Fengshen Daxian

Chapter 64 2 Holy Response Tribulation

The colorful cloud descended on the battlefield, and a Taoist boy with two swords on his back appeared in front of Nezha. Li Xingba knew that he was here to rescue Nezha. He left, not wanting to lose his life in vain, so he bowed to his mount and said, "I am Li Xingba, a qi refiner in Jiulong Island. This time I came out to help Zhang Guifang attack the rebellious officials in Xiqi. Dare I ask who Tong is? Why?" Stop me?"

The Taoist boy suddenly showed joy, and said: "I am not someone else. I am Mu Zha, the apprentice of Puxian real person in Baihe Cave, Jiugong Mountain. Today, I was ordered by my teacher to come to Xiqi to meet my uncle Jiang Ziya, and help him to make meritorious deeds to destroy the emperor. When I was leaving, my master said: "If you meet Li Xingba, catch him and go to Xiqi to see Ziya as a reward." Who knows that when I passed by, I found that there was a war here, and I didn't want to come to see it. I met you here, and you..., wait, who is that...? You are so wicked, you dare to kill my uncle, look at the sword!"

It turned out that it was Mu Zha who saw Jiang Ziya lying on the battlefield, knew that he was beaten to death, and immediately drew out his sword to kill Li Xingba.

When Li Xingba saw that he dared to insult him, he immediately laughed angrily: "What a villain! How dare you bully me too much!" After saying that, he picked up the mace and hit him on the head, but he didn't know that the two swords behind Mu Zha were Jiugong Mountain The treasure of Baihe Cave Township, the innate spiritual treasure 'Wu Hook Double Sword', otherwise, he wouldn't do such a stupid thing, so he would just serve him with the Pidi Orb.As a result, after two or three rounds of fighting, Mu Zha felt that he could no longer hold on, so he quickly shook his shoulders, and saw the two swords he carried behind his back flying out of their scabbards and lying horizontally in the air.

Li Xingba's heart skipped a beat, he knew something was wrong, he couldn't see the sword when it was in the scabbard, but as soon as it was out of the scabbard, he sensed that it was an innate spiritual treasure, so he hurriedly sacrificed the Pidi Orb to block it Block, and keep blessing the body protection mantra on himself.However, his Earth Opening Orb smashed into mountains and opened mountains. It is true that it smashed the ground and cracked the ground, but it is not for defense after all. How could it block the death of the Wu hook double sword? Two brilliance flashed in midair, Li Xingba immediately As soon as the body and head were separated, he fell on the battlefield, and a true spirit rolled up the Pidizhu and rushed to the Conferred God Platform. Jiang Ziya ordered the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor's commander-in-chief, Bai Jian, who was specially leading the real spirit, to quickly use the Bailing banner to nominate the Conferred God. 1 was picked up.

And Yang Sen, who was fighting with Qu Jing, also saw his brother died in battle. His heart was very painful. He screamed and spurted out blood from his heart. Jing watched from where he was, and didn't chase after him.

Zhang Guifang, Huang Feihu and his team were fighting fiercely. When they turned their heads and glanced, they found that the situation on the battlefield was already very unfavorable to their own side. They had no choice but to give Feng Lin a wink. Jump out of the battle circle, hit the horse and flee back to the business camp.

Besides, Wang Mo and Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun were fighting and flying. After they were far away from the battlefield, Wang Mo realized that something was wrong. As if Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun deliberately lured him here, he kept his hands everywhere and went to a mountain. Wang Mo quickly retreated to the side, stopped attacking and defended, and said to Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun: "Manjusri, what do you do if you lead me here?"

Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun smiled slightly: "Friend Wang Dao, you and the other four don't respect the teachings of the teacher, don't know the number of heavens, and come to the mortal world to help the evil, and it's time for you to wait for the catastrophe."

Wang Mo was furious: "You...!"

Before he finished speaking, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun took something in the small world. It looked like a pillar with three gold circles on it. It was the treasure of Yunxiao Cave in Wulong Mountain. .Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun threw the dragon escape pile at Wang Mo, and three golden circles fell down. Wang Mo dodged left and right, but couldn't escape. They circled around his neck, around his waist, and circled under his feet. pile.Then Jin Zha, who had just arrived, cut off Wang Mo's head with a sword, and a true spirit of Wang Mo flew to the Conferred God Stage wrapped in Kai Tianzhu.

Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun took back the treasure, bowed in the direction of Kunlun, and said, "Teacher Qi: the disciple has started killing today." Then he took out a pill, turned around and said to Jin Zha, "Teacher, here is a pill One pill, you go to Xiqi to grind this elixir with water, and pour it into your uncle Yashi’s mouth. Your uncle will wake up after a while, and then you will help your uncle to assist Xitu. I will soon Come later!" After saying that, he handed the elixir to Jin Zha, and left on the cloud.

Jin Zha bowed to Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, and then flew to Xiqi.

After the two of them had left, Gao Yougan arrived just in time, but he saw Wang Mo's corpse. His face turned pale immediately, and he threw himself on Wang Mo's body and howled loudly: "Brother, brother! You really hit the spot for Daoist Chen, When my brother is invited out, I will definitely go away, big brother...!" Gao You cried for a long time, then remembered the two brothers who stayed on the battlefield, hurriedly hugged Wang Mo's body, and flew to the side of the business camp middle.When Gao Youqian and Yang Sen met, the two brothers hugged each other and cried again. They died within a few days after they came out. Now they and Xiqi really have a deep blood feud, and no one can persuade them to leave.

Over there, there were also mournful voices in Prime Minister Xiqi's mansion. King Wu brought all the civil and military officials to mourn Jiang Ziya, but King Wu cried first, both for Jiang Ziya, and for himself.While weeping, a guard with a white cloth tied to his arm came forward and reported: "My lord: There is a boy outside the mansion asking to see him, saying that he is the nephew of the prime minister, and he brought the panacea given by the master, which can save his life." prime minister"

King Wu was ecstatic, and hurriedly said: "Hurry up and invite the fairy boy, you can go down to receive the reward yourself later!" Daotong comes in.

This Daotong is Jin Zha, a disciple of Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun. Since Jin Zha left Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, he has not dared to delay at all. There is no place to cry.Immediately, he cast the golden light technique of longitudinal earth, rushed to the prime minister's mansion in Xiqi, and ordered people to go in and report.

After a while, the guard who went in to report just now ran out and welcomed him in.Jin Zha entered the mansion and saw Jiang Ziya lying in the coffin, surrounded by a circle of mourners outside.

A man in his thirties, wearing a royal robe, asked eagerly: "Dare to ask Xiantong, is there any magic medicine to save Shangfu?"

Knowing that he is King Wu, Jin Zha hurriedly clasped his fists and replied, "King Huixian: My teacher Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun gave me a elixir when I came to Xiqi, it can save my uncle!"

"Good! Good!" King Wu couldn't help but said hurriedly, "Please let the fairy boy cast a spell!" Jin Zha was also polite, ordered someone to bring a bowl of water, took out a pill from the leopard skin bag, threw it into the water and turned it into a pill Water, feed Jiang Ziya to drink.Sure enough, after only a short while, Jiang Ziya woke up naturally. Seeing Jin Zha here, he knew that he had saved him, and thanked him, "Thank you Fairy Boy for saving my life!"

Jin Zha stepped aside and quickly said, "Master Uncle, I am Jin Zha, the disciple of Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun who sat down. This time, I was ordered by the teacher to go down the mountain to rescue you. From now on, the disciple will accompany you by your side."

Jiang Ziya was overjoyed. Now he knew the power of a man with supernatural powers. He hurriedly got up and greeted King Wu, arranged for Jin Zha, and then King Wu held a banquet.

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