Chapter 26

Shuri, the Second Hokage was preparing to take all the ninjas to pack up and salute. When he left the station in the Land of Rain and returned to Konoha, an eagle croaked and flew to the side of the Second Hokage. The Second Hokage stretched out his arm and let the eagle Landing on his arm, he took off the letter tied to the eagle's leg and looked at it.After reading the message, the Second Hokage said to the Anbe ninja beside him, "Go and call the monkey." Then he walked into the room.


"What, the fire country daimyo is dead!" Sarutobi Rizai shouted in surprise.

The Second Hokage nodded and said: "The fire country daimyo died in his dormitory the day before yesterday, and was assassinated."

"My lord, how should we deal with this matter now?" Mito Menyan asked the Second Hokage.

The second generation of Hokage sat silently on the chair for a while and said: "Someone has rules, or it is more appropriate to say that there are rules. Our Konoha develops and prospers under the rules, and the country of fire is strong and stable under the rules. Now there are people If I want to break this rule, of course I will not agree. Although Konoha is under the banner of the Fire Nation Daimyo, it does not mean that we will not use our actions. Those big families in the Fire Nation are testing my current bottom line, and Let's see who I stand behind, but unfortunately they are all wrong."

After finishing speaking, he got up and looked at the three disciples and said again: "Monkey, you lead the team back to Konoha, I will meet those idiot-like big families of the Fire Nation, those who break the rules under my nose will be punished by me the most." Strong punishment." After speaking, Diameter walked out of the room.

Sarutobi Rizai looked at the two suspiciously and said, "Why is the teacher so angry? It's been a long time since I saw the real anger of the teacher. Isn't it just that the daimyo is dead? Does it have much to do with us?" <Contemptuous Looking at Sarutobi Rizai, he said: "The fire country daimyo is our boss, and he was killed in his own dormitory. Does this matter have nothing to do with us Konoha! Besides, it is Konoha who protects the fire country daimyo Anbu Ninja, this is equivalent to killing the daimyo in front of the teacher, isn't this slapping the teacher in the face! What else can you hold in your mind except peaches!" After finishing speaking, he left


The Second Hokage found Qiu and said, "You and I go to see the world, you and I!"

In this way, Qiu left the Konoha Ninja's residence in the Land of Rain with the second Hokage in a daze, and headed for the Land of Fire.

The two hurried for four days and quickly crossed the border between the Land of Rain and the Land of Fire, and stopped in a small town within the Land of Fire. The second Hokage looked at the tired Qiu and said, "Let's rest here for a day. , and continue on our way tomorrow.”

Qiu hurriedly replied to the Second Hokage: "Thank you, sir, it's my action that dragged you down."

The Second Hokage smiled and replied: "It's good to know, and grow up quickly! Then you might become the fourth towering tree of our Konoha, maybe!" After finishing speaking, he was puzzled Qiu walked into the town.

The two sat down in a restaurant, and after ordering, Qiuqiu asked suspiciously while waiting for the food to arrive: "What does your lord say about the big tree?"

Second Hokage looked at Qiu and laughed again and said, "I thought you didn't know how to ask, but I didn't expect you to ask! Then who do you think is the big tree in Konoha Village that can shelter everyone from wind and rain?"

Qiu Xi thought for a while and said: "The first Naruto-sama is the god of ninjas in the ninja world, and he is the one who created such a powerful ninja village as Konoha."

After Qiu Gang finished speaking, he saw the Second Hokage nodded, and continued: "My lord, you created Anbu, Ninja School, and normalized ninja training in Ninja Village, so that our Konoha can have a steady stream of talented ninjas and Konoha ninjas. They are also one with fresh blood. The rest... I... really don't know."

The second Hokage interface said: "Uchiha Madara, the legendary ninja of Konoha, maybe you don't know that the word Konoha was taken by your grandfather! This is the testimony of the friendship between your grandfather and my brother, I don't Deny to this day that I still have a grudge against your Uchiha clan. I never agree with your family, including you now. Maybe you can understand this, because since my eldest brother passed away, you have never left my sight , you have been watched and guarded by me!"

The Second Hokage looked at the silent Qiu with his head down, took a sip of tea and said, "Uchiha Madara is a man standing at the pinnacle of the ninja world. He has made countless contributions to Konoha, even Sometimes, he does better than my elder brother. The coercion of Iwanin to surrender is the best proof. Uchiha Madara's belief in beating the second Tsuchikage and his disciples with absolute superiority almost collapsed. It is even more indirect to kill a generation of Tsuchikage. Although my elder brother does not agree with this approach, I absolutely support Uchiha Madara on this matter."

At this time, Qiu looked at the Second Hokage in surprise, and the Second Hokage looked at Qiu's surprised eyes and said: "You are surprised, it's not surprising, I am like this, if you do something wrong, I won't give it to you." You have a good face, if you do the right thing, I will never embarrass you. Maybe many people can't accept my way of life, but I never think there is anything wrong with my way. Of course, my biggest mistake was when I Big brother didn't firmly support his position when he let Uchiha Madara go and kill Uchiha Madara!"

Qiu asked at this time: "My lord, I want to know why."

The Second Hokage looked at Qiu for a long time before saying, "How much do you know about those eyes of your own family?"

Facing the second Hokage's question, Qiu replied: "Our family's blood inheritance boundary is also one of the two most powerful pupil arts in Konoha Village."

The Second Hokage said after hearing this: "That's all? Haven't you heard of your grandfather's Kaleidoscope Sharingan?"

"Kaleidoscope? Could it be that our Sangouyu Sharingan can evolve?" Qiu asked suspiciously,

At this time, the food was placed on the table between the two of them by the clerk, Second Hokage glanced at Qiu and said: "Eat first, let's find a place to talk slowly after eating."


"My lord, the seven ninja swordsmen of Mist Ninja Village pay homage." Seven ninjas with Mist Ninja logos in different shapes appeared in front of Mizukage II.

The Second Mizukage looked at these ninjas with a smile and said: "The expansion of our country of water is on your shoulders. Although I am here, I still want to test the strength of your seven-member organization. Let's go! Follow along!" I will take the head of the second generation of Tsuchikage, and let the world know the strength of Mistunin Village in the country of water."


Second Hokage and Qiu stayed in a hotel after dinner. In the room of Second Hokage, Second Hokage sat cross-legged on the ground and said: "What did you want to ask about what I told you at the hotel, now we can Talk slowly."

Qiuya sat down and asked the second Hokage: "What is a kaleidoscope, and what secrets our Uchiha family has, I don't know."

The Second Hokage fell silent again, wondering whether he should tell the child who was less than ten years old in front of him. After a long time, the Second Hokage said, "Let's talk about your Uchiha family first." Opening the eyes, the reason for opening the eyes is mostly inner fluctuations, maybe it is hatred or anger, etc., or it has been tempered for a long time, and then there are one hook jade, two hook jade, and three hook jade. Yes!"

Qiu nodded and said: "Your Excellency is right, the eyes of the Ri Xiang clan are also like this! There is no difference."

The Second Hokage shook his head and said again: "You are wrong, a large part of the reason why I am hostile to your Uchiha family is because of what I said next, not because of the rumors in the world that your Uchiha family will rebel or It's what killed my brother."

Then the Second Hokage sorted out his thoughts and said, "You are a cursed race!"


"Yes! The cursed family, I used to think that our Senju family uses love instead of art as the source of power, while the Uchiha family uses art as the source of power, but this is not the case! After many years of my experience After investigating, I found that no family has more love than the Uchiha family, so the Uchiha family sealed it up."

Qiu asked suspiciously, "What do you mean, my lord? Love? Seal?"

Second Hokage nodded slowly and continued: "Once the Uchiha clan knows about love, they will be able to release the tightly bound love, and the power that surpasses Senju's love will awaken!"

Qiu's mind was confused and he didn't understand the meaning of the Second Hokage's words. He asked in confusion: "Isn't this a good thing? Our Konoha will become stronger...we..."

Qiu's words were interrupted by the Second Hokage, who only heard the Second Hokage say: "You are wrong, that is a very troublesome thing! Because of that overly strong love, there is a possibility of going berserk at any time. Uchiha who knows love Once the members of the clan lose that strong love! That love will be replaced by stronger hatred, and the temperament of that Uchiha clansman will change drastically. The old man has witnessed that situation countless times, and a certain Symptoms come with that as well."


"Yes. When the Uchiha people lose their great love, or when they are struggling with pain, a special chakra will emerge in their brains and feed back to the optic nerves, causing changes in the eyes, "the pupil of the soul" That is what you call Sharingan! Sharingan will rapidly strengthen personal ability and hatred in the heart synchronously with the power of the heart. There are many people with delicate thoughts in the Uchiha clan, and most people with strong emotions will fall into it. Falling into evil in the darkness! The darker the heart, the stronger the power of the pupil. The whole person becomes the source of evil irreparably, just like Madara back then! Your deep love for your parents , The deep respect and love for your teacher is the biggest reason for me to keep you by my side, because the old man is afraid that one day in the future, you will also fall into the eternal darkness like Madara and cannot extricate yourself! So I think I should kill you before that! If it wasn't for your teacher's wife who didn't feel the maliciousness in you, I believe I would have already done it to you!"

The second generation of Hokage ignored Qiu's pale face and continued: "You Uchiha clan still has some usefulness anyway, so I didn't kill them all. It is also a good thing to coordinate the power of the Uchiha clan to make some contributions to the village. It's the most important thing! Do you understand!"

After saying that, the Second Hokage looked seriously at the silent Qiu in front of him. After some time, there was a burst of mourning singing outside the window. Then Qiu stood up and walked to the window. Looking at the funeral scene outside, he said: " Bewitched! The curse of the Uchiha family!"

Second Hokage also got up and walked to Qiu's side, the two of them were not talking and just kept looking out of the window.

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