The [-] merchant troops were desperate, but Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Nezha and others were all entangled and could not escape. The battlefield was in chaos.The sables and foxes in Mo Lishou's hands ran rampant, and the soldiers and horses of Xiqi's side were killed and injured countless times.

But he said that Jiang Ziya was swept down by the tail of the flower fox. When he saw that the flower fox was about to bite, Jiang Ziya was frightened and angry.Then he gathered the remnant soldiers in the rear, and took out an apricot-yellow treasure flag from his leopard skin pouch. With a pinch of the magic formula, the treasure flag rose into the air, and a trace of apricot-yellow light descended, protecting the defeated generals around Jiang Ziya. in.

Jiang Ziya kept moving around the battlefield with the Xinghuang flag, and scattered soldiers gathered under Jiang Ziya's flag.Mo Liqing also saw Jiang Ziya's gathering of troops, and immediately sent an order, ordering the generals to let go of Xiqi's remnant soldiers, let them go to Jiang Ziya's place, and then lead the troops to surround them.

For a while, a weird side appeared on the battlefield. The remaining remnants of the Zhou army rushed to Jiang Ziya's Xinghuang banner, but the Shang army remained indifferent and let them pass, but the soldiers and horses behind were mobilizing endlessly, trying to surround Jiang Ziya.

After a while, Jiang Ziya saw that there were no more horses coming, and his heart was filled with grief and indignation. When he left the city, there were 1 soldiers and horses, but now there are only more than [-] around him. Even the six brothers of King Wu also died. Fortunately, Huang Feihu, Nan Gongshi and other generals and Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Nezha and others were not harmed, otherwise Jiang Ziya would not be sad and angry.

Seeing that the surrounding water pavilions surrounded by [-] to [-] merchant troops were blocked, Jiang Ziya asked the three Jin Zha brothers: "Nephew, are you waiting for the brother to kill the general so that you can go to Kunlun Mountain for help?"

Jin Zha hurriedly replied: "Back to Master Uncle, the brothers of the Mo family have high magic power. If the disciple waits for the magic weapon, he may be able to resist for a while. Unfortunately, he has a strange treasure, and he took away all the treasures that the disciple waited for. The disciple is afraid that he will rush to kill him." But ah!"

Jiang Ziya was very disappointed. At this time, Nezha suddenly came out and said: "Uncle Shi, the teacher once gave the disciple a pair of hot wheels, and the disciple can try driving the hot wheels!"

"Okay, nephew Nezha, don't play around on the road when you go, and hurry to Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains for help!" Jiang Ziya was overjoyed, but he was afraid that Nezha was too young to play on the road and miss the time , Hastily warned.

"Uncle Master, don't worry, the disciple is awake, let's go!" After finishing speaking, Nezha rushed out of the Xinghuang Banner on the Hot Wheels, and was about to gallop towards Kunlun Mountain.

Mo Liqing and his two younger brothers were coming forward from behind, "Huh? Huh, Jiang Ziya's heart is not dead, and he still wants to ask for reinforcements. The two younger brothers wait a moment, and wait for the brother to kill the little beast, and then Break this flag again, and kill Jiang Ziya, Qu Jing and other children to avenge the third brother!" Mo Liqing said to Mo Lihai and Mo Lishou, and with the 'Qingyun Sword' in his hand, he was going to chase Nezha.

"Brother, slow down!" Mo Lishou reached out to stop Mo Liqing.Mo Liqing turned his head and asked, "Why is this fourth brother?"

"Hehe!" Mo Lishou smiled slightly, and said, "Did the elder brother forget the treasure of the third brother?"

"Oh! Hahaha, I forgot about it for a while, fourth brother, please!" After Mo Liqing's voice fell, Mo Lishou took two steps forward and stretched out the 'Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella' in his hand.

Besides, Nezha took Jiang Ziya's order and went to Kunlun Mountain to ask for help. When he came out of the Xinghuang Banner, he was extremely nervous, but the Mo family brothers never came to intercept him, and slowly let go of his high-hanging heart.When he was about to leave the merchant army, Nezha was very happy in his heart. He didn't expect a sudden pulling force, and Nezha was caught off guard and was pulled back immediately.

Looking back, it turned out that the treasure umbrella that received their magic weapon is now taking him in. Nezha was frightened to death immediately, thinking to himself: "If this magic weapon is like the jade purification bottle of Uncle Cihang, it will be taken away. If people take it in, it will turn into pus, so am I going to suffer?" The more I thought about it, the more afraid I became, and when Nezha saw that he was about to enter the umbrella, he hurriedly abandoned the Hot Wheels under his feet, and flew towards Kunlun Mountain alone .

"Haha, evil animal, how dare you run away in front of me!" Mo Lihai laughed loudly, took the 'jasper pipa' on his back in front of his eyes, stretched out his hand and plucked it twice, but the earth, water, wind and fire did not appear. Instead, a magical sound floated into Nezha's head, and Nezha's head fainted immediately, and then fell from the air.

"Hahaha... come here, hurry up and tie that little beast to me, I will prepare it well! Haha..." Mo Lihai knew that Nezha had entered the hub, and he was overjoyed and ordered People went to tie up.

But he said that Nezha was already awake when he fell to the ground. Hearing that Moli Haiming's subordinates came to arrest him, he thought to himself: "If I just fly away like this, I'm afraid I still won't be able to escape, and I will still be caught. The method of escape, the brothers of the Mo family should not be able to catch them?" After thinking about it, before the soldiers arrived, Nezha immediately grabbed the sand and sprinkled it in the air, and fled to Jiang Ziya's place.

"Hmph, the little beast wants to run!" Mo Liqing caught a glimpse of Nezha using the earth escape, and snorted coldly. The 'Qingyun Sword' flew out of his hand and stabbed the ground, "Ah!" Only Nezha screamed , appeared five meters in front of Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya and others have been staring at Nezha since he left. Seeing that he was pulled back by the "Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella", they already knew that Nezha's mission had failed. Although they were disappointed, they also knew that it was not Nezha's fault. Come back and don't get caught.

Now that Nezha was seriously injured, Jin Zha and Mu Zha wanted to rescue Nezha. Although their brother relationship was not good, they were still brothers, and it was impossible to watch Nezha die.At this moment, Nezha endured his injuries and rushed into Xinghuangqi with a sliver of mana.

Jiang Ziya breathed a sigh of relief and hurried forward to check Nezha's injury, but saw that Nezha only had a sword wound on his back, which should have been injured by Mo Liqing's "Qingyun Sword" when he was in Tudun just now.Nezha struggled to get up, clasped his fists and said, "Uncle Ziya, this disciple is incompetent but failed to complete the task, please punish me!"

Jiang Ziya sighed and said, "It's not your fault, you should heal your injuries first!"


"Jiang Ziya, where did Qu Jing'er go? Did he abandon you and wait for him to escape? Haha..., don't be angry. After I behead you, I will send that Qu Jing'er to accompany you, haha Haha..., I will slaughter Xiqi to avenge my third brother!" Mo Liqing took the lead, looking up to the sky and laughing wildly.

On Mount Sumeru in the west, at the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, Jieyin and Zhunti were discussing the Dao, when Mo Liqing's wild words came out, Zhunti's face changed drastically, and he scolded: "Evil!" Then he turned his head and said: "Senior brother, how could such evil obstacles enter my door wall? Originally, seeing that his brother has some aptitude and good luck, he got a few spiritual treasures by chance, but now it seems that the younger brother was wrong!"

Jieyin's bitter face gradually became more and more bitter: "Hey, junior brother, let them pay for the crimes that their brothers have committed! The heavenly decree of Xiqi's great prosperity, this wicked person dares to speak wildly, wants to slaughter all of Xiqi. Let their brothers repay forever, and they will not be able to get off the list of gods after a few calamities...!"

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