Republic of China 1927

Chapter 1 Mercenaries

() In the summer of 20xx, in the capital of country f, a small country in Central Africa, the fierce fighting that lasted for many days gradually subsided. The rebel army that had occupied the place for half a year was finally defeated by the zheng fu army, and the remnants retreated to the desert area in the north. The zheng fu army was able to reverse the defeat within half a year and regain control of the capital. In addition to the strong support of the so-called "international community", the mercenaries with strange decorations and faces mixed in the zheng fu army contributed a lot.

Abu Han Palace is the official residence of the president of Country F. Together with the Capitol Building next door and Du Li Square on the front, they together constitute the political center of the country. It is no exaggeration to say that whoever controls this place also controls the capital and even dominates the country. nation. It took the Zheng Fu army three full days of work to clear the rebels here, and plant the flag of the Republic over the Abu Han Palace.

At this time, du li square is already a sea of ​​boiling water. Consciously or unconsciously, voluntary or involuntary people gather on the square to celebrate this hard-won victory, and at the same time look forward to the coming of peace, and live a peaceful life from now on. Life.

"The president comes out, the president comes out!" Someone yelled, and cheers continued on the square.A long convoy carrying the leaders of the government and military of country F slowly drove out of the Abu Han Palace, and finally stopped on the terrace in the center of Duli Square, where President Boazzi was going to deliver a victory speech to the people of the whole country .

"Long live xx"

"Long live xx"

"Long live Boazi"


When President Boazzi stepped off the bulletproof car in military uniform and guarded by guards, the people held up the portrait of President Boazzi and shouted and shouted, driven by someone with a heart, expecting this military and political strongman to return to the capital. It can change some of the less "friendly" policies of the past.

Boazi, who came from a military family and has been in power for many years, is tall, mighty and full of style. He really exudes the temperament of a leader. He smiled and waved to the people while striding up the high platform, which aroused even more enthusiastic cheers.

"Your Excellency, everything is ready!" Just as Boazi was about to approach the microphone, a staff member behind him whispered.

"Then start!" Boaqi said lightly, with a trace of imperceptible worry on the corner of his mouth.The recovery of the capital not only means that he has regained control of the highest power in the country, but also means that the huge deal he promised before has come to be fulfilled. That is not a small number!This time is indeed a good opportunity to make a move. Who would have thought that Bo Azi would kill the donkey so quickly?It's just that the other party is not a donkey but a bunch of out-and-out tigers!

"Great xx people, I, Bo Azi, are back..." Bo Azi took a deep breath and started his speech.

At this time, the mercenary temporary barracks in the suburbs was in another scene. Although the business has been completed this time, we are waiting for Boazi to fulfill his promise, but the 33-year-old Z nationality commander Du Xin is frowning Pacing up and down the tent.As a professional soldier in Country Z, he has joined Blackstone, the largest mercenary company in the world, for more than three years. In the past three years, he has grown from an ordinary mercenary officer to a capable military officer with his tenacious will and mature military skills. A senior commander who commands a combat operation, participates in more than a dozen local wars, instigates many military coups, and becomes a capable person who is extremely relied on by the company's top management.

"Battalion Commander, urgent call from the headquarters!" The door of the tent was opened, and a young officer with the same yellow skin and black eyes rushed in. He called Hua Zai, who was Du Xin's subordinate when he was the commander of the reconnaissance battalion in Country Z. Just retired last year to join Blackstone.

"Send the order and get ready for battle immediately!" Du Xin ordered after hastily scanning the telegram. It was better than he expected, at least the mercenaries from another company planned to be neutral.

"Bo Aqi, this time I want to teach you how to behave!" Du Xin said bitterly while fastening the button below his neck.Boazzi's so-called Zheng fu army really didn't pay attention to him, it was just a mob. It is estimated that a mixed group of country Z would be enough to sweep this small country in Central Africa.

Originally, after this operation, he planned to quit the Blackstone Company and return to the Army of Country Z, but he didn't expect that this dirty dupai would make troubles.The big boss behind the crown prince who forced him to leave the army of country z had fallen in the earth-shattering power struggle at the end of last year. There was no obstacle for him to return to the country, and the military also offered him generous conditions.

In fact, he expressed his opposition to this action from the very beginning, not based on axioms or justice, but because of his suspicion of Boazi, who has always turned his back on his promises.However, the company's top executives were confused by Boazzi's special envoy's rhetoric and the conditions that were hard to refuse, so after much hesitation, they decided to send out a special mixed battalion and an air formation to support Boazzi's Zhengfu army to counterattack the capital.

[-] million US dollars plus the five-year mining right of the largest diamond mining area in central f country is indeed a number that all mercenary companies cannot refuse.One hundred million U.S. dollars is okay, but Boaqi, the diamond mine in central China, would not be willing to let it go easily. That is the capital he relied on to start a business.

"Hua Zai, why are you back again?" Du Xin asked in surprise when Hua Zai came in with small steps just three to four minutes later.

"Colonel Randy sent someone over to discuss cooperation." Hua Tsai said in a low voice, "Would you like to meet?"

Randy is the commander of another mercenary group stationed in the capital of country f. This mercenary comes from Panshi Company, Blackstone's largest competitor in the world.The two rank the top two in the global mercenary company strength list. They have confronted and cooperated in multiple battlefields. The overall relationship is not bad. After all, the high-level and key officers of the two companies have contacts with each other.

"Let him in!" Du Xin hesitated for a moment and said, if he could persuade the Panshi mercenary group to act together, he would be more confident. After all, Bo Aqi had [-] troops under his command, so even [-] pigs would have to be caught for a long time.

"Dear Chief Du, I am here to discuss the cooperation between the two parties under the order of Colonel Randy." A tall and thin black officer walked into the tent led by Hua Tsai.

"To make a long story short, what suggestions do you, Colonel Randy, have?" Du Xin said bluntly, cooperation is cooperation but must be finalized immediately.

"This is Colonel Randy's letter. Please read it. The colonel said that your department will definitely be willing to cooperate." The black officer quickly handed over a brown paper bag and said with a smile.

"Open it yourself, just read it to me." Du Xin waved his hand and ordered, the heart of harming others must not be there, and the heart of defense against others is indispensable.

"Okay!" The black officer's face sank and hesitantly opened the cowhide envelope.

"Battalion Commander, be careful!" Hua Tsai on the side suddenly realized something was wrong and rushed forward, but it was too late.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the entire tent was blown up to the sky.

The next day, the headlines of almost all major news agencies were that there was another large-scale battle in the capital of country f, but the two sides of the battle became the mercenaries of the Zheng fu army and the Blackstone Company. Forced to break out to the southwest mountain forest.It is rumored that mercenaries from Panshi Company played a very disgraceful role in this conflict.For this reason, the two major mercenary companies fought a war of words, and have since become tit-for-tat enemies.

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