Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 14 Soliciting Surnames

Wu Dong had just arrived at Liangshanbo, and immediately arranged everything in an orderly manner, so that everyone could settle down, and it was no longer the chaotic situation when Wang Lun was there. Zhu Gui couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

Among the former leaders of Liang Shanbo, Zhu Gui is the only leader who sincerely hopes that Liang Shanbo will become better and better, and that Liang Shanbo will continue to grow stronger.Now Zhu Gui deeply felt that it was right to ask Wu Dong to go up the mountain this time. If Wu Dong didn't come, and Wang Lun would still be the chief, Liang Shanbo would become worse and worse, and might even be completely wiped out by the officers and soldiers.

Now Wu Dong is in charge of the overall situation, Lin Chong is in charge of the military, and Zhu Gui is in charge of intelligence. Zhu Gui feels that Liangshan Po can be built like an iron barrel, and officers and soldiers will definitely not be able to enter Liangshan Po again.

Wu Dong is well aware of the importance of the division of labor. One of the main reasons why Liangshanbo’s development was limited at the beginning was that there was no division of labor or the division of labor was not clear, that is to say, there was no perfect system.At that time, Liangshanbo was essentially a den of bandits. Although there were several leaders and military divisions, and they were divided into horse troops, infantry troops, navy troops, etc., in essence, the bandit leaders led their own minions. to fight.

Such a Liangshanbo, even if there are as many experts as clouds, can only defend Liangshan, and it is impossible to truly capture the city and establish a political power.

Of course, there is another fundamental reason for the limited development of Liangshanbo, that is, there is no civil affairs.The heroes in Liangshanbo mainly make a living by plundering, that is, being bandits.Even if they rob the rich and give to the poor, they are still bandits, but relatively righteous bandits.Therefore, Liang Shanbo has never been able to get rid of the limitations of bandits.

Now that Wu Dong is here, naturally he can no longer let Liangshanbo develop in the direction of the bandit den, but wants to establish Liangshanbo as a "base area" with a relatively complete system, and turn this place into his own rear.

There are many islands here, and all of them are islands formed by the sediment of the Yellow River. There is a lot of land on it. As long as it is reclaimed, it can feed millions of people. Moreover, the fishery here is rich enough to feed hundreds of thousands of people by fishing. It is too easy to develop civil affairs here.In the past, Wang Lun and others did not do it, nor did Chao Gai, Song Jiang and others in the original book, but Wu Dong wanted to do it well.

"I don't know what the chief commanded us?" Du Qian and Song Wan stood in front of Wu Dong with some fear, and Du Qian asked.

The two of them still don't know what kind of character Wu Dong is. They don't know whether Wu Dong will not give them a good face because they are Wang Lun's former subordinates, deliberately make trouble for them, etc. Now they are very disturbed.

"Both of you, give me a count of the total population of Liangshanbo, how many soldiers there are, how many civilians there are, you need to have accurate figures." Wu Dong said.

Zhu Gui had talked about the situation in Liangshanbo before, but what Zhu Gui said were approximate figures, which were not precise, while Wu Dong wanted precise figures.

Du Qian and Song Wan didn't dare to disobey Wu Dong's order, so they did it immediately.

Cao Zheng has already left at this moment, and is planning to build hotels in various places to check for news, not to mention that.

Zhu Gui is still staying on the island at this time, because Wu Dong, Lin Chong and others have just seized the leadership of Liang Shanbo, Wang Lun has just died, and the situation here is not very stable, so he will naturally help Wu Dong and Lin Chong suppress this place. .


Three days later, Du Qian and Song Wan came back to Wudong. Du Qian said: "Now there are 13503 people on the island, including 2003 soldiers and 11500 civilians."

Wu Dong nodded and said, "The number of soldiers is enough for now, but unfortunately the number of civilians is too small."

Du Qian was surprised and said: "Is the number of people still small? We all feel that the number of people is too many, which is a huge burden for us. Some time ago, we were still thinking that if someone came to Liangshan in the future , can’t bring family members, we can’t afford to support so many people.”

For a "bandit den", naturally there is no need for a large number of people, the people can only be a burden, but for a base area, it cannot be without people.

Wu Dong said: "That was before... We couldn't afford to support so many people, but Liangshanbo could afford it? Let the people cultivate fields, plant crops, and fish. They can be completely self-sufficient."

Du Qian and Song Wan thought about it, and Du Qian said, "This... seems to be possible."

In fact, they are slandering in their hearts at this moment, thinking that Wu Dong is really unnecessary.In their hearts, Liangshanbo is still the place where families are looted and heroes gather together, but it is not a place for the people to live well.

Wu Dong pondered for a moment, and said: "The number of people in Liangshanbo is not too many, but too few. I have something to tell you."

Du Qian said, "I don't know what it is?"

Wu Dong said: "The two of you, with hundreds of soldiers, disguised yourself and secretly went to Shandong and Hebei to recruit people. Tell those people that anyone who is willing to come to Liangshanbo will be given five acres of land. Every one you recruit People, I will give you a tael of silver."

When Wu Dong first said it, the two of them didn't take it seriously, thinking that Wu Dong was superfluous, and even thought that Wu Dong might be entertaining them, but after hearing the latter, the two couldn't help but be overjoyed.

The two of them didn't have any big ambitions. Back then, they came to Liangshan Po Luocao just to rob.To rob treasure, but to rob.Looting treasure is not an easy task. Everyone in Shandong Province knows that Liangshanbo is not a good place, and ordinary business travelers take a detour. In a few years, the two of them only accumulated a few hundred taels of silver.

But now, as long as they can bring hundreds of people back, they will be able to catch up with their years of accumulation.If they could bring thousands or tens of thousands of people back, wouldn't they have tens of thousands of property?

I was overjoyed at the moment, wishing I could bring thousands or tens of thousands of people here now.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Wu Dong said, "There is one thing I want to remind you. You must never use force. Originally, we said that as long as you come, you will give five acres of land. The people will come back naturally after being tempted, but if you use force, I'm afraid The people will not believe what we say... In this way, if I find out that a person is forced to come up by you, I will deduct 100 taels of silver from you. Therefore, remember, you must persuade the people in Hebei and Shandong to believe our sincerity."

When Du Qian and Song Wan heard this, they couldn't help being taken aback. Wu Dong's words broke their desire to force the people to go to Liangshan, but even with words of persuasion, they believed that some people could come to Liangshan.

After leaving here, Du Qian and Song Wan laughed loudly.

Du Qian said: "There is such a good thing? It's unbelievable... In the past, when we robbed houses and robbed houses, we used our heads to do our best and didn't get much money. Now as long as we bring a commoner to Liangshan, we can get a tael of silver. I think It's like a dream."

Song Wandao: "The current big leader is a well-known figure in the Jianghu. It is said that he has a family property of hundreds of thousands. A hero like him must do what he says, and he will definitely not default on our silver taels...Follow this It’s much better to follow Wang Lun than follow Wang Lun.”

Wang Lun is mean and stingy. When he went down the mountain to rob, 90% of the gold and silver went to Wang Lun, and the rest was divided among the three leaders.Comparing now, both of them think Wu Dong is better.

Du Qian said: "In this case, I will go to Cangzhou Prefecture, Hebei Province, and recruit people there."

Song Wandao: "I'll go to Qingzhou Prefecture and Jeju Prefecture, and then we will recruit more people than anyone else."

The two laughed again, and now each brought 200 minions, dressed up as ordinary Jianghu characters, and went down the mountain to complete Wu Dong's mission.


Wu Dong was not afraid that they would attract many people, or that they would not have money to pay them.

This time, he brought all his family wealth to Liangshanbo. After several years of accumulation, he has a full family property of 50 yuan.Unless these two people can bring 50 people, it will make him bankrupt.

Of course, if these two people can really bring so many people, Wu Dong will not hesitate to give them the family property of 50 guan.

Bringing money to Liangshanbo is for spending and doing business, how can you be stingy?

You must know that the people are the foundation of a political power. Without a population, no matter how good the system is, you cannot become strong.To establish a base in Wudong, a population of at least one million is needed.

With the people, Liangshanbo can be self-sufficient without having to rob houses, and then it can truly get rid of the identity of bandits and make this place truly a "regime".

In the following month, Wu Dong understood and controlled Liangshan Park on the one hand, and discussed with Lin Chong the issue of Liangshan Park's military system on the other hand.

When it comes to training soldiers and arranging troops, Wu Dong is naturally far inferior to Lin Chong, but Wu Dong comes from a modern society and has many advanced insights in his heart. These are the places where he is worse than Lin Chong.

"Brother, do you know how the military system of this dynasty is different from that of Emperor Qin, Han Wu, and the heyday of the Tang Dynasty?" Wu Dong said.

"This... I don't know, brother, please tell me." Lin Chong said.

"Emperor Qin, Han Wu, and even the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, all implemented the conscription system. All young men in the country are obliged to accept the signs. When the country needs them, they must join the army, take up arms, and fight for the country. However, this dynasty implemented a recruitment system, and at first selected soldiers from the refugees and hungry people, because the government of this dynasty believed that after the young and middle-aged were picked out of the refugees and hungry people, it was impossible for the remaining old and weak to rise up and oppose The imperial court. Once these people become soldiers, they are immediately converted into military households. All their descendants are military households. They will no longer have to work and will be supported by the imperial court. , it was not enough to support their families, so these soldiers started some small businesses, or became tenant farmers, and the officers did not dare to let the soldiers come to train, lest they arouse public anger. And whenever there was another disaster in some places, Continue to select soldiers from refugees and hungry people, so that the size of the army in this dynasty is getting bigger and bigger, but the quality is getting worse. Many people are soldiers from birth to soldiers until they die. They have never touched it a few times in their lives. Guns, but they have to go to the battlefield during the war. They are just inherited from their father's profession, and they can't do it if they want to." Wu Dong said.


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