Republic of China 1927

Chapter 2 1927 at Sea

() The sea storm that had been raging for several days gradually calmed down, and the long-lost sunset also appeared on the distant sea horizon. The cruise ship "Hettich" sailed calmly on the vast Pacific Ocean from San Francisco to China and passed through Japan. In about one day, we will arrive at the first stop in China, the beautiful northern port city of Qingdao.

Not long after the storm stopped, Du Xin, to be more precise, should be called Du Yan, walked onto the deck alone, holding on to the railing, looking at the distant sea horizon.It was already winter now, and the sea breeze was blowing on his body, and there were still bursts of chills mixed in, but Du Yan didn't care about it. The cool sea breeze could make his mind clearer.

It has been nearly a month since I traveled to this time and space, and I have gradually adapted to the life of this era. If it weren't for the memories of that distant future, Du Yan would doubt whether it was a dream of sadness or joy. Even though with the cruise ship "Hettich" moving forward, my heart is getting closer to the motherland that I dream of, but Du Yan is a little uneasy at this moment, maybe it is more timid to be closer to the nostalgia!He was a bit too timid to ask anyone who came.Perhaps even more terrible is the feeling of powerlessness in the face of this turbulent and turbulent era!

A month ago, he was fighting for money as a mercenary general in the scorching summer of Central Africa; but now he is in the cold and windy Pacific Ocean, sailing towards a vast and misty future.

"Boom, boom..." The sound of the big bell on the cruise ship interrupted Du Yan's thoughts, and he looked down at the gold watch in his hand, where the pointer landed on 5.

"1927" Du Yan raised his head and continued to look into the distance, but he was silently thinking about the number that had been bothering him all the time. Seven hours later, the calendar would turn over the year of 1926, which was full of passion and high spirits. The most complicated and turbulent year in China since entering the Republic of China—1927, the 16th year of the Republic of China.This year, the Beiyang warlords who have ruled China for 15 years are coming to an end, and they are staged their final madness; There are also many contradictions among the major factions; the imperialist powers are also doing their best to gather tens of thousands of troops in Gyeonggi, Shanghai, and Jiaoji to prevent the situation from getting out of control. At the same time, they are also trying to divide and disintegrate the revolutionary forces. agent in order to continue to maintain its joint control of China.

"Damn 1927!" Despite this embarrassing year, Du Yan is quite satisfied with his new identity, not to mention his good family background, a bachelor's degree from a prestigious school in Shanghai, and an honor student at the Virginia Military Academy. With a handsome appearance, he will definitely be a rich and handsome man in future generations!

"The South is different or the Beiyang; the army or the business; kmt or cp!" The first two are not too difficult to choose, as for the third, Du Yan's head hurts just thinking about it, maybe he can't choose either.As for CP, he, a descendant of a big landlord and a big capitalist, joined in, not to mention avoiding years of fighting in the civil war, the so-called campaigns alone were enough to make him irreversible.And KMP seems to be all-encompassing like a big dye vat, but in fact, the major factions inside are also heavily fortified: Principal Jiang pays attention to "Huangluzheyi"; ; Feng Christophe's faction is "Five Tiger Generals" and "Thirteen Taibao". He was born in the non-preparation army and the [-]th mixed brigade. The Guangxi faction is the youngest, and the seniority of the generals is relatively low. They just want to gain a foothold in the new Guangxi faction. The "Li Huangbai" troika must rely on at least one of them; The lack of military support is not worth mentioning at all!

"Let's go home and rest for a while before we talk about it!" Du Yan finally made up his mind, who knows if his time travel will stir the wheel of history?In the past few years when he was not in the country, the old man's property has grown stronger and stronger. Although he is still far from the dream of "saving the country by industry", he has also earned a lot of property.

"Jerry! Jerry!" A nasty voice disrupted Du Yan's thoughts again. An elegant-looking American young man in a dress walked towards Du Yan and said with a high air: "New Year's Day The ball is about to begin, and all the gentlemen and pretty ladies and wives on board will be there! Why don't you go back and get ready!"

"James, it's another boring dance party! Can you change the game? I'm not interested in those so-called ladies at all." Du Yan looked at the dancing James and said angrily, "You should think about how to get along with you." Say it at home!"

James' full name is James Mellon. He is the grandson of Thomas Mellon, the founder of the American Mellon Foundation, and the nephew of the current owner, Andrew Mellon, the U.S. Treasury Secretary. He is also one of the few American friends Du Yan met in the United States, but Although this friend came from a rich and wealthy family, he inherited the stingy family gene of the Mellon family. He never paid the bill when he went out to be happy. He took advantage of Du Yan, a "rich second generation" from a third-world, semi-colonial country. The same is true at sea.Even so, Du Yan still likes to associate with this stingy American, because he is full of the atmosphere of an American businessman in this era, and whenever he mentions business, he is as excited as a chicken blood!This time, following Du Yan to distant China without telling his family, it was not just a simple matter of wanting to continue to take advantage of Du Yan.

"Jerry! How come you don't know how to enjoy life, those ladies are so charming, those ladies are so delicate! On the bed..." James began to be intoxicated, reminiscing about the erosive life of the past few days.

"James! I want to be alone, you go!" Du Yan said impatiently, "Don't worry! I will pay for you!"

"Ok, ok!" James shrugged and turned around happily, not forgetting to repeat the already rotten lines ": Jack, you are so kind, I will definitely return your money, I will, I ensure……"

Expecting you to pay back?Unless sows can climb trees!Du Yan smiled wryly, but the golden sign of "Meilon" may bring immeasurable benefits in the future.As for James' stinginess, it is more in line with Du Yan's appetite. This is a typical businessman!After returning to China, whether it is to start a business or join the officialdom, foreign aid is still very important. As an emerging consortium in the United States, the Mellon Consortium has grown in power in the American business circle in recent years, and it has long been dissatisfied with the domestic market of the United States.As the largest commercial port in the Far East, Shanghai has naturally become one of the focuses of its expansion.

"Guanghua, why did you run to the deck alone again?" Not long after, a tall, thin, fair-faced young man wearing glasses walked over quickly and said complainingly: "I'm sorry for hurting you!" try to find!"

"Is there something urgent?" Du Yan ignored the person who came, and just said lightly.

"What's the matter, you look restless these days!" The visitor helped the frame of the mirror and said with a joke, "Aren't you ashamed to see Iraqi!"

"What about Yiren and Birdman!" Du Yan pretended to be puzzled and said.

"What are you pretending to do with me? Didn't Uncle Du arrange a marriage for you before you went abroad!" The visitor said with a playful smile, "It's time to get married this time, let's see how you explain to Dani on the other side of the ocean!"

"Well, you Jiang Boyue, you are full of shit, and you want to plant on me!" After being teased by Jiang Boyue, Du Yan's mood improved a lot, and he turned around and said, "If you want to tell the truth, why are you looking for me?" !"

This Jiang Boyue, whose real name is Jiang Wei and whose nickname is Boyue, is a doctor of economics from Columbia University.His father, Jiang Yisheng, was the same year when Du Yan's father was elected, and he has been a good friend for many years. However, since the Republic of China, Mr. Du has never held any important positions in the political arena, and he has developed his business at home with peace of mind. The warlords successively held important positions.

"Three missing one!" Jiang Boyue blinked and said with three fingers.

"You still want to play cards?" Du Yan shook his head angrily and said, "You, a Ph.D. in economics, lost to me except for your underwear!"

"I owe it first, I owe it first!" Jiang Boyue said with a smile: "At worst, let my old man pay it back!"

"Don't go!" Du Yan pretended to be serious and gestured with both hands: "If our old man knows that I am gambling on the boat, he must chop off my hand!"

"It's not that exaggerated!" Jiang Boyue scolded with wide eyes and laughed, "Let's talk about the joy of gambling!"

"I'm fine. At worst, I'll be able to get to Qingdao Port tomorrow after I get some sleep." Seeing Du Yan's indifferent expression, Jiang Wei said slowly, "Old Five is impatient and can't be idle, I'm afraid What will happen to him later?"

The fifth child is a friend Du Yan met when he was traveling in San Francisco. His real name is Li Yunshan, and he used to be a martial artist in a Chinese association in Chinatown.As for his exact details, Du Yan did not ask in detail.All I know is that Li Yunshan is from Cangzhou, Hebei. He is the fifth in his family. He comes from a martial arts family. He taught martial arts, and later clashed with the Yankees who came to make trouble, wounded him, and was dismissed by the martial arts hall. Later, he worked hard on the pier, clashed with the Sicilian gangsters who controlled the pier, and was arrested by the police.Just happened to be released on bail by Du Yan, who was passing by here, and decided to go back to China with Du Yan to develop.

"Okay, let's play a few more rounds with you." Du Yan thought for a while and said, "If you lose again, you have to stay at my house for a while."

"Definitely, definitely!" Jiang Wei agreed with all his heart, and let's play first. Anyway, Du Guanghua can't tie himself to Daguan Town when he regrets it.

That night, Du Yan won another big victory in the card seat, but it took a long time until he fell asleep.

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