Tuxian Road

Chapter 845 Soul Realm

With a "thud", after countless times of entanglement, the light curtain formed by the low-level talisman of the sky first exhausted its inner essence and collapsed. All the shields are dissolved.

Next, in order to save his true energy and spiritual consciousness, Feng Fan continued to use various heaven-level talismans to attack Tu Xueshan fiercely, thus consuming Tu Xueshan's talisman, spiritual consciousness and true energy.

"This Cheng Haoxuan actually has so many talismans?"

"And most of them are heaven-level talismans, and there are dozens of them!"

"There are also a lot of earth-level talismans."

"It seems that the outcome of this competition is unpredictable."

"The two are evenly matched. Except for special means, if one of them exhausts his consciousness first, that person will be the first to be defeated by the opponent."

"Originally, Cheng Haoxuan's spiritual consciousness was depleted. Tu Xueshan returned to her peak state after swallowing a God-replenishing pill, but Cheng Haoxuan used countless talismans. After Tu Xueshan's talismans were exhausted, the attacks formed by the remaining talismans also cost Tu Xueshan a lot Therefore, the situation that Cheng Haoxuan should have exhausted his consciousness first seems to have changed, and the result is hard to predict."

"A monk at the peak level in the middle stage of Dacheng can fight to such an extent with a monk at the peak level at the early stage of consummation. Even if he loses in the end, this person will definitely become famous!". . . . . .When Feng Fan used countless talismans, including heaven-level and earth-level talismans, to attack Tu Xueshan, the monks surrounding the arena burst into discussions.

Whenever Tu Xueshan used talismans to attack Feng Fan, Feng Fan would use all kinds of defensive talismans to defend.After Tu Xueshan ran out of attacking talismans, Feng Fan continued to take out a large number of various sky-level and earth-level attacking talismans.

After a stick of incense, Tu Xueshan's consciousness and true energy were greatly consumed.Although Tu Xueshan quickly absorbed and supplemented the depleted true energy from countless super-level crystal jades, because there was no panacea for quickly replenishing true energy, Tu Xueshan's spiritual consciousness consumption could no longer be quickly replenished.

Although Feng Fan's spiritual consciousness was also consumed just now, but because the talisman used instead of spells or magic weapons and other attacks, the consumption of spiritual consciousness was far less than that of Tu Xueshan.

At a certain moment, Tu Xueshan finally became cruel and shook the storage bracelet on her wrist, a black light flashed, and a black token appeared in her hand.Tu Xueshan pointed a single finger of her left hand at the black token in her right hand, and the black token suddenly exuded a boundless devilish energy.This devilish energy quickly enveloped the surroundings, and Tu Xueshan's body became faintly visible.

"Use my blood as a guide, use my spirit as a sacrifice, the soul of the devil's soul card, come out!" As Tu Xueshan chanted the spell loudly, the black token suddenly became black and bright.And Tu Xueshan scratched her index finger with her left thumbnail, and a drop of blood shot out, which was sucked in by the black sign.

Tu Xueshan's spirit left her body and slowly entered the black token.Suddenly a black awn shot out from the magic soul card, and this black awn quickly entered Tu Xueshan's mind, and Tu Xueshan actually exuded a powerful aura equivalent to that of a monk in the transcending tribulation period.

"Demon Soul Card!"

"In order to be able to defeat the opponent, Tu Xueshan actually opened a magic soul card, and raised her cultivation level to a monk in the tribulation stage!"

"Hehe, if Cheng Haoxuan can block Tu Xueshan's several attacks, he will surely win this competition in the end."

"I'm afraid Cheng Haoxuan will be doomed this time due to the several attacks by monks during the period of crossing the catastrophe." . . . . .When Tu Xueshan exuded that powerful coercion, the surrounding monks all discussed with slightly changed expressions.

"Do you think you can defeat me with countless talismans? Today, I was damaged, and I will also defeat you, preventing you from entering the next round!" Tu Xueshan uttered an unfamiliar voice, which was completely inconsistent with the previous beautiful voice.Because of being temporarily possessed by the demon soul, not only Tu Xueshan's cultivation base, but also her voice has become different from before.

Tu Xueshan touched her hand, and a silver light group suddenly appeared in the void in front of her.Seeing that Tu Xueshan, who had temporarily raised her cultivation base to the level of transcending tribulation, was about to launch a shocking attack, Feng Fan raised one hand solemnly, and a talisman rose rapidly.

As the talisman became invisible, a turtle shell suddenly appeared on top of Feng Fan's head.As the tortoise's shell rose, the tortoise's shell continued to skyrocket, and finally turned into a behemoth several feet square in a very short period of time.

At the same time, the tortoise shell emitted ten thousand green lights, forming a green light array.Countless runes circulated on it, covering Feng Fan completely, forming a closed defensive shield.

Tu Xueshan pressed towards the silver light ball in the air, and the light ball turned into a huge electric light, galloping towards Feng Fan.Ripples rippled in the void where the electric light went, forming waves of ripples.In a very short period of time, it poured down like a raging wave, the sound of thunderbolt rumbled continuously, and the electric glow exuded a monstrous power.

With a "thud", the moment the huge electric light slammed into the green light array, there was a muffled sound, and then countless silver electric lights spread rapidly, quickly spreading to the entire light array.Seeing countless silver electric lights mottled and jumping on the cyan mask, Feng Fan desperately poured real energy into the mask, causing the mask to solidify suddenly.

The huge electric glow suddenly shrunk by half, tearing apart the green light array formed by the turtle shell.There was another muffled sound, and the turtle shell trembled. After the silver electric light tore the green light array, it spread all over the entire black turtle shield, forming countless silver light balls and tiny vortexes. With a "boom", the turtle shell transformed from the heaven-level high-level black turtle shield talisman burst suddenly under the berserk blow.

The few remaining silver light spheres exuded murderous intent, rushed towards the Zhenyuan shield around Fengfan's body, and hit the blue light shield in a blink of an eye, piercing several holes through it.The silver ball of light exploded suddenly, emitting dazzling brilliance, which all disappeared under the obstruction of the purple light shield that quickly gushed out around Feng Fan's body.

"Inner armor refined from the skin of sea beasts in the seventh-class transcending catastrophe period!" Seeing that his shocking blow was blocked by the opponent's defense made of a high-level heaven-level talisman and the shield of true essence, it was blocked by a layer of purple mask , Tu Xueshan was secretly shocked.

"Go to hell!" Tu Xueshan screamed in shock and anger, gnashing her teeth, her hands kept making tactic, and countless turbulent fluctuations quickly surged up around her.Numerous runes appeared out of thin air, and flew rapidly according to a certain trajectory, forming a strange pattern in a very short period of time.Tu Xueshan pointed at the pattern, and at the same time murmured an incomprehensible incantation.

Feng Fan subconsciously opened several heavenly defensive talismans, forming several layers of light shields around his body. "Stupid!" It's just that the cold words from Tu Xueshan lingered in Fengfan's ears after all this, and there was a loud "boom" in Fengfan's mind, and then he seemed to lose his mind.

In the middle of nowhere, Feng Fan seems to have come to a very strange place, there is no sun or sky around, just a faint aurora.Looking around, everything is so lonely, so vast.There was an extremely cold atmosphere around, and the earth seemed to be completely dead, without any vitality.

In a trance, Feng Fan's mind was running, preparing to fly away from the sky, but it didn't work at all. "What kind of place is this?" Feng Fan looked around and roared like a beast.It's just that there is no response from the surroundings except for the distant echo.

Feng Fan took a step, but it was extremely heavy, as if he was just recovering from a serious illness. "This is..." Suddenly stroking the beard on his chin and the wrinkles on his face, Feng Fan showed a trace of confusion on his face, and with a flip of his hand, a bronze mirror suddenly emerged.

Staring at the image reflected in the bronze mirror, Feng Fan was extremely horrified.An old man can be vaguely seen in the bronze mirror. Although this old man looks somewhat similar to Feng Fan's appearance, he is dying.The wrinkles on his face reveal endless vicissitudes, and the gray beard on his chin reveals endless weakness! "My cultivation level! My age!" Seeing the appearance in the bronze mirror and feeling the aura of a mid-stage peak monk emanating from his body, Feng Fan roared unwillingly.

After hesitating for a moment, Feng Fan walked forward with difficulty in the direction of the aurora.The years seem to be passing by quickly, but Feng Fan can't find the source of the aurora.The surroundings are getting colder and darker, and everything seems to be dying. There is only a lonely and old figure struggling forward in this unknown place.

"Could it be that I, Fengfan, who cultivated for 230 years, will perish in this place? I'm not reconciled..." Feeling the gradually decaying aura in his body, Fengfan felt a strong desire to survive desire.

"Aurora, the source of that aurora must be the place of birth...I must not fall down...I have experienced all kinds of disasters, and I will not die in this unknown place..." Feng Fan silently recited it over and over again.

In the distant holy world, the Holy Spirit Palace exudes a soft brilliance, surrounded by cranes, filled with aura, exuding an extremely peaceful atmosphere.Suddenly, a huge gray ball of light galloped towards it. In the void, the gray light ball emitted countless gray lights, and everything around it seemed to decay rapidly under the light of this gray light.

Immediately, a terrifying power filled the air, as if trembling.When the gray light ball approached the Holy Spirit Palace, the surrounding cranes fled in fright, as if they had seen something extremely terrifying.

The gray ball of light flew into the Holy Spirit Palace and hovered in the center of the Holy Spirit Palace.On a futon in the innermost part of the Holy Spirit Palace, Daoist Sheng Yuan sat cross-legged, with a calm expression on his face, as if nothing would disturb this powerful man.

But around the Holy Spirit Palace, there are still thousands of rays of light and thousands of auspicious colors, as if they don't care about the visit of this gray light ball.In the center of the gray light sphere stood an old man in gray clothes. The appearance of this old man was exactly the same as that of Daoist Sheng Yuan, but there was a fierce look in his eyes.

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