cong and had done a lot of evil, so he reported to King Wen Jichang, asking Jichang to launch an army conquest.

On the second day, Ji Chang and Jiang Ziya dispatched [-] soldiers and headed for Chongcheng.

It is said that after Jiang Ziya and Ji Chang arrived in Chongcheng, the first general Nangong Shi beheaded Huang Yuanji, the defender of Chongcheng, and then defeated Chongyingbiao, the son of Chonghou Hu.As a result, he closed the city gate and dared not start a war. Jiang Ziya had no choice but to send someone to persuade Chong Heihu, Chonghouhu's younger brother, to come to help.

When Chong Heihu arrived in Chongcheng, he immediately lured Chonghouhu's family outside the gate and arrested them, sent them to Jiang Ziya's tent, and was ordered to be beheaded by Jiang Ziya. The heads of the four were sent into the tent by the soldiers.But he didn't think that Ji Chang had never seen a human head before, so he was scared to death by it immediately. When he returned to the army, he didn't think about eating or drinking, sleeping or sleeping peacefully, and was depressed.

After returning to Xiqi, his illness became more and more serious, and it continued unabated.On this day, Ji Chang felt that his end was approaching, so he hurriedly sent someone to see Jiang Ziya, the Prime Minister Xuan, to remonstrate, and to wait for the rumor to be located in Jifa, the second son, who ordered Jiang Ziya to be an important minister of Tuogu, and then passed away.

After the death of Jichang, king of Xibewen, hundreds of officials discussed the succession together.Jiang Ziya led a group of officials to enshrine Ji Fa's heir Xibo.After Ji Fa buried his father, he established himself as King Wu, respected Ziya as Shangfu, and the rest of the officials were added one level.

But Han Rong, the commander-in-chief of Sishuiguan, Emperor Xinde, came to report that Ji Fa was the queen of Li Wu, but he didn't care much. The senior doctor Yao Zhong sighed: "Ji Fa must be the one who destroys the merchants!"

But it is said that on New Year's Day, Huang Feihu's wife, Jia Shi, went to the palace to visit Huang Feihu's younger sister, Huang Fei.Not wanting Huang Feihu and Daji to have a quarrel, Jia Shi was tricked by Daji into the Zhaixing Tower, but Di Xin drank too much wine and became lustful.

Concubine Huang listened to her sister-in-law who was tricked by Daji into the Zhaixing Tower and forced to die. She immediately rushed to the Zhaixing Tower to seek justice. She didn't want Di Xin to help Daji, and she became angry for a while. die.

King Wu Cheng listened to what happened in the mansion, and was forced by his four generals to rebel against Chaoge, and went straight to Xiqi to join Wu Wang Jifa.

Then Wen Zhong led the troops back to the court, first scolded Di Xin, and then called the four generals of Shangjiamengguan, Zhang Guifang of Qinglongguan, and Zhang Feng, the general officer of Lintongguan, to mobilize troops to hunt them down.

And Huang Feihu walked all the way through Mengjin, crossed the Yellow River, bypassed Mianchi, and went straight to Lintong Pass.When he arrived at the Baiying Forest, his family was surrounded by Wen Zhong.Huang Feihu's face was full of bitterness, thinking that he would not be able to pass this test, he didn't want Qingxu Daodezhenjun in Ziyang Cave of Qingfeng Mountain to send a yellow scarf warrior to hold his magic weapon Hunyuan Banner to help him survive the catastrophe.

Afterwards, Huang Feihu and his party fled outside Lintong Pass, but Zhang Feng, the guard of Lintong Pass, refused to let them go. After a big battle, Zhang Feng was defeated in the city, and secretly ordered Xiao Yin, the deputy general of Lintong Pass, to lead three thousand archers to ambush.But he didn't know that Xiao Yin was a loyal person, he had been favored by Huang Feihu before, so he secretly went to see Huang Feihu at night, opened the gate of Lintong Pass to let Huang Feihu and his party go out, when Zhang Feng came to chase him, he suddenly ran out from the pass and stabbed him with a gun. Zhang Feng died, and after catching up with Huang Feihu, the two separated.

After Huang Feihu escaped from Lintong Pass with the help of Xiao Yin, he traveled eighty miles to Tongguan, but this time he didn't have any luck. , a group of people stopped on the grass in the outskirts and secretly felt sad.

However, Huang Feihu had a son named Huang Tianhua, who was taken back to the mountain by Qingxu Daodezhenjun in Ziyang Cave of Qingfeng Mountain to be his disciple when he was three years old. On this day, Qingxu Daodezhenjun counted Huang Feihu's death, and immediately gave Huang Tianhua a water spark basket and Mo Ye The sword went down the mountain to save his father.Huang Tianhua didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly used the method of earth escape to reach Tongguan.

After Huang Tianhua arrived at Huang Feihu's camp, he took medicine and rescued Huang Feihu. The father and son recognized each other and wept with joy. Then he killed Chen Tong, bid farewell to Huang Feihu and returned to Ziyang Cave in Qingfeng Mountain.

Immediately afterwards, Huang Feihu persuaded his father, Huang Gun, to leave at Jiepai Pass, and the group went through a few more passes, and finally arrived in Xiqi, where Wu Wang Ji proclaimed Huang Feihu the founding king of Wucheng, and others such as Huang Gun, Huang Feibiao, Huang Feibao, Huang Tianlu, etc. , Huang Tianjue, Huang Tianxiang, Huang Ming, Zhou Ji, Longhuan, Wu Qian, etc. have a thousand generals, three thousand people and horses, each in his old position.

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