Reborn Wu Dalang

Chapter 15 Shaking Shandong

"Hearing what you said, the military system of this dynasty is far inferior to that of the Qin, Han, and Tang Dynasties?" Lin Chong asked.

"It's only natural... the problem of redundant soldiers in this dynasty has developed to the point where it is difficult to improve. There are more and more soldiers, but the combat effectiveness of the soldiers is getting worse and worse. The court is spending more and more gold and silver on the army... Unless there is a change of dynasty, this problem is impossible to solve." Wu Dong said.

Lin Chong was silent for a moment, sighed, and nodded in agreement with Wu Dong.

"So, brother, I will not be able to implement the system of our dynasty in Liangshanpo from now on. We will implement the conscription system in the Qin and Han Dynasties. All young men in Liangshanbo are obliged to join the army. They must be recruited freely. After the service period expires, they can leave the army , become ordinary people again." Wu Dong said.

"However, there are only a few people in Liangshanbo, where do we recruit soldiers?" Lin Chong asked.

"I have sent Du Qian and Song Wan to various places in Hebei and Shandong to recruit people. At that time, the number of people in Liangshanbo will increase. At that time, the conscription system can be truly implemented. Now the conscription system is only in my heart. An idea, there is still a lot to be perfected when it is actually implemented." Wu Dong said.

For example, the scale of conscription, the selection of soldiers, the period of service of soldiers, the pensions of soldiers after they are killed in battle, the preferential treatment measures for soldiers after returning to their hometowns, etc., all these must be carefully studied, and any problems encountered in the implementation process must be corrected immediately. It will take several years to fully perfect it.

After implementing such a military system, the combat effectiveness of the Liangshanbo army will greatly exceed that of the Song Dynasty army, and may even compete with the Liao soldiers and Jin soldiers.

"Also, brother, from now on, ten people will form a company, with a leader. Ten teams will form a battalion, with a battalion commander. Ten battalions will form a brigade, with a brigade commander. Ten brigades will form an army, with an army commander. One leader...Now we only have 2000 people, which is equivalent to two brigades. Temporarily turn these two brigades into one army, called the Liangshan First Army, brother, you will be the commander of the Liangshan First Army." Wu Dong said .

Lin Chong was a little surprised. His first impression was that the four words "military commander", "brigadier commander", "battalion commander" and "corporate commander" were quite novel, but they were simple and easy to understand, and they were easy to sort.Unlike the current Song Dynasty army, there are so many positions and titles that it is often difficult to distinguish between superiors and subordinates.When he was in Bianliang, even Lin Chong often made mistakes, let alone ordinary soldiers. Mistaking the position of the position and the title of the army will bring great disadvantages during the battle and cause confusion in command.

With these four titles, there is no such problem.

He was overjoyed at the moment, and said: "Brother, could it be that you are a star of Wenqu or Wuqu? You can come up with such a good idea. I really admire you for my brother."

Wu Dong laughed loudly, and said: "These are nothing... It's just that there are too few real heroes in my Liangshanbo. In the army, only my brother and a commander can control the situation. I still need to recruit some heroes to serve as brigade commanders, battalion commanders, etc. Waiting for duty."

But there is no need to worry about these, Liangshanshuibo is such a good place, and Wudong now has a great reputation and great appeal. Sooner or later, heroes will go to Liangshan to serve as brigade commanders, battalion commanders and other positions.

Established the basic military system, established the divisions of army commander, brigade commander, battalion commander, and corps commander, and planned to develop civil affairs. In the future, the Liangshan army will never become a group of bandits who rob houses. The bandit team is tens of millions of times stronger, and will truly establish a political power. On the one hand, they will fight against the imperial court, and on the other hand, they will resist the attacks of the Liao and Jin people.


It is said that Du Qian and Song Wan took hundreds of soldiers to recruit people everywhere. Du Qian came to Cangzhou and sneaked into many villages secretly to promote Liangshanbo's "land policy".

At the beginning, many people did not believe that Liangshanbo was the place where the legendary strongmen and bandits lived. How could they be so kind and give the people free land?Anyone who is a little bit more rational thinks it is nonsense.

Some people even wondered if the strongmen in Liangshanpo wanted to trick them into Liangshan and use them as human steamed buns?

Until the end, there was a family who couldn't survive, the harvest was not good, and they were about to starve to death this year, so they sneaked to Liangshanbo. As a result, Liangshanbo really gave each of them five acres of land according to the head of their family, and returned Seeds were provided so that they could farm with peace of mind.You can still fish for a living on weekdays, and you will never starve to death again.

Liangshanbo also has an agricultural tax, but the tax is astonishingly low, only 5%, which is unimaginable to them.

After the family settled down, they wrote letters to their relatives and friends. The relatives and friends were skeptical, but two more families came to Liangshanbo. Naturally, these two families also divided countless fields and seeds. Notified their relatives and friends of the matter.

At the beginning, one or two families knew about it, but in the end, the whole Cangzhou government knew about it, and more and more people went to Liangshan.

Song Wan recruited people to Liangshan in Jeju and Qingzhou. The same was true. It was extremely difficult at first, but it became more and more smooth after that, and more and more people were arranged to be sent to Liangshanbo.

Now the main task of the Liangshan First Army under Lin Chong's command is to bring the people to Liangshanbo, and at least hundreds of people can be received every day.

Gradually, not only Cangzhou, Jezhou, and Qingzhou knew about this matter, but the whole Shandong Province had spread the word: "The number one hero in Shandong went to Liangshan in time Yuwu Dalang. With compassion in mind, now Liangshan is no longer in the business of looting houses, but distributing land to the people all over the world, as long as you go to Liangshan, you will have land and seeds, and you can rest assured that you will no longer be exploited by the government."

Chinese farmers, no matter what dynasty they belong to, their greatest wish is to own their own land, not to mention that in the Song Dynasty, the dynasty with the largest gap between rich and poor, 90% of the farmers were tenant farmers, and half of their annual harvest There are still a lot left to be handed over to the landlords, and there is not much left in their hands.Their longing for the land can be described as "looking forward to the stars and the moon". As long as they can own their own land, they are willing to do even the most dangerous things, so they left their hometowns one after another and headed towards Liangshanbo.

In just three months, the population of Liangshanbo has reached 20, an increase of 20 times.

Wudong was originally famous for "Timely Rain" in Jianghu, but now it is not only famous in Jianghu, but also all the people in Shandong are spreading the name of "Timely Rain" for benevolence and righteousness. This "Timely Rain" is to bring nectar to all people in the world and benefit all people. the supreme figure.

Shandong shook for a while, and the Shandong government also shook.


Governments in Qingzhou, Jeju, Yanzhou, Laizhou, Dengzhou and other places issued bans one after another, prohibiting people from leaving their hometowns to go to Liangshanbo. Once found, they will be punished as gangsters.

However, such measures treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Liangshanbo's land allocation policy is too tempting, and there are still countless people sneaking towards Liangshanbo.

Even after the local government hacked and killed several gangsters and rioters, they still couldn't stop the wave of going to Liangshanbo.

In the yamen of the prefect of Qingzhou, Murong Yanda was frowning, and the superior sent him to exterminate the water bandits in Liangshanbo, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

It is really because Liangshan Po is too huge, there are reeds everywhere, and it is impossible to encircle and suppress it.Every time in the past, during the siege, those water bandits hid in the reed marshes, and they were never found again, and the officers and soldiers did not dare to venture into the reed marshes, so every encirclement and suppression was anticlimactic.

When Wang Lun was there before, hundreds of water bandits were killed during the siege, and Murong Yanda reported it to the court as a major contribution, so the court thought he was quite brave, and sent him to attack again this time.

At that moment, Murong Yanda called the Chief of Qingzhou Bingma Division and Qingzhou Bingma Dujian to his prefect's yamen.

These two people are very well-known missions. The commander of soldiers and horses is called Qin Ming, known as Thunderbolt, and his personality is a bit irritable and impulsive, but his martial arts skills are not trivial.The Bingmadujian is called Huang Xin, who is known as Zhen Sanshan. He is also very powerful in martial arts, and he is Qin Ming's apprentice.

Murong Yanda said: "Since the change of leader, Liang Shanbo has stopped looting houses and recruiting people everywhere, making people in Shandong panic. Now that the imperial court asks me to encircle and suppress the bandits in Liangshan, which one of you is willing to lead the army? "


Qin Ming and Huang Xin frowned, Qin Ming said: "Master, it's not that we don't want to go, you also know that Liangshan Po is so big, there are only a few water bandits, it's too difficult to catch."

Huang Channel: "Master, there are also rampant thieves in Qingzhou. There are three thieves, Qingfeng Mountain, Erlong Mountain, and Taohua Mountain. There are thousands of thieves on each mountain. If we go to encircle Liangshanbo, the thieves from these three mountains will come down. , How should we resist? If they reach Qingzhou City by then, then we will be guilty of a great sin."

Murong Yanda said: "Is there no other way? This is an order personally issued by Gao Taiwei of the Privy Council, and I have to carry it out. You should go around and talk about it."

This Murong Yanda is actually a relative of the emperor, and his younger sister is the imperial concubine of the current Emperor Huizong. However, his identity and status are still far from Gao Qiu's, and he cannot resist Gao Qiu's orders.Knowing that Lin Chong was behind Liangshan, Gao Qiu gritted his teeth with hatred for Lin Chong, so he ordered him to attack immediately.

Qin Ming pondered for a moment, and said: "Yes, I remembered! We also have a Qingfeng Village in Qingzhou, which is specially set up for troops, and there are countless soldiers and horses in it. It will certainly be able to wipe out the Liang Shanshui bandits."

Murong Yanda was taken aback for a moment, then he also thought of this "Qingfeng Village". Strictly speaking, this "Qingfeng Village" is not under his control, it is a military station directly under the imperial court.But after all, it was on his territory of Qingzhou, and his official position was much higher than that of Zhizhai, so he immediately issued an order for Hua Rong to lead 2000 troops to encircle and suppress Liang Shanshuibo.

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