Take some beans casually and burn talismans on them. The bean soldiers formed in this way are only stronger than the mortals of later generations. It is because the prehistoric world is not broken, and some mortals with super martial arts can also fight against immortals with low cultivation.So even mortals today can knock it down, but because there are Taoist talismans on it, they are somewhat restrained against demons. Although people with advanced cultivation bases can display some power, they will not be punished after all. .

Sure enough, it is Yang Sen's secret technique. Although it is useless against monks of the same level, it is overkill for ordinary people. A few cavalry were swept away with just a single sweep, that is, Huang Gun, Huang Feihu and other generals of the Huang family and genuine generals like Nangong Shi. Resist for a while.Fake generals like Mao Gongsui, Zhou Gongdan, Zhao Gongshi, Lu Gongwang, etc. are one by one.

Jiang Ziya's face changed drastically. According to the situation, Xi Qi was in danger this time, so he quickly asked someone to protect King Wu into the city.At this time, Feng Lin had escaped from the trap, and called a group of cavalry to rush into the Xiqi formation to rescue Zhang Guifang. How could those little soldiers stop him? , no one dared to approach Feng Lin again.A few young generals refused to accept it, and rushed towards Feng Lin with their horses. Feng Lin curled his mouth, and he didn't even use magic spells for these young generals.

After a while, Feng Lin found Zhang Guifang at the northwest foot of the Zhou camp. The guards were all ordinary soldiers and horses. Qu Jing's righteous soldiers pressed Zhang Guifang here and went to the front to help.Feng Lin casually beat the guards to death, and untied the rope that bound Zhang Guifang. The rope was filled with charms to prevent Zhang Guifang from breaking and escaping, but he did not prevent outsiders from untying it.Afterwards, Zhang Guifang and Feng Lin went out together to assist Dou Bing in the battle against General Zhou.

However, Jiang Ziya saw that King Wu had already entered the city, but the situation on the battlefield was still unfavorable. Nezha and Qu Jing couldn't hold it anymore, so they quickly raised their swords and stepped forward to help. Jiang Ziya had no choice but to run to the nearest Wang Mo on foot, and slashed down with his sword.Wang Mozheng and Yang Sen were fighting Qu Jing. Seeing that Qu Jing couldn't stand it anymore, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. He was about to put in more effort to take Qu Jing down, but Jiang Ziya raised his sword and slashed at him. Wang Mo saw it. Here, with a casual swing of the sword, Jiang Ziya was pushed far away, then turned around and hit Qu Jing again.

Just as he was fighting, he didn't want Jiang Ziya to come and slash with his sword again. It turned out that Jiang Ziya also knew that he couldn't beat Wang Mo, so he just wanted to break his heart and give Qu Jing some chance.However, he didn't think about his own cultivation, he did this several times in a row, which didn't distract Wang Mo, but made Wang Mo very irritable.This time Wang Mo threw Jiang Ziya away, but he stuck to him like brown sugar and came forward to stab him with a sword. Wang Mo was furious and shouted: "Jiang Ziya, you are looking for death, how long will the poor Taoist let you go?" This time, you are so ignorant! Alright, Pindao will give you a ride."

After all, Wang Mo took out the magic weapon Kai Dzi from the leopard skin bag, and smashed it on Jiang Ziya's chest. The king Mo was so angry that Jiang Ziya teased him, and the Kai Dzi was thrown out with more force, and Jiang Ziya was miserable. With a cry, the sword fell to the ground, and he fell face up to the sky, and was killed immediately.

And over there Gao Yougan and Li Xingba are fighting against Nezha, the current Four Sages are different from Chen Yan's previous life, even Nezha can't beat them, the reason they can fight for so long is because their four brothers are members of Jiejiao, and Nezha Zha is a disciple of Chanjiao who is not easy to be cruel. This time, seeing his elder brother Wang Mo beat Jiang Ziya to death, he was not polite immediately. Li Xingba knocked Nezha off Fenghuolun with a mace.

After Wang Mo killed Jiang Ziya, he was about to cut off his head. At this moment, a golden light shot from a distance, and in the blink of an eye, it came to Wang Mo's eyes. A person appeared, and he sang:

"Wild wind blows willows in the wild water, and flowers float on the water surface in the pool.

May I ask where to live in peace, the depths of the white clouds are my home. "

This Daoist Wang Mo also knew him, but he was one of the Twelve Golden Immortals, Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun in Yunxiao Cave of Wulong Mountain, and he knew it right away, so he hurriedly asked, "Brother Dao, why are you here?"

Guangfa Tianzun replied with a slight smile: "Friend Wang, the teacher has calculated that Jiang Ziya is in trouble, and the next talisman summoned the poor Taoist to come here to rescue him. Because of the combination of five things, the teacher ordered Ziya to go down the mountain, and one of them was exhausted. The second is the coming of the Allah of Xiqi, the third is that I violated the precept of killing when explaining the teachings, the fourth is that Jiang Ziya should enjoy the blessings of the West, and he has the power of general and prime minister, and the fifth is to act as a god with Yuxu Palace. Daoist friends, you are free and free in cutting off the teachings Free and unrestrained, why is there so much anger and ambition. I know there are two good sayings in your Biyou Palace:

Close the entrance of the cave, quietly recite two or three volumes of "Huang Ting";

Throwing himself into the West, there are celebrities on the "Fengshentai".

Although you beat Jiang Shang to death, there is still time for him to come back to life after he dies.Fellow Daoist, in my opinion, it is better for you to go back alive, this is still a month, if you don't listen to my words, you will regret it. "

Hearing Manjusri Guangfa's threat, Wang Mo was furious and thought to himself: "You Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun is a golden immortal. I can't beat you, but you are not easy to bully." He said immediately: " Manjusri, you are such a big talker! I have the same rules as you, how can I say that the moon is waning and it is hard to make it. Don’t tell me you are the only one who has a famous teacher, but I don’t have a leader!" Then holding the sword in his hand, he stepped forward to grab Guangshu Guangfa Tianzun.

At this time, a boy suddenly jumped out from behind Manjusri Guangfa, wearing a light yellow suit and holding a bun, and shouted: "Young king and devil are waiting for the murderer, how dare you bully my teacher, look at the sword!" This boy is Manjusri Guangfa Jin Zha, Tianzun's apprentice, is also Nezha's older brother.I saw that he went straight to Wang Mo with his sword, but Wang Mo cut off his arm with just one sword, and was about to take Jin Zha's life.

Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun also held the sword in his hand at this time, and said: "Friend Wang Dao, you and I will fight, don't bully my junior." When Wang Mo heard this, he didn't want to bear the name of bullying the junior, so he let it go. Jin Zha, stepped forward to fight with Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, the two swords intersected, the farther and farther they fought, and they disappeared in a blink of an eye.

And Yang Sen was still fighting with Qu Jing, without Wang Mo's help, Yang Sen wouldn't even think about taking down Qu Jing all at once.Gao Youqian and Li Xingba just hit Nezha on the ground. Seeing Wang Mo and Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun fighting farther and farther away, Gao Yougan said to Li Xingba: "Fourth brother, that Manjusri is the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao!" Among them, there is also a Golden Immortal cultivator, I am afraid that the eldest brother will not be able to match him, and you have taken the heads of Jiang Ziya and Nezha here, and I will follow up with the eldest brother to help."

Li Xingba said: "Brother, don't worry, I will save you, I will follow up as soon as I solve this matter, brother Wanwang be careful!"

"Haha, don't worry, let's go!"

Seeing that the third brother had gone to help the elder brother, Li Xingba was about to step forward to take Nezha's head with a mace in hand.

"Angels still have the ability to be immortals, and when they are immortals, they can see the blue sky everywhere.

Don't call me arrogant by saying this, it's natural when I am proud. "

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