Tuxian Road

Chapter 844

With the passage of time, Tu Xueshan sadly found that her spiritual consciousness and true essence seemed to be depleted faster than her opponents. Although the depletion of true essence can be replenished through countless crystal jades, the depletion of spiritual consciousness can only be achieved through resting and nourishing pills. to supplement.

"I don't believe this kid also has a God-replenishing Pill!" Tu Xueshan, who had a God-replenishing Pill, muttered to herself, and continued to launch such large-scale attacks.

Another half an hour passed, and Tu Xueshan, who had almost exhausted her consciousness, finally shook the storage bracelet helplessly, and a elixir flew out.Tu Xueshan raised her jade hand and grabbed the Bu Shen Pill in her hand.

After hesitating for a moment, Tu Xueshan swallowed the sixth-grade elixir.In an instant, all of Tu Xueshan's lost spiritual consciousness recovered, and her state reached its peak state.Although Feng Fan's spiritual consciousness was also greatly depleted at this time, it was much better than the moment before Tu Xueshan swallowed the God-replenishing Pill, so seeing his opponent swallowing the God-replenishing Pill, Feng Fan did not follow suit.

After another incense stick of time passed, Tu Xueshan swept Feng Fan with her spiritual sense, and found that the opponent's spiritual sense was still relatively abundant, so she pointed her jade finger at the flying knife, and she took the flying knife back.

With a flick of Tu Xueshan's wrist, a talisman flew out from the storage bracelet in her wrist.Tu Xueshan grabbed the talisman in her hand and crushed the talisman.The moment after the talisman disappeared, there were waves of fluctuations around it, and a monk with a stiff face appeared in front of Tu Xueshan.

"Sixth-class low-level peak-level Yinmei soul corpse talisman made of Yinmei jade corpse!" Sweeping with his spiritual sense, Feng Fan secretly let out a low voice, and his face became serious.

Because this competition has restrictions on the levels of beast souls, ghosts, etc., but there is no restriction on the number, only the number of soul cards and demon soul cards is regulated, so Tu Xueshan's actions are within the corresponding level regulations. The Yin Mei Soul Corpse Talisman is not a violation of the rules of the competition.

The Yin Meiyu Corpse turned over with one hand, and a blood-colored ball of light suddenly emerged.The yin and charm jade corpse made a formula with both hands, and at the same time, a low-pitched incantation came out of its mouth, and the red light ball gradually rose and continued to surge.Until a red thing as big as a millstone was formed, the sleeves on both sides of the ghostly jade corpse waved, and the red light group turned into blood blades all over the sky in the void. Between the flashes of blood light, densely packed crescent-shaped blood blades shuttled back and forth. They swarmed towards Fengfan like electricity.

Feng Fan pushed outward with one hand, and released the black tortoise shell that had been taken out when the Yinmei Jade Corpse cast the spell.The black tortoise shell swelled against the wind, and the green light array on the surface instantly formed a huge light curtain.

Between the endless rolling of blood light, countless blood blades whizzed towards, covering Feng Fan completely.Thousands of bloody lights bounced and flickered out, submerging his figure within it.

The green light array formed by the black tortoise shell shook for a while, and after a stalemate with the blood blade for a breath, it turned into powder.The remaining blood blades frantically entangled towards the body of the black tortoise shell, and the blood radiated all the time, and the sky and the earth roared.

"Another special ancient treasure! Don't think that you can escape the fate of defeat by relying on a few special ancient treasures!" Tu Xueshan in the distance glared fiercely at Feng Fan, who was more than ten feet away, and raised her willow eyebrows. .

"Stop being so noisy, just use whatever you can!" Feng Fan said blankly.

"Looking for death!" Tu Xueshan cursed sharply, then with a thought, the Yin Meiyu Corpse flicked with one hand, and a blood glow flew out.Tu Xueshan bit the tip of her tongue and spewed a mouthful of blood towards the blood glow from the charming jade corpse, and countless spiritual powers gathered away, and the blood glow turned into a blood sword in the void.Under the single hand of Yin Meiyu Corpse, the blood sword carried a crazy killing intent, and slashed towards Feng Fan suddenly like a meteor chasing the moon.

"Small tricks!" Feng Fan snorted coldly, opened his mouth sharply, several balls of energy spewed out one after another, and the mysterious tortoise shell suddenly swelled.Feng Fan pointed at the black tortoise shell, and the ancient treasure rolled towards the blood sword like a green wave.

There was a loud "Zheng", and when the blood sword and the black tortoise shell met, there was an ear-piercing sound.A violent and destructive aura surged out, and all directions moved immediately, the wind howled, the blood was soaring, the green brilliance was dazzling, and the black tortoise shell was rippling non-stop.

After several breaths of intense entanglement, the blood sword finally became invisible.The black tortoise shell is still in place, although the aura on it is much dimmer, it is not damaged at all.

The Yin Meiyu Corpse raised one hand, and a white ball of light rose into the air.Under the point of the Yinmeiyu Corpse's single finger, the white light cluster exuded an icy aura, and then flew towards Feng Fan.In the void, the white light group turned into countless ice cones, and the cold air inside became more intense, falling towards Fengfan like stars falling from the sky.

Feng Fan's heart moved, and a talisman flew out from the storage ring.With Feng Fan's single finger, the talisman became invisible, and a blue light mask appeared around his body instantly.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi..." After countless ice picks pierced the mask one after another, there were bursts of muffled soft sounds.After a few breaths, the blue mask collapsed.Part of the few remaining ice picks hit the true essence shield around Fengfan's body, causing the light shield to vibrate.The other part hit the playing field, forming countless small potholes, causing the playing field to be devastated.

Feng Fan raised one hand, and a talisman flew out.The talisman became invisible in the void, and a huge ball of fire appeared in front of him.With Feng Fan's one-handed touch, the fireball flew towards the Yinmei Jade Corpse.

Yin Meiyu's hands formed seals, and a cyan light curtain immediately condensed in front of him.The fireball exploded when it hit the light curtain, and countless bright sparks shot out in all directions.Although at the end, the sparks and the light curtain turned into bits of light and dissipated in the sky almost at the same time, the Yin Meiyu Corpse's body shook violently, as if it had been greatly affected.

Feng Fan's body swayed and brought out an afterimage, which suddenly disappeared from the spot.The next moment, Feng Fan appeared behind the ghostly jade corpse like a ghost suddenly bursting out from the darkness.

Feng Fan flashed his finger at the Mie Tianzhu that was teleporting after him, and a dark white flying sword appeared in an instant.Feng Fan quickly pointed towards Feijian, and the true energy in his body rushed into it like a flood breaking a bank. Feijian made a buzzing sound and suddenly surged.The flying sword and sword light danced, and the cold air was overwhelming.With one wave of Feng Fan's hand, the flying sword slashed at the ghostly jade corpse from the air.

Under the control of Tu Xueshan's mind, the Yin Meiyu Corpse turned around sharply, raised its hand towards the flying sword in the air, and a flying sword rushed out like lightning, and a cold sword energy rose into the sky.

With a "boom", the two flying swords collided fiercely, and then collapsed.A huge force shot out, but the ghostly jade corpse shot backwards in an instant, and then disappeared in an instant because of the depletion of true energy in it.

"Don't think that relying on teleportation and special ancient treasures can defeat me!" Tu Xueshan curled her lips and scolded softly, and with a flick of her wrist, a talisman flew out.Tu Xueshan scratched the talisman into pieces, and her body disappeared without a trace.

"Heaven-level high-level invisibility talisman!" Feng Fan's thoughts turned sharply, and he pointed at the Mie Dzi Orb and the Black Tortoise Shell in the void, and the Black Tortoise Shell flew back instantly.But the Mie Dzi Bead was full of light, forming a closed silver mask.Feng Fan then desperately poured his true essence into the mask, and the mask instantly became extremely solid.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi..." When Feng Fan had just finished all this, the silver light mask trembled violently, as if he had encountered a powerful attack.Endless terrifying coercion surged towards Feng Fan through the mask, making Feng Fan feel slightly suffocated.

Suddenly, the silver mask broke apart, and the aura of an initial-level monk in the mid-consummation period enveloped Feng Fan. With a sound of "Pu Chi", first Feng Fan's true essence shield was defeated by invisible objects, and then a layer of purple light mask appeared on Feng Fan's body surface, which was the defense produced by the inner armor on Feng Fan's body surface when he was attacked.It's just that the purple mask persisted for a very short time before being defeated by the invisible thing.

With a sound of "Zheng", the invisible weapon hit Feng Fan's body, making a crisp sound.Feng Fan, who has already cultivated the Body Forging Jue Pian to the fifth floor, will not be injured if he encounters a certain number of attacks from monks of the same level driven by magic weapons. Qi and blood rolled, but there was no obvious damage.

Feng Fan flicked the teleportation bead, and following the teleportation technique, his body retreated a few feet.A few feet away, Tu Xueshan's figure slowly emerged like a ghost. "How was the blow just now?" Tu Xueshan laughed mockingly.

"It's not that good!" Feng Fan replied with a high spirit, quickly adjusted his breath, and adjusted his meridians that were shaken.Not only that, Feng Fan quickly took out a large amount of super-grade crystal jade, and quickly absorbed the true energy from it, so as to supplement the loss of true energy in this fierce battle.

Tu Xueshan looked at Feng Fan opposite, with a trace of astonishment on her face.Just now, Tu Xueshan cast a secret technique in the invisible state, and played a blow equivalent to the initial level of monks in the middle of the consummation stage. She thought that after defeating the opponent's defense, she could seriously injure or even kill the opponent.At this moment, Tu Xueshan swept away her opponent with her spiritual sense, only to find that Feng Fan was not injured at all, and her face turned gloomy.

Feng Fan put all the crystal jade that had been drained and scrapped into the storage ring on his finger, and with a wave of his hand, a talisman suddenly appeared in his hand.Feng Fan crushed the talisman in his hand, and countless ice cones suddenly appeared in the air.

"Go!" Feng Fan groaned rapidly, and the ice pick rushed out with the momentum of swallowing the world, and swarmed towards Tu Xueshan like tearing apart the void.

Tu Xueshan's complexion changed slightly and she waved her jade hand, a talisman flew out, and a lavender light curtain instantly formed in front of her. "Chi Chi Chi Chi..." The ice cone formed from the mid-level sky-level mysterious ice spike talisman pierced hard on the light curtain formed from the talisman, causing the light curtain to shake intermittently.

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