() Not long after, Zijin and Bigan arrived outside Wenyuan Hall with Bai Ling. Before they could speak, Chen Yan's voice came from the hall, and only heard "Zijin, my apprentice, wait for a group of people to enter the hall directly." Come!" Then the door of the palace opened.

Chen Yan already knew the reason why Zijin went to the island, and when they got close to the main hall, Chen Yan took advantage of the opportunity to call them into the hall.When Zijin and the others heard Chen Yan's message, they didn't dare to be dazed, and immediately walked into the hall. Bigan also followed Zijin step by step. They were also a little excited to see Chen Yan, a legendary figure, a great sage of the human race.You must know that Chen Yan is the only great power of heaven and earth born by the human race after the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and his ambition is to educate the world, how can he not be admired by the human race.

Walking in front of Chen Yan, the three of them immediately bowed to each other: "Disciple (last general, disciple) see teacher (Yan Shenggong, master ancestor)!"

"Well, you wait to get up!"

"Yes, thank you teacher (Yan Shenggong, master ancestor)!"

Bigan stood behind Zijin and peeked at Chen Yan. He saw that Chen Yan was about [-] years old, his face was like a crown of jade, his eyebrows were like two swords reaching into the sky, and there were two bundles hanging from his temples. long beard.Wearing a simple crown of Wen Dao on his head, wearing a white toga with large sleeves, he unconsciously exudes bursts of awe-inspiring righteousness, which is compelling, and the light of wisdom flashes from time to time in his eyes.

At this time, Zijin cupped his hands to Chen Yan with some trepidation: "Teacher, this disciple came this time to accept me as my official disciple, I wonder if it is possible?" He looked at Chen Yan with a look.

"Hehe!" Chen Yan chuckled, turned his head to look at Bi Gan, and then said to Zijin, "Disciple, this Bi Gan is also a loyal person with the highest aptitude for writing, seven apertures and exquisite heart. Why should I object?"

After hearing Chen Yan's words, Zijin was overjoyed, turned his head and saw Bigan still standing there in a daze, not knowing where his mind had wandered, and immediately became furious, regardless of Bigan's white hair, went to He knocked on the head and cursed: "Sinister, you still haven't saluted the master!"

This Bigan was fascinated by watching Chen Yan just now, and he didn't hear what Zijin and Chen Yan were talking about, but his exquisite heart was not joking, once he heard what Zijin said, he already knew what they were talking about It was probably the result, and without hesitation, he immediately bowed down, kowtowed nine times, and said: "The disciple Bigan has met the Patriarch!" Now it is different from before, just now Bigan was just an insignificant named disciple, now he is A personal disciple who has entered the door of Wen Dao.

"Hehe!" Chen Yan smiled slightly, then turned his right hand, a big black and yellow seal appeared on the palm, and sent it to Bigan's arms, saying: "Get up! You are getting started today, and I just refined a few spirit treasures , this 'Great Heaven Seal' is given to you!"

Bigan hastily put away the seal, but he has only just come into contact with the world of practice, and he doesn't know the magic of the spirit treasure. He only thinks that the seal is a gift from his master, and he dare not neglect it, so he puts it away in his arms. Immediately afterwards, Bigan bowed his hand to thank Chen Yan for the reward, and retreated behind Zijin.

Chen Yan just smiled slightly, not paying much attention to it, but Bai Ling felt that he had lost a good acquired treasure for nothing.Even Zijin felt ashamed, why is his disciple's eyesight so poor?Complaining in your heart, even if you have just entered the cultivation world and don't know treasures, you don't think about who the teacher is, but you are a famous power in the world!Will the things that come out of his old man's hands be bad?After thinking about it, Zijin glared at Bigan fiercely. Bigan didn't know about it at the moment, but when Zijin stared at him, he felt wronged!

Afterwards, Chen Yan talked with Zijin and the others for a while, and then asked them to retreat.Sitting alone in Wenyuan Hall, he said slowly to himself: "The Demon Suppressing Pagoda is on the right track, and my mind is already complete, um... I should go to the Wuya Academy City for retreat. But before retreating, we have to explain this matter to Xiang'er clearly."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yan immediately got up and flew to the Boundless Academy City in the passage between the two worlds.

After a while, Chen Yan went to the Wuya Academy City to summon Prime Minister Jiuwu to give secret instructions, and then went straight to the main hall of the city to retreat.

It is said that after Bigan left, all the officials were helpless. The doctor Xia Zhao saw that the great merchant country was ruined by Di Xin, and his anger was really hard to calm down. He raised his sword and went to the deer platform to assassinate Di Xin, but Di Xin could not say anything. He is an emperor who has been fighting all the year round. Although he has been eroded by alcohol these few years, he is not something Xia Zhao, a literati who has not cultivated a righteous spirit, can beat him, and he was kicked away immediately.

Di Xin was furious and was telling the warriors to take down Xia Zhao.Xia Zhao opened his mouth to scold Di Xin first, then jumped down to the deer platform, and died instantly.All the officials lamented again. A loyal minister went, and then went to Lutai to collect the body and buried it outside the north gate.

At this time, the grand master Wen Zhong returned from his expedition to the North Sea. He saw a large copper pillar in the Jiujian Temple and asked what it was. Then he saw Huang Feihu, the king of Wucheng, stepped forward and said sadly: "Tai Shi, this punishment is made of copper." , There are three layers of fire doors. Anyone who advises officials to obstruct things, is loyal and selfless, and is devoted to the country, speaks of the fault of the emperor, says that the emperor is not benevolent, and that the emperor is unrighteous. Living on a copper pillar, wrapping the past left and right, burning limbs to ashes, and the stench in front of the hall is unbearable. To create this punishment: the loyal and good will go into hiding, the sage will abdicate, the capable will go to the country, and the loyal will die."

Afterwards, after hearing the absurd things that Di Xin had done in these years, he was furious in his heart, his beard and hair were all stretched out, and the three eyes on his face were shining, only to be so anxious that the one in the middle opened, and the white light appeared more than a foot away. .Order the officials in charge of the palace to ring the bell and drum to please drive.

After Di Xin boiled Bigan's Qiqiao Linglong Heart into soup and fed it to Daji, he stayed tenderly in Lutai.Hearing that Wen Zhong returned to the court, fear surged in his heart, not only because Wen Zhong was his teacher, but also because he knew that Wen Zhong was a first-class celestial being with great supernatural powers. A large number of people escorted him to the hall, chatting to comfort him.After going to the palace, he denied Wen Zhong's question about Lutai and Paobao in every possible way.Wen Zhong had no choice but to go back to the mansion first, called civil and military officials, and inquired carefully about what happened in these years. Wen, it was the moment of life and death, and immediately sent all the officials out of the mansion, ordered the gate of the mansion to be closed, and thought of a remedy at home.

On the fourth day, Wen Zhong wrote a good article and Chen Shitiao and went out to court. After all the civil and military officials had gathered, Wen Zhong went out of the class and said: "Ju Shu's grand master and minister heard Zhong's words. The performance is a big change in state affairs, which is indecent. Doting favors and close sycophants, rebellious rulers and cruel punishments, great changes in the sky, hidden worries and unpredictable things: I heard: Yao was ordered to worry about the world, but he did not always take pleasure in his position. Therefore, punishing rebellious officials and seeking sages is the right In order to obtain Shun, Yu, Ji, Qi and Jiuyao, all saints assist virtues, virtuous people serve in positions, enlightenment is great, the world is harmonious, all people are peaceful, benevolent, happy and righteous, each has his own proper, actions should be polite, calm and moderate. It is also said that "the king must live and then be benevolent". Yao reigned for seventy years, but he abdicated to Zen Yu Shun. When Yao died, the world did not belong to Yao's son Danzhu but to Shun. Shun knew that he could not escape, but he was the Son of Heaven. Taking Yu as the Prime Minister, and because of Yao's assistant, he continued his dominance, and governed the world by doing nothing. The music he made was beautiful and perfect. Now that your majesty inherits the great position, you should practice benevolence and righteousness, spread grace, cherish the soldiers and the people, and be polite. Respecting the military, obeying the heaven and the earth, the country will be peaceful and the people will live and work happily. Do you want your majesty to drink wine, kiss a sycophant, die in love, goug out the queen's gunner's eyes, kill the heirs, and cut off the queen himself. This is all unreasonable. What you do, you will bring about the disaster of your own destruction. I hope that your majesty will change his past mistakes, do benevolence and promote righteousness, stay away from villains, and be close to gentlemen; The rain is smooth, and the world enjoys the blessing of peace. The minister took the crime of offending Ji Tianyan, and the details are listed below:

The first thing: demolition of the deer tower, so that the people will not be chaotic;

The second thing: Abolish the cannon and make the admonisher loyal;

The third item: fill the pot, and the palace will be at ease;

The fourth item: go to wine ponds and meat forests to cover up the lords’ slander;

The fifth item: demote Daji, do not set up the main palace, so that there is no danger of being deceived in the inner court;

The sixth item: Kan Ning Chen, quickly kill Fei Zhong, You Hun and heart-warming, so that those who are not worthy will stay away;

Seventh item: Open warehouses and relieve people from famine;

The eighth item: send a mission to recruit peace in the southeast;

The ninth item: visit the sages in Shanze, and release the hearts of the suspects in the world;

Item [-]: Accept loyalty and remonstrance, open up the way of speech, so that the world will not be blocked by congestion. "

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