Chen Yan's spiritual consciousness floated in the chaos relying on the "Tiangong Wangumen". The chaos didn't remember the years, and he didn't know how long he had been floating. He searched hundreds of worlds, and finally found a world suitable for his preaching.

I saw Chen Yan's spiritual consciousness transformed into his own body, and stood outside the barriers of this world to feel it carefully.But I found that there is no way of heaven in this world, and the people inside can practice and develop their own civilization, and the highest cultivation level of the practitioners inside is only equivalent to the golden immortal of the prehistoric world. This is not suitable for me to preach what?Immediately decided to travel to this world, and then Chen Yan collected the world imprint of this world outside this world, so as to leave coordinates for the time travel, otherwise, once he leaves, he may never be able to live in the immeasurable chaos. Find this world again.Moreover, every time Chen Yan sees a world, he will collect a world imprint. Although it is useless now, who knows if it will be used in the future.

Hall of Mental Cultivation in Wuya Academy City, "The world has been found, so I don't need to rush through it now, I haven't gone out for a long time, let alone, I don't know what is going on with the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods, I will go out today to have a look!"


In Xiqi City in the human world, Qu Jing was still hesitating whether to kill the four Mo family brothers just like this. Jiang Ziya behind him saw that something was wrong with Qu Jing, but he was afraid of disturbing him, so he could only wait in the back. I have to stare.And Mo Lihong, who was so distressed by the ghosts and souls, was also surprised. Qu Jing could have killed himself directly, but he didn't know why he didn't do it.But Mo Lihong turned her head and thought: "Could it be that little thief Qu Jing is going to torture my four brothers to death?"

The more Mo Lihong thought about it, the more he felt that it was reasonable, and he felt great hatred in his heart, but he was already on the verge of dying from the ghosts and souls, but he had no choice. Although he knew that the other three brothers and younger brothers were by his side, but Can't see them, huh?etc.Mo Lihong suddenly thought that although she couldn't see the outside in the formation, she could see the inside from the outside, and there were still [-] soldiers of her own on the battlefield. As long as Qu Jing was killed, their brothers could escape. Out.Immediately he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, saying: "The sky is endless, my brother!" Then he made a charge gesture regardless of where the army was.

It was also his luck, or the four Molihong brothers shouldn't have died at Qu Jing's hands.But it is said that before the four generals of the Mo family entered Qu Jing's chess formation, they left an adjutant in charge of the formation and told him to obey orders.It was also because the adjutant didn't understand the immortals, and only thought that he could see them outside, and the four generals of the Mo family could also see him, so although the adjutant saw the four brothers of the Mo family seriously injured outside, and was anxious, he didn't receive the order, nor did he. Dare to rush in easily.

At this time, the adjutant was staring at Mo Lihong who was rolling on the ground in pain, but saw Mo Lihong suddenly raised his head to the sky and laughed, muttering something.If it was just like this, the adjutant wouldn't care, but the four brothers of the Mo family were always like this before, and they didn't want Mo Lihong to make an offensive gesture afterwards.The adjutant wiped his eyes to confirm that he was not mistaken, and did not dare to hesitate. He ordered the messengers to go down to deliver the order, waved his command flag, and rushed forward with a hundred thousand troops.

When Mo Lihong was gesturing, Jiang Ziya also saw it. He is also a man who knows the soldiers. He didn't know that this was a gesture of ordering an attack, and he immediately ordered the soldiers to take precautions. Just in case.

And Qu Jing was also brought back to his senses by the news of the attack of the [-] troops. When he looked up, he saw: the sky was full of murderous aura, a river of iron horses fighting; patches of clouds, and five-color banners were ethereal.Thousands of painted halberds, golden colorful banners painted on the tail of leopards; ten thousand steel knives, bronze swords for killing dragons and tigers.Master Mi Miyue, a crystal plate of the size of a banner and a flag; a pair of long spears, a silver painting pole with a thick and thin mouth.The faintly painted corners are like the old dragon singing in the East China Sea; the shining silver helmet is as frosty as snow.Brocade clothes and embroidered jackets, surrounded by horses and go first; Jade belt conscript husbands, attend to the marshal of the Chinese army.Whip the soldiers to be heroes, fight like a tiger.No less than Xuanyuan Huangdi defeated Chiyou, a mountain of soldiers rose from the ground.

Immediately, his face changed drastically, and then his heart turned hard, Heizi fell, Mo Lihong in the formation screamed, and a true spirit was pulled away by the list of gods.Qu Jing still wanted to make a move, but it was too late, a hundred thousand troops rushed into the formation continuously, the black and white pieces on the chessboard moved rapidly, and the white pieces gained the upper hand in a blink of an eye, but Qu Jing couldn't control it. The limit is reached.

After a while, seeing that the formation was about to break, Qu Jing's face was fixed, as if he had made some decision.Then Yungong forced out the essence of his heart, spit it on the chessboard, fixed the chess pieces on the chessboard for a moment, and with a sweep of his eyes, a sunspot was thrown off by him.Qu Jing's face was pale, and he sat on the spot with his eyes closed.

And Qu Jing used his own heart and blood to expand the formation that was originally only a small area to surround a whole hundred thousand merchants. With red eyes, he slashed at his comrades around him.Looking at it from a high place, the battle of 10 people is not spectacular. The people on Xiqi's side were dumbfounded. Why did they kill each other because of the rush?Those who are smart have already discovered that it is the result of the formations laid down by Prime Minister You, and they are also happy to watch the show.

An army of one hundred thousand killed more than 2 people for more than an hour. The chess formation was finally broken by the evil spirit, and all the merchants came back to their senses. Mo Liqing, Mo Li Hai and Mo Li Shou Seeing his brother's tragic death, tears streamed down his face, just in time to see Qu Jing sitting in front of him with a pale face, without saying a word, holding a magic weapon, rushing to kill.And the merchant soldiers also followed the remaining three Mo family brothers and rushed into the commercial camp.

Jiang Ziya saw the opportunity early, and ordered a group of soldiers to take back Qu Jing. Mo Liqing had no expression on his face, let go of strides, and raised his gun to shoot Jiang Ziya directly.Seeing this, Nangong hurriedly rode his horse and wielded his sword, and rushed to meet him with a steel knife.On foot and horse, swords and halberds are used simultaneously.

Mo Lihai shook his gun and charged straight out.Nezha boarded the Hot Wheels and greeted him with a pointed gun.The two generals raised their guns together.

Mo Lishou made the two maces shake his head like a tiger, and the killer came over.In the wall box, Wuji's silver helmet and plain armor, white horse and long spear, are in front of the battle formation.

The remaining more than 7 soldiers and horses of the Shang Dynasty were also distraught because they killed their brothers who accompanied them day and night. Now the three armies are in battle, full of murderous aura, and conquering clouds everywhere.The three armies are mighty in this battle, and the generals in that battle are majestic.Nangong Shi cuts the sword half of the pool of autumn water, and the spear with the head of the green tiger looks like a piece of ice.Nezha is angry and shakes his spirits, and the magic ceremony shows off his martial arts.Wuji's long spear, the swishing rain sprinkled the remaining flowers, the magic gift and the second mace of longevity, and the stern iceberg and white snow.The King of Three Heavens was loyal to Zuo Chengtang, but also wanted to avenge his brothers. All the generals daringly supported the Lord, just to restore the peace of the world.The gongs and drums beat frequently in the two battles, and the three armies shouted in the four whistles.From Chen to noon, the rising sun is dimmed, and the sky is dim and the earth is dark in an instant.

Besides, Nezha fought against the magic ceremony sea, put his gun away, took out the universe circle and used it in the air, trying to fight the magic ceremony sea.When Mo Lishou saw it, he hurriedly jumped out of the formation, opened the 'Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella' left by his brother Mo Lihong on the battlefield, and took Nezha's Qiankun circle first.When Jin Zha saw that he was taking his brother's treasure, he hurriedly used the dragon escape pile, and was taken away again.Jiang Ziya whipped the whip into the air.This whip can only hit gods, not immortals, or human beings.The Four Heavenly Kings are members of the Shimen, and they cannot be beaten. They only received cigarettes in the next 1000 years, so the last whip was also taken away by the umbrella.Jiang Ziya was shocked.

Mo Liqing fought against Nangong Shi, hid his gun, jumped out of the formation, waved the Qingyun sword, and went back and forth three times, the black wind rolled up, and the spear with ten thousand blades.

The sea of ​​magic rituals played the 'jasper pipa', and the earth, water, fire and wind arrived together.

Mo Lishou saw that his elder brother used the magic weapon, first opened the pearl umbrella, and turned it around three or four times, the universe was darkened within a short distance, and the universe collapsed.I saw strong smoke and black mist, the fire was ruthless, golden snakes stirred in the air, and the flames flew all over the ground.Then he released the mink into the air, and it appeared like a white elephant, cannibalizing people at will, with its teeth and claws.The wind and fire are ruthless, and the generals of Xiqi will suffer this defeat, and the three armies will suffer from it.

Seeing that something was wrong, Jiang Ziya patted himself down and wanted to escape.But the three generals of the Mo Family had just died and wanted to take revenge. How could they let Jiang Ziya and the others retreat?Jiang Ziya had no choice but to draw out his sword to fight Huahu mink, but unfortunately he was swept off his mount by Huahu mink's tail in just one round.

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