Chapter 25

The second generation of Hokage walked out of Qiu's tent and thought to himself: "I am Hokage! I am not a banknote printr. You really think I can spend so much money! Back then your grandfather was helping my elder brother pay off debts all day long, now you are helping Tsuna It's not a big deal to pay off the debt, hum! If you dare to threaten me with this matter, I will give you eye drops for future missions!"

Thinking of various ways to get revenge on Qiu, he soon came to the main meeting room of the Konoha Ninja camp. Entering the hall, the second generation of Hokage walked up to the main seat and sat down, looking at the Konoha Ninja. Ye Shangren said: "Bring them closer!"

After speaking, Anbu outside the tent led several Sand Shinobi into the meeting room. Second Hokage looked at Sand Shinobi who came in and said, "Is this the Sand Shinobi who negotiated peace?"

I saw a young Sharen replied neither humble nor overbearing, "In Xiasharen Village Kamiren Kai Laozang, as the vanguard of our Sharenin came to visit the second generation Hokage-sama, we are not the ones who are in charge of peace negotiations. The purpose of coming here first is to Besides visiting Hokage-sama, I just want to meet our Kazekage-sama."

Second Hokage stood up and walked in front of Ebizo and said, "You can go and see Kazekage, I look forward to the arrival of your peace negotiator!" After speaking, he walked out of the conference room.

Konoha Ninja also turned around and walked out of the conference room with a sneer. Sha Ninja next to Ebizo looked at the Konoha ninjas who left and said to Ebizo with resentment: "My lord, these Konoha ninjas are too arrogant. The second Hokage , and never looked directly at us people from the beginning to the end, they are too deceitful!"

Hai Laozang said with a smile: "I heard that the second generation of Hokage, Qianshoujianjian, is a hero in the world. He is upright and bold and hates evil. It is much easier to communicate with such a person than someone who is behind our back. Besides, we are not People who are qualified to be received by his old man, go, go and see Master Fengying!"

After speaking, he led Sha Ninja out of the meeting room, and led by Konoha Anbe Ninja towards the place where Kazekage was held.

==================================<, Mitomon Yan and the three followed the second generation of Hokage to the Hokage lounge, and the second Dai Hokage said: "Why is the teacher so arrogant to Sand Ninja? The disciple is very puzzled!"

Mito Menyan said: "They are not envoys for peace talks, can't you see it!"

Second Hokage said at this time: "Don't you think that boy looks familiar! Monkey."

Sarutobi Rizai looked at the Second Hokage suspiciously, and the Second Hokage said with a smile: "That sand ninja named Ebizo is the frontal commander of that war, the commander who almost bored you to death! "

Sarutobi Rizhan immediately frowned and said: "Damn it, that guy, I'm going to find him to fight one-on-one!"

As he spoke, he rushed out.Mitomonyan looked at Sarutobi who rushed out of the house and said with a smile: "Although we have won this war, the war did not hurt Sand Nin to the point of breaking his bones, and there are even more six-year-olds at the border of the country of water." Thousands of sand ninjas are gathering, so it is also a good thing for the monkey to test the background of that commander now. At least we can know his personal strength, so that if the two countries fail to reach a peace agreement and conflict again, then we can also be on the next battlefield. Go ahead and carry out the beheading plan to kill that ninja named Ebizo."

The Second Hokage nodded and said: "This young man named Ebizo is a rare talent, but I don't know if he is the type with both civil and military skills. It doesn't matter if the monkey is gone. In case of a fight, I can also fight with him After confirming his strength here, kill him with your own hands before the war begins, so that the enemy will fall into chaos and have no one to command."

"Okay, you guys go to rest too, you've been tired enough this time." Said Second Hokage, he motioned for the two to step back.


"Ahahahaha! How is Raikage-sama thinking about it? I gave you nearly a week to think about it!" Second Mizukage's unique voice appeared outside the door of Second Raikage's room. Seeing that the second Mizukage entered Raikage's lounge without knocking on the door.

The second generation of Raikage looked at the second generation of Mizukage and said expressionlessly: "Your opinion is too extreme, I can't bear it now. Change the conditions!"

The Second Mizukage looked at the Second Raikage and said with a smile: "The more you look at your face, the more you look like a leader. Do people without eyebrows have a leader's face! By the way! After all, I don't have eyebrows either. "

The second Raikage looked at the second Mizukage suspiciously, and the second Mizukage continued with a smile: "Isn't it, Raikage-sama, don't you remember? The number of ninjas gathered between our two countries has already reached nearly 4000 Damn, your Land of Thunder has [-] Ninja Army, and as your ally, I also led [-] Wunin to assist you in the battle, remember clearly, it is assistance!"

Looking at the giggling second-generation Mizukage, Leikage finally gritted his teeth and said in his heart: "The coastal islands belong to the land of water, but if I want Tsuchikage, I must die. Can you kill Tsuchikage?"

"That bandage bastard should have died on my hands!"

"Okay! I promise you again, if you can kill Tuying, then I will cede all the coastal islands to your country of water!"

"It's a deal!" Seeing that Lei Ying was not there, Mizukage said seriously

Rai Ying nodded.

Seeing this, Mizukage turned around and walked out of the house, saying as he walked, "Wait for my good news! I will personally participate in the battle."


After waiting for nearly two months in the Land of Rain, the negotiating envoys of Sand Ninja Village arrived at Konoha Ninja's residence. The two sides started negotiations here, and the content of the negotiations between the two sides was a series of detailed details about the compensation of Sand Ninja Village. .

Konoha proposed several major details to Sand Shinobi.

1. 20.00% of the tasks in the Kingdom of the Wind must be handed over to Konoha Ninja.

2. The Kingdom of the Wind must pay the Kingdom of the Rain certain compensation for the damage caused in the Kingdom of the Rain during this nearly one year and seven months.

3. The Kingdom of the Wind must compensate Konoha Village and Iwanin Village for all losses in this war and redeem their own Kazekage and other Sand Ninja captive funds, a total of [-] million in compensation.

4. The Kingdom of Wind must submit to the Kingdom of Fire and pay tribute to the Kingdom of Fire year after year.

And Sand Ninja Village protested against Konoha's request extremely, thinking that the biggest loss in this war would be the Kingdom of Wind, and the two sides began to argue.


Fengying looked at Hai Laozang who came to visit him and asked, "How is the negotiation going?"

Ebizo looked at Kazekage and roughly explained the conditions proposed by Konoha to Kazekage. After listening to Kazekage, Kazekage sighed and said, "As expected of Senshou Lijianjian, he still likes to drive the enemy to death. The situation of resistance. What do the elders say?"

Ebizo said aloud: "The elders are not willing to let this go, because they think that Konoha Ninja's compensation is too much. The most serious thing is to deprive us of 20.00% of the ninja missions in the Kingdom of the Wind. I can't bear it, so I am actively mobilizing troops and determined to counterattack."

Kazekage laughed at himself and said: "You are wrong, Sand Ninja Village will no longer launch a war against Konoha, because those elders are no longer thinking about it, how can they keep their own interests? What you think. You think too highly of those elders in Sharen Village."

Hai Laozang asked suspiciously: "Do you think they will agree to these shameful terms?"

Fengying looked at the roof helplessly and said: "If my guess is correct, they are now looking for a scapegoat to sign these terms, and the most likely scapegoat is me!"

Ebino looked at Nidai Kazekage in silence, this silent silence lasted for 10 minutes, Nidai Kazekage spoke again: "Tell the elders my opinion, number one: Konoha must return Izuo. Second: We surrender to the Nation of Fire and pay tribute to the Nation of Fire every year, but all the land currently occupied by the Nation of the Wind will be included in the territory of the Nation of the Wind. Third: We will pay compensation to Konoha and Iwami at most [-] million, within this range, and pay war compensation to the Kingdom of Rain. Fourth: The Kingdom of Rain must open all the dams in its territory, so that we can fully use the water resources of the Kingdom of Rain in the Kingdom of the Wind. Just these four conditions, and they can talk about the rest casually!"

Hai Laozang looked at Feng Ying who had finished speaking, as if he had aged dozens of years in an instant, and got up helplessly and left.


The negotiating team of Sand Ninja Village had arguing with the Konoha ninjas for several days, and finally the second Hokage couldn't bear it.

On this day, when the elders of Sand Ninja Village and Konoha's negotiating ninjas were arguing fiercely in the meeting room about the content of the terms proposed by Konoha, the Second Hokage suddenly appeared in the meeting room, walked among the crowd and psychic out that After imprisoning the urn of Izuo Tsuru, he said to the ninjas of Sand Ninja Village: "I don't have the patience to argue with your Sand Ninja Village anymore. Ten percent of the ninja missions in the Kingdom of Wind will be compensated for 8000 million yuan in Yan Ninja Village. Leaf 2000 million, Rain Country 3000 million, I, Konoha, will return Izukuzuru, the water resources of the Rain Country, and you, the Wind Country, can use them for non-war purposes at will, and this is my Konoha's final bottom line."

An elder of Sand Ninja Village looked at the Second Hokage and said, "Master Hokage, this is against the rules..." Just as he was about to say something, the Second Hokage interrupted him and burst out with a strong murderous aura, killing all the ninjas present. I was taken aback, and looked at Zhong Sharen and said: "I didn't come to give you opinions and discussions. What I said was the last words of my Konoha. Don't negotiate with me. I'm not here today. Ask your opinion, but give you a choice, war or sign the terms!"

The ninjas in Sand Ninja Village looked at the murderous Second Hokage, and they were too scared to speak. At this time, two people walked in from outside the house, and one of them said to the Second Hokage: "We agreed. , I'll sign it." It was the Second Kazekage and Ebizo who came.

Ebizo walked into the meeting room with Kazekage who was still injured, looked at the Second Hokage and said again: "Now I am still the leader of Sand Ninja Village in the Land of Wind, and I have the right to make decisions. You Do you choose to let me sign now or when?"

The second Hokage looked at the second Kazekage indifferently and said: "You still have some guts, dare to appear in front of me at this time, and end these tedious things today. I don't want to waste time with you for such a trivial matter." !” After speaking, he asked someone to sort out the content of the terms and make a document, and asked Fengying to sign on it.

In this way, the year-long and seven-month-long chaos in the Kingdom of Rain came to an end.At least on the bright side, there will be no large-scale battles between ninjas from the three kingdoms of Sand, Rock, and Konoha in the Kingdom of Rain.

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